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Universal fractal doom (GZDoom/LZDoom)

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Hi, I wanted to share something I did work today for fun. I think we all here remember Fractal Doom, well today I decided to make an universal fractal doom using ZScript that should work with any custom mod and even total conversion probably.

CVARs info:


  • ufd_max_iterations (default 1): Max number of iterations you get for each monster (1 = you kill it once, monster spawn 2 children), if you increase the value things can go out of hand but it can be fun I guess. 


Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/7n1klvfrtk8oych/universal_fractal_doom.pk7/file

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Huh, this is actually a pretty cool idea as every regular enemy you kill spawns 2 smaller versions of itself. Imagine setting the value to something like 1000. RIP frame-rate on maps/megawads like Okuplok or Sunder. XD


In some ways, every enemy is a bit like a pain elemental, but instead of lost souls it's the same enemy.

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