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Index of Maps/WADS by monster count (Updated 6/25/23)

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Updated with the following WADs:


- Pagodia

- Dance on the Water

- Infection

- Nensha

- Plutonia Revisited Community Project 2

- Hydrosphere

- Caffeine Injection

- Community Chest 64


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Updated with the following WADs:


- Corrupted Cistern

- PUSS 1: September Under the Sea

- PUSS 2: Trick & Tear

- PUSS III: Boss Battle Bonanza

- PUSS IV: The 12 Days of Doommas

- PUSS V: Clandestine Castle Crashing

- PUSS VI: Imperfect Hatred

- PUSS VII: March of the Speeddemons

- PUSS IX: Mapping at Warpspeed

- PUSS X: The Summer of Slaughter

- Hot Potato - Boom

- Line in the Sand

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Updated with the following WADs:


- PUSS XI: Anniversary Under the Sea

- PUSS XII: Trick & Tear 2


- PUSS XIV: 12 More Days of Doommas

- PUSS XV: Mysterious Mayan Madness

- Musical Mapping

- PUSS XVII: Pandemonium Speed Weeks

- PUSS XVIII: Revenge of the Speeddemons

- MAYhem 2022

- Distribution Center

- dead.air

- Cursed Realms - Path Over The Abyss

- Soundless Mound

- Joy of Mapping 1

- Joy of Mapping 2

- Joy of Mapping 3: Mandatory Joy


Keep in mind I'm always open to requests or corrections.

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Updated with the following WADs:


- Joy of Mapping 4: Summer School

- Joy of Mapping 5: Winter Weekend

- Joy of Mapping 6: Joy Eternal

- Junkfood

- Doomworld Speedmapping Compilation 1

- Doomworld Speedmapping Compilation 2

- Doomworld Speedmapping Compilation 3

- Doomworld Speedmapping Compilation 4

- Doomworld Speedmapping Compilation 5

- Doomworld Speedmapping Compilation 6

- All Aboard the Mega Magilla Gorilla Flotilla

- Altair1

- Altair2

- Altair3a

- Angry Quilt

- Angry Quilt 2

- Angry Quilt III: Big Game Hunter

- Antares

- AOL Girls Museum

- Arachna

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Updated with the following WADs:


- Doomworld Speedmapping Compilation 7

- Doomworld Speedmapping Compilation 8

- Doomworld Speedmapping Compilation 9

- Doomworld Speedmapping Compilation 10

- Doomworld Speedmapping Compilation 12

- Doomworld Speedmapping Compilation 13

- Doomworld Speedmapping Compilation 14

- Doomworld Speedmapping Compilation 15

- Doomworld Speedmapping Compilation 16

- Argus

- Balls of Steel Community Project

- Hardfest

- Assault on Moonbase Cresta

- Asylum of the Wretched

- Barbie Girl

- Baron Gate

- Quick is Good

- Sequel to Quick is Good

- Center

- Baron's Realm

- Barrel2

- Beach Day

- Berserk

- Beyond Death


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Updated with the following WADs:


- Bilbo's Smegging WAD

- Nuts III Arena

- Nuts Lite

- Doomworld Speedmapping Compilation 17

- Doomworld Speedmapping Compilation 18

- Doomworld Speedmapping Compilation 19

- Doomworld Speedmapping Compilation 21

- Doomworld Speedmapping Compilation 22

- Doomworld Speedmapping Compilation 23

- Doomworld Speedmapping Compilation 24

- Eagle Speedmapping Session 1 - Rough Beginning

- Eagle Speedmapping Session 2 - King Double

- Birthday Wedgie

- Mouldy Old Void

- Put Up Your Dukes!

- Black Magnetic

- The Heart of Stone

- Celestial Site

- Blastem

- The Bleeding Tower of Pisa

- Blood Sports

- Bloody Experience


- Lake4

- Boom

- BS_L21

- BS_L22

- The C.P.U.

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Updated with the following WADs:


- Eagle Speedmapping Session 3 - Third on the 3rd

- Eagle Speedmapping Session 4 - Four Square!

- Eagle Speedmapping Session 5 - Total Silence!

- Eagle Speedmapping Session 7 - All Alone in the Flame of Doubt

- Eagle Speedmapping Session 8 - Memesis

- Eagle Speedmapping Session 9 - Joy to the Eagles

- Eagle Speedmapping Session 11 - It Was A Good Run, Folks

- Pigeon Speedmapping Session 1 - Operation Health

- Pigeon Speedmapping Session 2 - Too Many Birds

- Pigeon Speedmapping Session 3 - 50 Christmas Pigeons

- Pigeon Speedmapping Session 4 - Guns of the Birds

- Pigeon Speedmapping Session 5 - The X-Files

- Pigeon Speedmapping Session 6 - To Hell and Back

- Hellfire

- Hellfire 2

- Hellfire: Reborn

- Hellfire: Dreams

- Hellfire III

- Calgon, Take Me Away! (Doom version)

- Calgon, Take Me Away! (Doom 2 version)

- Capone's Pit

- Carreg Cennan Castle

- Castle Nevermore

- Street

- Europe

- Vanilla Sky

- Nightlife

- Slith

- Hoover Dam

- Casmania

- The Castle of Blood


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For Eagle 6 and 10 (as I presume you added 1 and 2; if not, same applies), if you need finalized versions, I can DM them to you. Glad to see Eagle added to these!

