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Give me some maps to playtest!


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18 hours ago, NaturalTvventy said:

Thanks for playing! To get the yellow key you have to hop up on a flaming barrel as it passes by.

Oh ok sorry about that. I got stunk in one when it dropped on me so I did't really think of that.

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7 hours ago, azerty said:

@pampoo79 Clicking on the download like doesn't seem to do anything you should maybe take a look at it. 

It's a redirect link for this post: 


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That link works @FEDEX but clicking the download like in your post does nothing. It doesn't download the map. It could be on my end but try to see if there is anything weird otherwise send me another link.

Edited by azerty

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So I was finally able to download the map properly idk what was wrong but here it is! The concept was pretty good though I wasn't able to finish the map properly. I will continue where I ended just let me know how to finish it. It could also be possible that it is impossible to finish because I fond some teleporters that looked a lot like teleporters but they didn't work so it might be that they are broken (let me know if I am wrong). Finding the other switches was pretty fun though I had a lot of fun with it. It was pretty difficult but I think that the changes you made helped the map a lot.

Here is the video:


Edited by azerty

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oh my, "one hour, this is gonna be painful" is what my first thought was, but it actually went rather smoothly. Overall I'm pretty pleased with how health + ammo played out for you, it even seemed to be on the easy side now (if you find a couple of secrets anyway).


So .... thankfully you "only" wasted 10 minutes on the broken teleporter(s), I'm deeply sorry for that. That's the thing, when you know where everything is yourself you don't backtrack... thats why other play testers are so important.. The action wasn't repeatable, actually another player found it to not be tp'ing at all before you but I didnt fix it completely. -_-


In the end after the "exit doors" you only missed like 2 rooms, so nothing to stay awake about...


things you ran past:


the lift at 5:55 (even activated it but ignored it). blue switch missed, and early super shotgun

around the corner at 6:26 there would have been a blue switch too

9:49 see the opening at the left? blue switch  so you found this eventually but you gave up on the blue switch. Actually this had given players problems before, so I opened this little space at the bottom to let you see that there is a way around that structure... unfortunately you didnt get the idea to walk through the blood "waterfall" right when exiting the TP. Actually I've seen such a secret in other maps several times but it seems to easy to miss still. I dont know why I didnt get the idea to make the waterfall a little translucent. I'm totally doing that now.

20:11 why not go down the dark stairs? blue switch. So THIS TOO has been overlooked by testers before lol! And I dont know why this is so persistently ignored honestly. I placed an imp there who comes out of that recess but it's apparently still to easy to miss, I'll probably have to lure the player with item, like I did on that ledge that leads to the yellow key (it didnt have the armor items before and players missed it too).


But I'm glad that you handled the infamous "oven" very well. ^^ Originally the whole thing had a -10% hp effect and no radiation suit. I intended the player to use the berserks and punch the Arch Viles to death(like you did a bit). It is doable (easily so with experience) but since Arch Viles seem to trigger players anyway I toned it down.


So thanks a lot, it was very helpful as you can tell. Its always interesting to see players handle things in ways you haven't seen before. Hope it was enjoyable too.



Edited by pampoo79

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Are you doing Maps only?


If not, would you be interested in covering my GZDoom mod, Walpurgis, with Doom/Heretic/Hexen Map(s) of your choice?

Here's the 'ol trailer:

I'm always interested in balance feedback. But if mods are not for you, no worries.

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22 minutes ago, azerty said:

@eharper256 I will take a look at it and probably play this with going down or something or if you have any suggestions please let me know.

Feel free to take something you haven't played in a while but want to re-visit. 


Some may feel its a little off on a pure techbase type wad since it is high-fantasy classes you're playing; but canonically if you're playing Walpurgis in a Doom Level, you've already become a dimensional hopping demigod, so anything is possible.


Going Down is nearly always a good choice though. :)

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Hi, would you like to play a map i made. It is my first stand alone map. :-)

Mapname: Hammer Falls

Engine: dsda-doom or pboom+, dosnt matter.

Textures used are the standard doom2 dito. Sky is custom but included. The only custom textures are the ones to prevent ingress into the stock levels.

Difficulties: All should be accounted for.

Complevel: 9 should work.


I guess you make videos of all your playthroughs, otherwise I would like to se a lmp demo.








Ask if you a have any questions!


-e1 haha i forgot meantion that play time is around 15 minutes, just so you know.

