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DOOM 64 Editing

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Is it possible to make maps for DOOM 64 Steam version? If so, where do we start, what to use? Can anyone point me towards resources?

If it's not possible, are there other source ports for DOOM 64 that I can do it with?

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The answer is yes!

Here is a mapping guide we have been working on for a map jam compatible with the steam version: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1h7bbxzU1xEHg2gSbi_GDlV1VOqTQpzfecNon5Q_wv5w/


And here is the map jam, which is still open for people to join up: 

For an example what can be done on that version of Doom 64 check out the UnMaking: 


Also if you happen to have a discord, we're happy to help you out on the (unofficial) Doom 64 discord: https://discord.gg/Ktxz8nz

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