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Something weird I found while playing the original doom


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So I posted this to reddit and someone told me to put it here. I don't know if I'm doing this correctly if not sorry I don't go on forum sites a lot. I'm just gonna copy and paste it here


I found something while playing the original doom on my Nintendo switch. I was playing the one level with all the boxes (the second level of the second part) and all the sudden the doom guy makes grunts whenever he takes a step and when I picked up any items it didn't give me the notification thing. I then started pressing random buttons to fix it and then all the sudden it sends me to the first level. I tried to get through it only to find out its probably on the highest difficulty setting since the enemies kill me in like 5 hits. I originally was playing on hurt me plenty. I couldn't find anything talking about this happening so I figured I would make a post. I really hope this isn't some common thing because then I would feel embarrassed. If anyone knows about what happened let me know because I'm curious.






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So there's a weird glitch on Xbox (I don't have a switch and this doesn't happen on the pc version of the port in my experience) where the menu stays open. So when you walk forward, the menu cursor goes up to the top. When you keep going upwards in the menu, it makes a grunt sound. That's your problem. You can pause the game and then resume to fix it.

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