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Hi, In this short levels tried to achieve an doom 1 style 

E1M1: TechBase

E1M2: Toxic Waste


IWAD: Doom

Only Singleplayer

jumping, crouching, and freelook are all allowed, but none required




Hope you like :)






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Nice little tech bases here! I played it on complevel 2. No issues that I noticed.


These maps turned out much meaner than I expected. I'm a mediocre player and my aim sucks, yet I played on UV! So I had it coming. But I still think the resource balance is a bit off. There is almost no health for this amount of hit scanners. Especially the shot gunners ended my session quickly. Given that every shot counts - and since I missed a lot - I had to resort to hide-and-seek combat and retreat. You knew that would happen, didn't you? That's why you put all the trap doors in!


The layout is fine in principle. A bit cramped here and there, where the player would need more space to outmaneuver Barons. But it is a bit hard to read. So maybe think about being a bit more generous. Also marking the secrets a bit could help. Seems they are important. Good job!



Edited by sectrslayr

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I tested it in UV.


You did a nice job with the aesthetic overall, you managed to recreate perfectly the Ultimate Doom style, but with good detailed touches.

The same goes for your use of stock textures and light variation.

The only notes:

  • You could maybe use more height variation
  • Having some switches with SW2 textures is not great in my opinion. I'd always avoid to use them unless there's a precise purpose (like turning light off, or close something, since you're "switching off")

Little note: you forgot to hide the "sound corridor" lines in map 2.


About the gameplay instead, I'm not very friendly.

At first I was like "Hey, nice, these are the advance version of E1 maps, I like this challange", but then I saw that both maps are literally overflowing with shotgunners.

There are so many that, without knowing in advance, they just serve as free unavoidable damage and it's really annoying, specially because there's almost no health in UV.

It wouldn't be too much of an issue though having a map full of hitscanners, there are plenty of ammunition and place to cover, but what made it worse was the presence of definitely too many cacodemons and barons.

You just give the player a shotgun and a minigun (the latter with not so many clips) and the fights become rather annoying and boring pretty fast when you have to shot down meat shields (yeah, 3 barons in a map with no proper gear and 150 more monsters in it are too many).


The progression felt nice and clean at first, but then becomes slightly less clear, when you press switches without knowing what happened, but it was not confusing though.


2 more complains are about secrets:

  • The second one in the first map is kinda disappointing: get a couple of helmets for a secret is a not very "Christmas-like" surprise.
  • The only one in the second level is practically unobtainable unless you try to open every single wall in the map, cause there are 0 hints to where to find it (I used UDB to spot it while I was looking at monster placement).

That's all, these could perfectly become sort of master levels for ultimate doom and I'd like to have the whole episode and more, but they need some little finishing touch.

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Nice, classic-feeling Doom 1 maps, fam. Pretty solid work in terms of layout and texture work. Design-wise, it felt a little flat at times and could've used a bit more in the way of height variation and maybe some landmarks and more ornate detailing. It's slightly obnoxious with how many Shotgunners are in these, though that's a bit of an issue with Doom 1 format limitations in general. Might be good to tinker around with Doom 2 format for future maps so have way more demons to play with.



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I really liked these maps. They were quite harsh with excessive hit scanners and low health so I played very carefully. But I did absolutely love the look and feel of these maps the video still processing




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Pretty solid maps overall; I dig on the vanilla aesthetic, and this is a pretty polished take on it. They didn't crush me or anything, but the hitscanner-to-medikit ratio is definitely on the mean side, and there is probably to many beefy bullet-sponge enemies for more-or-less shotgun only combat. The teleport closets empty a little slowly for my taste, especially in the second map, where you pick up the key and enemies just start slowly trickling in one by one - i heard the teleports, was expecting to have trouble given the preceding combat, but found that fight relatively easy. The Megaarmor secret in map 1 is entirely too obscure in my opinion. I had to open the map in UDB to find it, and even knowing what to do it was very finicky and took several tries to get right. I have a hard time believing someone would get that secret without foreknowledge. Despite the nitpicks, I still enjoyed playing these so good job.

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Pretty good couple of maps.  I like how they're E1 techbase with a touch of hellish stuff.  I would agree with some of what the others are saying.  I survived the maps fine, but you may want to add some more health.

Edited by Kor
Added more thoughts

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4 hours ago, Biodegradable said:

Nice, classic-feeling Doom 1 maps, fam. Pretty solid work in terms of layout and texture work. Design-wise, it felt a little flat at times and could've used a bit more in the way of height variation and maybe some landmarks and more ornate detailing. It's slightly obnoxious with how many Shotgunners are in these, though that's a bit of an issue with Doom 1 format limitations in general. Might be good to tinker around with Doom 2 format for future maps so have way more demons to play with.


Second secret was correct. You shot on small opening switches but you didnt look at this room. There is teleport

Edited by CrazyDoomguy

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