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Personal Best Demo Thread (pt. 2) ← POST YOUR NON-WRs HERE

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  On 4/13/2022 at 7:20 AM, LOD42 said:

i have a LV01-11154.zipnew pb run for doom 2's first map on ultra-violence speed category in 1 minute, 11 seconds, and 54 centiseconds. pls verify!


Okay, not a bad demo, however I have a few suggestions that may help you

  • Try using the run button or the autorun option. Obviously it's faster 
  • Don't kill all the monsters, just the ones that get in your way. Ignore everything else
  • If it's UV speed, don't go for the secrets. You just lose time.
  • Was it all keyboard only? Your turns didn't look like mouse turns for me. You may feel more comfortable using the mouse, and if you were using one try adjusting the sensitivity

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  On 4/14/2022 at 8:27 PM, Gosu_Noob said:


Look at the demo... its self explanatory...


Tbh I don't know what I just saw. No offense, but is this an insider joke that just went over my head? : S


mod: Seeing Lol 6's response, it seems it's not. My bad, it just caught me off guard; at first, I thought it desynced or something, because it didn't seem like I loaded up the correct WAD.

Edited by Fluuschoen

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Howdy all, I spent some time working on Episode 2 in D1 since I've wanted to dabble in PC Dooms and have been sick of running 64 stuff lately, here's a not-so-great 5:22 in E2 UV-Speed that at least gets me started.


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  On 4/14/2022 at 9:40 PM, Lol 6 said:

Okay, not a bad demo, however I have a few suggestions that may help you

  • Try using the run button or the autorun option. Obviously it's faster 
  • Don't kill all the monsters, just the ones that get in your way. Ignore everything else
  • If it's UV speed, don't go for the secrets. You just lose time.
  • Was it all keyboard only? Your turns didn't look like mouse turns for me. You may feel more comfortable using the mouse, and if you were using one try adjusting the sensitivity
  • I switched the autorun option at the end.
  • I didn't kill all of them did I? Most of those monsters were in my way anyways.
  • I don't remember triggering a single secret while playing.
  • I used a 2$ gaming mouse.
Edited by LOD42

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s231nm12.zipFetching info...

ud37ns118.zipFetching info...


* Updated the .txt file for my Scythe II map 31 nightmare speed demo.

* Recorded an E3M7 nightmare speed demo. Goal was sub-1:20, got a 1:18. As of today, 9th place out of 20, not counting the TAS and two-player demos.


Not my prettiest demo, but I achieved my goal. My hand was so shaky the entire time but that's what 557 attempts does to you. :p

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  On 4/20/2022 at 6:48 AM, LOD42 said:
  • I switched the autorun option at the end.
  • I didn't kill all of them did I? Most of those monsters were in my way anyways.
  • I don't remember triggering a single secret while playing.
  • I used a 2$ gaming mouse.
  • Nice
  • Nope, but unless it's a UV-Max or Tyson demo, try to avoid the monsters that get in your way
  • But I remember seeing in the demo that you pressed the switch that lowers an imp, and that you attempted to get to get to that little platform that opens the rocket launcher secret. Again, this only really matters when UV-Maxing or in NM 100s
  • Ah, I thought you didn't use the mouse, try adjusting the sensitivity to be a bit higher if you feel it's slow.
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The Ultimate DOOM: E4M1 (Hell Beneath)
UV speed

Video of the run:




DOOM II: MAP01 (Entryway)
UV speed

lv01-006.zipFetching info...

Video of the run:




DOOM II: MAP03 (The Gantlet)


lv03o023.zipFetching info...


Video of the run: 




DOOM II: MAP05 (The Waste Tunnels)

lv05o024.zipFetching info...


Video of the run: 





DOOM II: MAP05 (The Waste Tunnels)

UV speed


Video of the run: 




DOOM II: MAP18 (The Courtyard)
UV speed / Pacifist


Video of the run:


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I finally after tons of training got a Freedoom Phase 1 Speedrun of C1M1 done in 26 seconds, i saw a speedrun with the same time and i trained tons of tries till i got it :

freedoo.zipFetching info...

prboom+ v2.6.2 used, complevel 3

EDIT : Lol, i beat @Lol 6's C1M1 speedrun, i still forgot which difficulty i was playing on.

EDIT 2 : BIO (HMP), since i saw the difference beetween all the diffs in c1m1

Edited by Frost-Core

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This is my first attempt at a speedrun! Feedback is greatly appreciated if you have any, and I know I did not follow the optimal route. I really loved the map when I played it so decided on a whim that I wanted to try to do it as fast as I can with my own routing to test myself. Thank you, and I'd like to submit this to DSDA, even if it isn't a world record or anything. 

Crumpets Map 09 UV Max in 4:38

zip: cr09-438.zip




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  On 4/13/2022 at 3:20 AM, 4shockblast said:

There are still other issues:

  • Please do not use mouselook for demos
  • Please include the exact version of the port used in the txt
  • Please format the txt more appropriately 
  • Please rename your demo to the correct format. I'm not even sure what category you were aiming for here.

Here's a possible format:

PWAD: something.wad
PWAD Name: Name
Map: ##
Skill: 4
Category: UV-Max
Exe: DSDA-Doom #.##.# complevel ##
Recorded on: Date
Time: #:##
Author: player_name



im still new to the whole speed demo thing so i apologise for the issues      

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My best UV-MAX attempt at Fractured Worlds map 01, 9:25.

Zip: fw01-925.zip

Never recorded a demo before, but this wad is so good it made me want to try it. Since it's the first demo I have ever recorded, if there are any problems with it, please let me know.


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  On 4/25/2022 at 10:47 AM, Frost-Core said:

EDIT : Lol, i beat @Lol 6's C1M1 speedrun, i still forgot which difficulty i was playing on.

EDIT 2 : BIO (HMP), since i saw the difference beetween all the diffs in c1m1


Yeah, I was going to write about this. HMP lacks a couple of flesh worms in the final areas so it's easier to get to the exit, especially the exit, in Uv there's a flesh worm there and that motherfucker always blocks me and generally pisses me off.


Believe it or not, I managed to beat your time (and by extension my older time) by a few miliseconds while playing in Uv (I know you recorded in -skill 3, but whatever)

Nice demo btw <3


FreeDoom Phase 1 C1M1 in 0:26.49 sec.     Not for Dsda (It's FreeDoom so it won't be uploaded anyway)

Zip: f1m1-026.zip

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  On 5/18/2022 at 7:12 PM, wuslamclan said:

Hey so this is Judgment map 1. only just got into DOOM running and this wad interested me. Hope to do more and get better times as this was really fun.

  JudgmentM01-20220518T185216Z-001.zipFetching info...


The naming of the files needs to be corrected. The zip file, the lmp file and the txt file inside it should all be named "judg01-034".


Also, please remove the folder inside the zip file. Therefore it should show both "judg01-034.lmp" and "judg01-034.txt" when you open the zip file.

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