Redneckerz Posted December 19, 2021 (edited) Introduction: It has been over 3 years, but i just noticed that Risen3D had a new release back on November 14, with an update December 17. So i figured, why not make a thread. List of changes: Spoiler Requires; Win98/win2k/XP/Vista[32/64], Windows7[32/64], Windows8, or Windows10 and at least DX8. Please note: when updating Risen3D any analysis files that were previously generated may be rebuilt. New users should be aware that nodes and analysis file building with large maps can take some time. This only happens when first run as any node file that takes more than one second to build or analysis file that takes more than three are stored allowing the start-up delay when next run to be minimised. Although several options will be shown for window sizing within the in game Control Panel/Video menu it is best to run in Fullscreen mode and to use, if the monitor is not a crt type, the monitor's default resolution (which should also be the desktop resolution). GENERAL NOTES 1) Do not tick ‘Run this program as an administrator’ in properties else a 'User Account' window will be spawned each time R3D is started. Some legacy programs require this setting to be ticked in order to run, R3D does not. 2) R3D is developed on a machine with modest hardware but it has been noticed that on later/faster machines using Win10 that flashing can occur when running in windowed mode. Most games today do not offer this as an option and only run in fullscreen mode. It would seem that video drivers are optimised for fullscreen mode as no flashing occurs using this. As such it is best to run R3D in the default fullscreen mode where using Win10. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Due to significant changes that have had to be made previous savegames are no longer supported. All Risen3D scripted maps have been revised for use with v35 and a new map which uses changes in v35, Doomsday Rocket, has been added. As such we would advise existing users of v34 or lower that a new, clean install is undertaken by; 1) Renaming your existing Risen3D folder to, say, Risen3Dold. 2) Installing the new version. 3) Moving the risen3D.cfg file from Risen3Dold to Risen3D. 4) Moving the existing R3DGames folder from Risen3Dold to the new Risen3D folder. 5) Reinstalling all model packs from our site. 6) If wanted download and install scripted games as required. 7) Hawkwind's addon pack can now be installed. 8) Run the newly installed Launcher and delete all savegames. 9) Delete the Risen3Dold folder. Changes over v220-34 ... GL4 nodes, built using r3dglbsp, is now supported by internal side unpacking code. The advantage is that where, previously, GL5 nodes were used it is now possible to unpack sides without affecting the internal analysis code or proprietary 3D side definitions. This allows maps like Intercep2 map28 or Remnant map01 to have glow and analysis applied which was previously unsupported with GL5 nodes. Note that this has nothing to do with the nodes shipped with a wad as these are ignored and are rebuilt internally. In practice Risen3Donly needs the THINGS, LINEDEFS, SIDEDEFS,VERTEXES and SECTOR lumps. The SEGS, SSECTORS, NODES, REJECT and BLOCKMAP lumps are ignored. Hangs caused by zero length lines in maps with packed sidedefs fixed. This is rare to find and should not happen but with some map editors does happen. Although previously checked for with standard map definitions, where it is more common, with packed sides this fault could fly under the radar. Various fixes have been made including adding MBF support for the original beta states. This means that wads, both old and new, that were previously unsupported can now be run. E.g: STRAIN (1997), DOTB_RC3.WAD, (2018) Eviternity.wad (2019). Heightsec errors fixed. E.g. Criticality wad can now be run without rendering errors. Wall scrolling bug fixed with some maps fixed (e.g. PC_CP map31) and sky scrolling is now better supported (both vertically and horizontally). Maps such as Adonis_RC3 map31 are now rendered correctly. Special 38 (which calls EV_DoFloor with lowerFloorToLowest) had no effect if the sector was already at the lowest floor. In this case the highest floor surrounding needs to be substituted and now is. An example exists in bge2.wad E2M7 with line 894 that is tagged to S184. Fix added to prevent archvile fire attacking where unsighted but in the same sector. (E.g. Cchest3 map05). Elevator fix made (e.g. Cchest3 map24 with sector 51). Channels are now set to 64 or 128. 128 should be used but 64 is allowed if there is a problem with early sound cards. None, however, have been found that require this. Fault causing 3D sound to occasionally 'screech' fixed. NOTE: to enable 3D sound please see R3D_Docs\Help\R3D_Sound.txt. 5.1 (3D) surround sound now plays correctly. In model mode gun smoke can now be selected. SKEL missile puffs now correctly drawn including smoke trails both in standard doom and with CFX models. The two types of trail, depending on whether they are homing, are also made more obvious. Problem fixed where Vsync with some Intel chips had to be set manually in the Control Panel after starting Risen3D despite having been previously set and stored in the cfg file. State sequence error corrected with the punch states. This now means the punch looks smoother. The internal control panel UI has been tidied up with settings either shown or, where applcable, not shown in line with the settings chosen in the launcher or imposed by scripted maps. Scripted map support has been extended by doubling the available range of scripted map spotsand the addition of further scripted keywords. There are also many other changes made to deal with doom effects. A good example of one is with Valve/Valiant.wad map28 with its rather attractive platforms composed of lines rising from floors. Risen3D cannot render two different skies simultaneously but code has been added to allow better rendering where sky changes are used when only one is visible such as with Valve/Valiant.wad map31. Download: Binaries: Here (Setup installer) and Here (Zipped) Source code: Here Comes with a new map: Doomsday Rocket. Download: Here More info: Homepage Trivia: Risen3D is derived from Doomsday 1.7.8 and was originally called Boomsday with the plugin called JBoom. It is basically JDoom, but with Boom and MBF extensions. Edited December 20, 2021 by Redneckerz 8 Quote Share this post Link to post
hawkwind Posted December 20, 2021 (edited) You beat me to it. I was going to wait a bit and see if any issues arose. An additional fix, not mentioned, is that fake sectors now work as intended. There were issues with them in earlier R3D versions. All R3D users should also download my addons, which, among other things, now include the addon for Caverns of Darkness. And UDB users should download the UDB config files. I would like to add, not just Boom extensions, but MBF extensions as well. Edited December 20, 2021 by hawkwind 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
Lobo Posted December 21, 2021 Wow! I thought this port was dead, glad to see a new release! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
camper Posted January 6, 2024 This port seems to have the unique ability to make 3D lines that can be used as a fence, bridge or ladder. Moreover, this is without using the udmf functions. I tried to redesign the level for this port: I changed the railings, fence and added two ladders. In the attached file. It seems there is no multiplayer in it? lestrisen.rar 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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