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Miscellaneous demos (part 4)

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lolspeng Map 01 Pacifist 0:05 lolspengp005.zip  https://youtu.be/XrONWeH06cs 

2sectors Map 01 Stroller 0:11 2s01str011.zip https://youtu.be/GjZ8j-r81Xc

4square Map 01 Stroller 0:08 4squarestr008.zip https://youtu.be/LYST9op_RcI

50 Monsters Map 01 Stroller 0:57 50m01str057.zip https://youtu.be/bq2tYg2q2x8 

666 Map 11 Stroller 1:20 s611str120.zip https://youtu.be/e3O_GLkHdrQ 

7 Cyberdemons Map 01 Stroller 0:26 7cybstr026.zip https://youtu.be/SfKmdxAR2AY 

8-bit Binary Addition Map 01s Stroller 0.86 8bd01str086.zip https://youtu.be/UkZs0duOzX0 

                               Map 01s UV-Speed 0.46 8bd01-046.zip https://youtu.be/sy3cBJJzH6Y 

9RING666 E2M1 Pacifist 0.06 9ri1-006.zip https://youtu.be/azU5w_tth7E 


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4 hours ago, 4shockblast said:

FYI, the WAD has been updated since you ran this, so this demo doesn't play back.

Man, Phoenyx even told me about this. Just end me, haha.

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E2M1 UV-Tyson in 0:49 - w2m1t049.zip

E2M2 UV-Tyson in 5:38 - w2m2t538.zip

E2M3 UV-Tyson in 2:04 - w2m3t204.zip

E2M4 UV-Tyson in 5:00 - w2m4t500.zip

E2M5 UV-Tyson in 4:48 - w2m5t448.zip


So sorry Gosu but I'm not doing the rest man, it was fun tysons up to this point but the rest of these are too 90s for me, I'm either lost in corridors that all look the same or I'm falling asleep when the mapper puts two imps and a cacodemon in a room the size of Texas.

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1 hour ago, Maribo said:


E2M1 UV-Tyson in 0:49 - w2m1t049.zip

E2M2 UV-Tyson in 5:38 - w2m2t538.zip

E2M3 UV-Tyson in 2:04 - w2m3t204.zip

E2M4 UV-Tyson in 5:00 - w2m4t500.zip

E2M5 UV-Tyson in 4:48 - w2m5t448.zip


So sorry Gosu but I'm not doing the rest man, it was fun tysons up to this point but the rest of these are too 90s for me, I'm either lost in corridors that all look the same or I'm falling asleep when the mapper puts two imps and a cacodemon in a room the size of Texas.

No worries I figured at least the first few would be fun.

No E2M8? :-)

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