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Are the Doom 3 novels canon?


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I recently got the Doom 3 novels, and i can't seem to find any info on whether they are canon or not to the actual lore of Doom 3. Im leaning on them not being canon to the game. But if i could get some info on this, it would be much appreciated.

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I haven't read the novels myself, but according to the fandom Doom Wiki (source), the novels feature several significant differences to the game's events and aspects to certain characters. Interestingly, the novels were written by Matthew Costello - who also wrote the scripts for Doom 3 and Resurrection of Evil. So I guess you could view it as the "intended" story for Doom 3 by its author without the restrictions by gameplay or game development. In any case, the novels seem to be an alternate take on Doom 3's story and would be considered non-canon.

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I have read them and they follow pretty closely. There are also the original 4 books that cover the classic storyline and they're pretty fun to read as well. Technically, everything Doom is canonical... just saying.

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