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prboom+ linux (help me)


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prboom+ comes with free doom if you delete free doom prboom+ doesn't work with your wad it works perfectly fine with doom2 and tnt but if you load doom1 it glitches out

is there a script I have to run to play doom1 pic related when doom1 gets loaded (why is this not a speed run category missing%)



should I just get Gentoo Linux instead


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try prboom-plus -iwad /path/to/doom.wad in the console and see what happens (replace /path/to/ with where ever your iwad is. you can drag and drop it onto the console which should make it easy)

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What Linux distribution are you using, how did you install PrBoom+ (I assume you used your package manager since you said it came with Freedoom), and how are you running it?


The level geometry in the screenshot looks like MAP01 of Freedoom Phase 2, so I suspect that rather than loading doom.wad as your IWAD, you've loaded it as a PWAD, with Freedoom Phase 2 as your IWAD (in layman's terms, you're loading Doom 1 as a mod of Freedoom Phase 2, which unsurprisingly doesn't work well).


In any case, I'd recommend downloading ZDL, a Doom launcher, from here, and setting that up with the locations of your IWADs (doom.wad, doom2.wad, etc.) and your source ports (prboom-plus). Once you do that you can use ZDL to launch prboom-plus and it'll take care of passing the right arguments to the program.

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I have had prboom installed in Linux for some time.  I do remember it was tricky figuring out where it expected things to be.

I do not use a launcher, just a console.   I keep a console button on the main menu bar next to the application launcher.


The executable (as installed for all users):




To discover the directories that prboom uses, do the following:

>> strings -n8  /usr/local/games/prboom | grep share


This will show you that it looks in directories:


   ( I have doom wads here )








I ran it as follows:

>>  /usr/local/share/games/prboom

   ( it found doom2.wad by itself )


>> /usr/local/share/games/prboom   -iwad  ~/games/doomwads/doom2.wad


>> /usr/local/share/games/prboom  -iwad  ~/games/doomwads/doom1.wad

   (I have renamed the doom1 wad this way as the original naming was not maintainable with so many wads)

   (Where you keep your doomwads will probably differ)




The picture you have posted has incomplete rendering.  This should not happen.

I could not get a picture like that by using the iwad as a pwad.

I suspect your wad is corrupted, or the prboom is a bad version.


Wesley Johnson, DoomLegacy team,  Slackware Linux.



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