Edited by NeedHealth

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This  was awesome big fan of this mod beautiful work! I had lots fun with this and I thought it fitted perfectly with a map of mine. I noted some things were and there in the video. Some of the weapons felt a bit clumsy as it was a bit difficult to aim sometimes certainly if the enemies where higher up or if it a flying monster. I played through the whole level as a mage and then I used cheats to showcase and test all the weapons. Some of the weapons felt a bit overpowered (certainly that mage attack they couldn't even approach me). Maybe make some of the stuff take more ammo or reduce the damage just a tiny bit. I hope it helps let me know if you have any other questions.


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15 hours ago, azerty said:


This  was awesome big fan of this mod beautiful work! I had lots fun with this and I thought it fitted perfectly with a map of mine. I noted some things were and there in the video. Some of the weapons felt a bit clumsy as it was a bit difficult to aim sometimes certainly if the enemies where higher up or if it a flying monster. I played through the whole level as a mage and then I used cheats to showcase and test all the weapons. Some of the weapons felt a bit overpowered (certainly that mage attack they couldn't even approach me). Maybe make some of the stuff take more ammo or reduce the damage just a tiny bit. I hope it helps let me know if you have any other questions.


First of all, massive thanks for playing!!


No one ever reads the Read-This! (lol). You've got three fire modes on most weapons (two on the starter) so things will get alot more interesting when you start using them (and your inventory items) in tandem. Looks like you accidently figured out there are secondaries with the Axe during the Myrmidon playtest at least.
I'd also always recommend using a crosshair. Most stuff lines up with it if you're having trouble hitting aerial enemies (the percieved centre for alot of people is actually a bit lower in the screen for whatever reason, and there is no auto-aim behaviour in the mod).
I think I'm also going to make the mod now complain in future version if you start it up without activating the unique HUD since it seems to have hit alot of reviewers who have checked it out (and hence presumably quite a few normal players).

Addressing your comments in video:
1 & 2. Heh, its funny, that's the first time I've seen someone call Vis (Mage 1) Weapon OP. Yes, sometimes the old Doom movement AI struggles when its hit by enforced movement, which is the whole thing with the starter weapon for the mage; basically, he's squishy (75 HP, slowest, lowest armour), so he needs that level of compensation. That Baron you killed was being unusually passive for whatever reason. Though, if you're finding the default too easy, there are several options in the menu to change up the monsters (such as Dimensional Instability Mode or increasing Elite Spawns) or restrict health (Doomed Souls Mode) since I realise alot of people are way better at Doom than I am and appreciate such things.

3. [No comment here], but it was funny seeing the Archvile resurrect the Illusionist-Caco a couple of times and cause chaos.
4. I mean sure, but you were still reduced to 14 HP. The Mage specifically doesn't have much of a problem with Pinkys and Spectres, but if they do get into melee, they're actually alot more dangerous than in vanilla Doom (they can do alot of bite damage very quickly).
5. THANOS SNAP!! Yep, I love that effect on Aestus; and it was great fun making the sprites and sounds for it.
6. Discs of Repulsion. If you use them in combat, they fling away monsters and projectiles coming at you. Since you used them against a wall, nothing happened. XD You then used a Flechette (Purple Bottle). Each class has a unique use for these. The Magister's one is a Proximity Mine (so again, not likely to do much there).
7. Algor has a VERY short range on the primary fire (as it shreds enemies with Ice) so yeah, hitting Caco's with it is hard. Using the secondary to fire some Ice Spears at it would be most optimal. You were actually lucky Aestus spawned as your random (2) slot on the first run I guess, as that has the long range primary fire, but a shorter ranged secondary and tertiary fire.
8. [No comment here], but that poor Pinky, you killed it with too much hypnosis on the Druid's Hebiko Staff. XD As you can see, that fire mode is meant to force infighting (the Pinky immediately turns on the zombie). Its especially funny if it works on an Archvile, as anything resurrected whilst the Archie is hypnotised remains an ally even after the Archie recovers.

Edited by eharper256

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@eharper256 I am not really a mod tester I am more a map tester (which you probably know) so some of my feedback might be unhelpful or wrong but I still hope it helped a bit. It was actually pretty hard to find stuff to complain about as this mod is well put together.

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56 minutes ago, azerty said:

@eharper256 I am not really a mod tester I am more a map tester (which you probably know) so some of my feedback might be unhelpful or wrong but I still hope it helped a bit. It was actually pretty hard to find stuff to complain about as this mod is well put together.

No its helpful; like I say, its cemented my decision on a few aspects, like throwing in a few more accessibility features. And I will review the damage and abilities of Vis; I'm always making slight tuning adjustments between patches, so I might drop its damage mildly.

I make fairly regular posts on the GZDoom forums since the Doomworld one moves super fast and buries topics quickly, and 0.96 should introduce further weapon upgrades.

Thanks again for checking it out!

