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How big is your "Doom" folder?


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All of my Doom related content on my entire PC takes up about 20 gigs. I think that's fair considering how many years I've spent collecting all this stuff though.

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4 minutes ago, Doomkid said:

All of my Doom related content on my entire PC takes up about 20 gigs. I think that's fair considering how many years I've spent collecting all this stuff though.

I do have all the 90's Doom wads that you talked about in your videos downloaded! They're a fun pack to replay every now and then.

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I haven't got a folder, but I 've got a dedicated 500 GB VHD (Virtual hard disk) for legacy id-tech games. It holds 147 GB.

  • 53 GB of them are occupied by the development folder of DelphiDoom, its derivatives and tools.
  • 6 GB of them are occupied by historical snapshots of DelphiDoom releases.
  • 2 GB are md2 models.
  • 1.5 GB for Doom3
  • 6 GB for Quake1/2/3/4
  • 20 GB recorded videos of DelphiDoom youtube channel in the original uncompressed quality.
  • 26 GB for source ports and mods
  • 30 GB for a temp folder full of junk

Also I hold more than a dozen of backups spread in 3 external HDDs and 3 laptops.


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I have two Doom folders. My main doom folder is nearly 9 gigs (4.5 of that is mods, 3.3 is wads. Everything else is miscellaneous). My second folder is related to all my custom doom maps, mods and sprites which is almost 18 gigs. 


Will need to prune some files in the future.

doom total.png

doom total2.png

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> du -s /usr/local/share/games/doom*
3305944	/usr/local/share/games/doom
3869728	/usr/local/share/games/doom3
> du -s ~/jeux/doom*
10718612	~/jeux/doom
2022168	~/jeux/doom3
> dpkg-query -Wf '${Installed-Size}\n' '*doom*' | awk '{sum+=$1}END{print sum;}'


Edited by ducon

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39.8 gigs, 23.1 of which is wad files (that doesn't include the wads in the subfolders.  I am not going through each one of those :)).  I also have another folder that's 10.9 gigs.  So, my doom folders together are 50.7gigs.  Hah I remember the 90s when I had only a 1GB hard drive to store all my Doom stuff.

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I have a thicccccc ass folder full of cl2-cl21 WADs and a folder with maybe 5 ZDoom WADs.

Edited by CleaverHeaver

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Just a bit under 1 gb. Have not played much of a breadth of wads quite yet and I don't really keep a backlog actually downloaded.


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Bigger than I expected, 46gb. If I was to include the shovelware collection that'd be another 30-40gb on top of that (I think). There's a lot of dupes as Doom Launcher makes a copy of wads you add to but it zips them up.





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i got 2,86 GB of shit in my doom folder. and thats source ports, wads, demos, and text files. The thing is not all of my doom is in the doom folder as the installer didnt let me choose. atleast i have shortcuts that lead to those

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I think my "Doom Folder" is a decent size. Haven't received any complaints...

Edited by Dubbag

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Well, my Doom stuff is all over the place in different NAS drives or machines... So I'll count my current downloads location, into which my WAD Downloader is currently configured to drop WADs and PK3s:




Crawled and scraped from Realm667, IDGames, Doom Wad Station, Sentinels Playground and s couple of others.

Edited by smeghammer

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Size: 65,1 GB (69 981 803 340 bytes)

Size on disk: 65,4 GB (70 316 929 024 bytes)

Content: 138 162 files, 7 693 folders




Of course the Source subfolder alone is responsible for 81 013 files and 6 521 folders alone.

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du -hs ~/.local/share/wineprefixes/Doom/drive_c/Doom/                                                              
6.0G    /home/lemonzest/.local/share/wineprefixes/Doom/drive_c/Doom/

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