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Blueberry Blaze Cake | Boom-compatible trip to a small blue hellscape [Now on idgames]

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Fuck yeah, Killer mate! This was another awesome addition to your body of work. I dare say this might be my favourite map of yours I've played. Swift and cheeky combat, memorable set-pieces, solid texture work and a groovy design with a fairly straightforward progression that keeps you on your toes nonetheless with a few rug-pulls that keeps the tension up. I love it. :^)



Edited by Biodegradable

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You're a professional - well constructed map, clearly tried tested and true, fun interesting combat and cosmetics and wonderful secrets to boot. Good times keep it up



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Played in DSDA-Doom with complevel 9.



Nice map, I appreciate that I can use my preferred source port this time. The area at the end is my favorite because of how aggressive play is rewarded. I'm pretty sure there's supposed to be a pain elemental somewhere in there, I encountered it in my unrecorded blind run, but presumably something killed it (three lost souls appeared in its place), I'm just not sure how.

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Cool stuff. Did pretty well on my FDA, but got a bit overwhelmed in the red key room after waking everything up, including the cyberdemon. My one complaint here is that if you back out of the room the cyberdemon is in, it becomes a bit awkward to get back in there. I think the best strategy is to aggressively take out the cyberdemon. 


The aesthetics are a bit of a mish mash. There's two kinds of techbase, green/brown rocky outdoor, blue outdoor, green marble and wood, etc. It feels a bit disjointed in places. The blue/yellow outdoor area looks great though.


The combat is fun and varied. Good mix of spacious and confined fights. Favourite fight is the blue outdoor area where you can just run around and get everything in-fighting. I think the finale after pressing the exit switch is a bit easy. The monsters all spawn in other rooms and you have a well stocked BFG, so nothing is really threatening and you can take you time. Comparatively the fight after entering the red key room puts you under immediate pressure from all sides and trying to escape makes things worse (see FDA).


My UV-Max was a few attempts after my FDA. Died a few times due to yolo'ing the map a bit :-). I even managed to find all the secrets. The later part of the UV-Max video might be a bit boring watching me hump all the walls. The video is a demo dump so you can't see me looking at the automap.







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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for all the videos as always. Anyway, my map is now on /idgames and since I never have anything interesting to say I'm just going to post a bunch of anon reviews, as usual.






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2 hours ago, Killerratte said:

Thanks for all the videos as always. Anyway, my map is now on /idgames and since I never have anything interesting to say I'm just going to post a bunch of anon reviews, as usual.







Stupid question and forgive me


How do I use this website and how do I get to this review section 🤔

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