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Here is the video. This was very good and if this is your first standalone map it is even better. I did some way worse stuff but this is very good. Don't have a lot to say here this worked well gameplay wise and  combat wise. Though health and ammo management could be a bit better. The fights are good imo but there a bit easy because there is a lot of health and ammo. I played on HMP so I don't know about UV but it was a bit easy imo on HMP.

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Thanks for the playthrough! :-) I've been doing doom maps since at least half a decade always for community projects so this map is my first "standalone map". I've been tinkering with doom maps, but never released anything, since at least 2012. Higher difficulties are indeed much more difficult in this map as you have to rely more and more on shotgunners for ammo!

If it is okay, I will credit you as a playtester when the map is finally released and I don't know what happened to that blue key texture haha.... .


You can find my doom wikipage here, https://doomwiki.org/wiki/NeedHealth

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I made a discord server so feel free to join :). I will post every video I make there, you can see my list of the maps I am playing or still need to play and feel free to contact me there as well for any playtest requests 


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  • 1 month later...

Hi azerty, I don't know if you're still looking for some maps to test, but I'm taking a chance here! :)


This is a slaughter map I've been working on since the begining of the year and I would like to know what you think about it. Especialy on how it looks and ressources distribution. The second fight in the first room is pretty brutal but everything else is more than manageable. Make sure to find and test the optional fight hidden in a secret.


Name: One Thousand Years Of Death


Map 01

No freelook

No jump

prboom+ complevel 9





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9 minutes ago, |Raph| said:

Hi azerty, I don't know if you're still looking for some maps to test, but I'm taking a chance here! :)


This is a slaughter map I've been working on since the begining of the year and I would like to know what you think about it. Especialy on how it looks and ressources distribution. The second fight in the first room is pretty brutal but everything else is more than manageable. Make sure to find and test the optional fight hidden in a secret.


Name: One Thousand Years Of Death


Map 01

No freelook

No jump

prboom+ complevel 9





Sure I'll give this a look. I have been getting into slaughter lately so I think I will enjoy it.

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Well this certainly is a big improvement over your last map that I played. It felt way less flat (which was a bit of an issue in your other map) and it actually looked pretty good. Combat was pretty rough but I managed my way thru and I have to say I had some fun. As frustrating or as dumb that my deaths were I really enjoyed this. I had some trouble with the secret fight though. I didn't expect that to teleport me so I had to manage that whole fight with very low health but I still managed it I even got all the kills. I should have taken a supercharge if there was one left in that room. The 4 switches you had to shoot were a bit weird I didn't really get it but the I found out how to do it so I think it's fine but if you have any idea of ow to improve it I would do it.

P.S.: Sorry I forgot to turn freelook of.

Here is the video:


Edited by azerty

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On 12/29/2021 at 8:32 PM, azerty said:

After I released my latest map I found myself with a lot of free time and I want to use that time I have to help everyone out with there maps by giving feedback. So if you have a map you want me to playtest you can post it here. I didn't only make this post to have something to do in my spare time I also want to make a small name for myself in this community. Not to get famous or anything like that just so people know they can come to me for play testing.


I usually prefer smaller maps and I tend to play on HMP as I am not such a good player. I only playtest with GZDoom. If this post gets lots of submissions (I doubt it) at the point that I won't be able to play all of them I will play the maps that look the most interesting to me.

I will write down my thoughts and record a video of my playthru and post it as public on YouTube. If you don't want it to be public please mention that in your reply. If I need to do some pre-release playtesting and you don't want anybody to see your map yet you can always PM me or contact me on Discord (NilsQ#4796).

I prefer you post a link to a DW post but if you don't be sure to post the needed information and some screenshots. You can post megawads but I will only play the 3 first maps or if you wan you can tell me which 3 maps you want me to play.


Here is my YouTube channel


I have no schedule or something like that I just play when I feel like it and hen I have the time. I have some plans and new year is coming up so I certainly won't be posting every day.


If you are a fellow playtester feel free to post any videos and feedback of the maps that where submitted here.


P.S.: If you find any writing mistakes let me know.

Try these out dude:

Whitemare 2

Congestion 1024


Back to Saturn X series

Doom Zero


Going Down

Starnge Eons

50 Monsters

Speed of Doom

Hell Revealed 1 & 2

DyingCamels Demons

12 Days of Doommas

Scythe series


Swift Death


Deus valt series

Combat shock series

50 Shades of Graytall


Doom 2 reloaded

Hell Ground

Bloody Steel

No sleep for the Dead

32 hours in pain



Long Trek Back Home

Heroes' Tales

Ancient Aliens(you should already have this)
Absolutely Killed

MAYhem 2014

Stardate 20X6

Japanese Commynuty Project


Edited by CoolerDoomeR

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