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Personal Best Demo Thread (pt. 2) ← POST YOUR NON-WRs HERE

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Freedoom Phase 2 Map01 in 9.49 sec. My first post on the forum, and my first demo for Doom! I'm definitely wanting to get better at this because right now you can definitely tell that I'm very new to speedrunning Doom wads.


Video Link




Edit: New run of map03, got 1:45 which isn't that great but I think I can improve it a lot



Edited by YuNoGuy123

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On 12/18/2022 at 8:45 AM, NotDoomGuy said:

Time: 12:57 E1M1: Hangar Ultimate Doom (1993)


FYI, if you want your demos uploaded to DSDA, you'll want to include a textfile, with format similar to the following:

PWAD: something.wad
PWAD Name: Name
Map: ##
Skill: 4
Category: UV-Max
Exe: DSDA-Doom #.##.# complevel ##
Recorded on: Date
Time: #:##
Author: player_name

Please include the exact version of the port you used. Also, I recommend not using CNDoom, as the port is largely obsolete. Either DSDA-Doom or Woof (mostly the  former) are recommended options today.

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