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On 1/10/2023 at 10:32 AM, NaZa said:

For Eagle 6 and 10 (as I presume you added 1 and 2; if not, same applies), if you need finalized versions, I can DM them to you. Glad to see Eagle added to these!


Yeah, I couldn't find all of them.

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Updated with the following WADs:


- NiGHTMARE Speedmapping Compilation 1

- NiGHTMARE Speedmapping Compilation 2

- NiGHTMARE Speedmapping Compilation 3

- NiGHTMARE Speedmapping Compilation 4

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Updated with the following WADs (many thanks to NaZa):


- Eagle Speedmapping Compilation 6

- Eagle Speedmapping Compilation 10

- NiGHTMARE Speedmapping Compilation 5

- NiGHTMARE Speedmapping Compilation 6

- NiGHTMARE Speedmapping Compilation 7

- Return to Purgatory

- Castle of Dragon

- Castle to Hell

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EDIT: Updated with the following WADs


- NiGHTMARE Speedmapping Compilation 8

- NiGHTMARE Speedmapping Compilation 9

- NiGHTMARE Speedmapping Compilation 10

- NiGHTMARE Speedmapping Compilation 11

- NiGHTMARE Speedmapping Compilation 12

- SargeBaldy Speedmapping Compilation 1

- The Castle


- Castle1

- The Castle: Map 28

- Castlem

- Caverns

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EDIT: Updated with the following WADs


- SargeBaldy Speedmapping Compilation 2

- SargeBaldy Speedmapping Compilation 3

- SargeBaldy Speedmapping Compilation 4

- SargeBaldy Speedmapping Compilation 5

- SargeBaldy Speedmapping Compilation 6

- SargeBaldy Speedmapping Compilation 7

- SargeBaldy Speedmapping Compilation 8

- SargeBaldy Speedmapping Compilation 9

- Cavlab11

- Chambers of Dis

- Chase

- Chasm Control

- Fight Through Hell

- Chester

- Chord 1

- Chord 2



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Updated with the following WADs:


- SargeBaldy Speedmapping Compilation 10

- SargeBaldy Speedmapping Compilation 11

- SargeBaldy Speedmapping Compilation 12

- SargeBaldy Speedmapping Compilation 13

- SargeBaldy Speedmapping Compilation 14

- SargeBaldy Speedmapping Compilation 15

- SargeBaldy Speedmapping Compilation 16

- SargeBaldy Speedmapping Compilation 17

- Bury My Heart Knee-Deep

- Command Control

- Cooper's Creosote

- The Corruption of Substation Alpha

- CourtYard

- CyberDoom

- Exquisite Corpse

- Czequisite Corpse

- The D.M.Z.

- Dark Canyon

- Doom 2 Unleashed

- 2048 Unleashed


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Updated with the following WADs:


- SargeBaldy Speedmapping Compilation 18

- SargeBaldy Speedmapping Compilation 19

- SargeBaldy Speedmapping Compilation 20

- SargeBaldy Speedmapping Compilation 21

- DBP02: Circle of Caina SP

- DBP03: Forest Swords

- DBP04: Xenomorph Base

- DBP05: Coffin Curse

- DBP06: Vicarious Reality

- DBP07: The Merry Christmassy Doom Project


- DBP09: Legend of the Hidden Tech

- The Waterfront

- Darker

- Dave

- Dave (Dave Geary WAD)

- Dave1

- The Day of Chains

- The DeathMatch Of The Century!

- Defragmentation Factor

- Degeneration I

- The Deimos Subway

- Demon Plague

- DemWAD01


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Updated with the following WADs:


- One Sector Collection

- 5 Minute Map Collection

- 5 Minute Mayhem

- The NEW DOOM v1.0

- Arcade

- Back to Nirvana X: Episode One

- Dubzzz's 5Minute Design Assembly

- Dubzzz's 5Minute Design Assembly #2

- Maps by my 6 Year Old Son

- Ode2dubzzz

- This SUXX!

- TNT: Threevilution

- DBP10: Earth Ends

- DBP11: Lilywhite Lilith

- DBP12: Into the Storm

- DBP13: Alien Bastards!

- DBP14: After the Fall

- DBP15: Fuck Global Warming... This Is Hell

- DBP16: Cyb's Freaky Colonoscopy

- DBP17: Alone

- Deneb Colony

- Density

- Desimation

- Device One

- Diabolus Ex

- Die Young!

- Disdain

- The Divide


We also have a new entry on the top 100 most populated maps (in fact, a new one in the top 10).

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  • 2 weeks later...
23 hours ago, Lewonx said:

The stats for TNT Revilution map 31 are incorrect, it actually has 277 monsters.


Fixed. Also fixed a few minor errors in the order of the list, and updated with the following WADs:


- DBP18: Umbral Platinum

- DBP19: A Doomer Boards Christmas Carol

- DBP20: Dungeons and Demons

- DBP21: Occult Secrets of the Third Reich on Mars

- DBP22: Biotech is Godzilla

- DBP24: Spaceballs: The Sequel: The Search for More DBP Maps

- DBP25: Dead, But Dreaming

- DBP26: The City of Damned Children

- DBP27: 10 Day Vacation

- DBP28: Fear and Loathing

- DBP29: Morbid Autumn

- DBP30: The Magnificent 5

- DBP31: Santa's Outback Bender

- DBP32: Tomatomania!

- Her Love Just Washed Away

- Third Eye

- DJW11


- DMTexas

- DMZoo

- Dock 69

- Don't Panic!

- Doom Anomaly

- Doom Must Fall

- Doom2 Map14 Homage

- Doomsday

- Doomtown

- Downhell

- Doxylamine Moon: Overdose

- Dystopia

- E1 MAP01



We also have one new entry on the top 100 most populated maps

Edited by Captain POLAND

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Updated with the following WADs:


- DBP35: Stroggman's Tundra

- DBP36: Aquatic Wonder

- DBP38: Chronicles of Ghost Town
- DBP39: Carnage Oasis

- The Egg of Human Endeavors

- The Enemy Inside

- Engine

- Killing Zone


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Updated with the following WADs:


- DBP40: Funnelcake Apparitions

- DBP41: Hell Revealed III (Pt. 1)

- DBP42: Slime on Earth

- DBP43: Christmas In Inferno

- DBP44: Japanese Valentines

- DBP45: Vrack Botanicals

- Castle of Evil


- Entry

- Escape from Phobos

- Escape from Deimos

- Escape from Natas


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Updated with the following WADs:


- DBP46: Monuments of Mars 2

- DBP47: Dreamcatcher Apparatus

- DBP48: Aliens vs. Predator vs. Terminator vs. Jason vs. Hell vs. Steven Seagal

- DBP49: Mausoleum Nefarium

- DBP50: Emerald City

- DBP51: Deadly Ritual

- DBP52: Havoc in Creation

- DBP53: Plutonian Sunrise


- Escape from Planet Deum

- Esselmap 1: Testing Facility

- Evil_E

- Excalibur

- Execute

- Extinguished

- The Fall of the Bastille


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Updated with the following WADs (thanks to RUBENEITOR and Astro X):


- s_monster

- The Mauve Zone


- Shades of Azure

- Doom Beneath

- 32 piece Cliptucky Fried Chicken!

- Astroverse

- Triangulum

- Baron Door

- Bonus Door

- Final Door

- DBP54: Steamy Bathhouse

- DBP55: Jolly Junkyard

- DBP56: Augustland Barrens

- The Farside of Titan

- Fear

- Fearless

- Abyssal Speedmapping Sessions: Session 1

- Abyssal Speedmapping Sessions: Session 2

- The Final Conflict


We also have a new entry on the top 100 most populated maps list.

Edited by Captain POLAND

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Updated with the following WADs:


- Skirmish

- Cold Front


- Mayhem Mansion

- Abyssal Speedmapping Sessions: Session 3

- Abyssal Speedmapping Sessions: Session 4

- Abyssal Speedmapping Sessions: Session 5

- Abyssal Speedmapping Sessions: Session 6

- Abyssal Speedmapping Sessions: Session 7

- Abyssal Speedmapping Sessions: Session 8

- Abyssal Speedmapping Sessions: Session 9

- Abyssal Speedmapping Sessions: Session 10

- Abyssal Speedmapping Sessions: Session 11

- Abyssal Speedmapping Sessions: Session 12

- The Final Geometry

- Sharp Things

- Firebox

- Fort Scar

- Fortress of Doom


- MarkRoom

- Megalab

- Megawatt

- Outpost 21


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Updated with the following WADs:


- Brutal Doom: Extermination Day

- Mockery

- Mock 2

- Batman Doom

- Action Doom

- Action Doom 2: Urban Brawl

- Super Sonic Doom

- Abyssal Speedmapping Sessions: Session 13

- Abyssal Speedmapping Sessions: Session 14

- Abyssal Speedmapping Sessions: Session 15

- Abyssal Speedmapping Sessions: Session 16

- Abyssal Speedmapping Sessions: Session 17

- Abyssal Speedmapping Sessions: Session 18

- Abyssal Speedmapping Sessions: Session 19

- Abyssal Speedmapping Sessions: Session 20

- Abyssal Speedmapping Sessions: Session 21

- Abyssal Speedmapping Sessions: Session 22

- Fred

- JStuff10

- Walls

- Spiral

- From A Dream

- The Fury

- Garden of Delight

- Gateway to Shangri-La

- Gene-Tech: Before the Storm

- Goaway

- Gonna Kick Your Fucking Ass


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5 minutes ago, Babos said:

chillax 1 is not yet finished, it stopped at track 73, it has no closure.


A lot of these aren't finished, like Sunder. I will update them as new releases are made, if you remind me.

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