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What sort of wads would you like to see?

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What wads would you all like to see?
What style, or design would you want to see in a doom wad? Would it be really hard? Or would it be quick and punchy?
Its a brand new year which means brand new things and I really wanna see more fantastic doom wads
Something similar to Equinox or Epic would be really cool for me.

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19 hours ago, Skronkidonk said:

Something similar to Equinox or Epic would be really cool for me.

I mean, pretty much. Adventure maps are really great if done right and there never seem to be enough of them

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Vanilla and LR megawads with many 5–10 minute maps, with like 2 longish boss maps throughout just for variety. One that makes you work a bit, but isn’t balls to the wall difficult.

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I would like to see a Knee deep in the dead style of downtown from doom 2, Also a map with the name Citadel of Sorrow, And a doom graphic sprite mod with Howard Sterns head, Many other memorable maps like that one with a unique mountain Sky texture

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I like being really challenged by wads and dont mind a cruel gantlet, but later maps in difficult wads tend to have long-as hell map after long as hell map and while I do have fun playing those maps it does get a bit exhausting playing maps so long (I don't know how I would have handled dying an hour and 10 minutes into Alien Vendetta's map 25, Demonic Horde, a very possible thing given no fight fucks around in that map but by god is it the demonic horde). Scythe 1 is the ideal for me. Varying but on the short side for maps with some longer maps, and maybe a few challenges of endurance in there, but none of them consecutively, and that sleek difficulty curve (except for map 30 which I am convinced is a very impressive joke, a joke I do cherish). My favorite maps have been vanilla and limit removing wads. I do like experiencing a map under these limitations I mostly understand and guessing how a fight was pulled off and how certain things skirt some restrictions especially now that I'm getting into mapping, I think it is neat.

Edited by BaileyTW

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Stuff like stardate20x7, I'm not talking about the difficulty here. If you really dig into those maps, you'll find out that probably all of the maps are very creative, and with amazing visuals. Stardate20x8 when ribbiks

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10 minutes ago, BaileyTW said:

I don't know how I would have handled dying an hour and 10 minutes into Alien Vendetta's map 25,

This happened to me with no saves pistol start
It took me a long time to go back and play it again lmao

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1 minute ago, Skronkidonk said:

This happened to me with no saves pistol start
It took me a long time to go back and play it again lmao

I like playing without saves and pistol starting, but damn it can be a gamble. Last time I played the map I died 30 minutes in and decided I was good for the day and went to sleep.

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44 minutes ago, yakfak said:

hypercasual stuff with hand-drawn art on the walls o:3

+1, i want more atmospheric maps i can just walk around, lots of bonus points for art as textures.


i also hunger for more insanely vertical platforming (no jumping/mouselook ofc) based on pretty automap layouts. i like the idea of the platforming telling a story.

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I really want to see more wads based in the same style as hell after dreams and swan fox wads super underrated mod style they are skulltag mods tho but I wouldn't mind seeing something done like those more In gzdoom or zandronum.

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1 hour ago, Doomkid said:

Vanilla and LR megawads with many 5–10 minute maps, with like 2 longish boss maps throughout just for variety. One that makes you work a bit, but isn’t balls to the wall difficult.


39 minutes ago, TelicAx7 said:

I want more vanilla maps with interesting enemy placement  and deathmatch support. 

Wonder if you've tried Down the Drain? ;)

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Maps that are around 10 to 15 minutes in length. Less numbers, but intelligent use of monsters (think Plutonia-like usage). Less BFG spam and more love towards underrated weapons like chaingun and plasmagun. Nice aesthetics with some build engine games like levels here and there.

Edited by ReaperAA

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More Earth inspired maps, by this I mean maps that either capture the feeling of natural landscapes (deserts, forests, mountains, etc) or use human civilizations as inspiration (mesoamerican, egypt, sumerian, medieval europe, etc) and fucking Japan pls, Doom-chan.

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9 hours ago, Benjogami said:

Wonder if you've tried Down the Drain? ;)

It's in the shamefully long list of wads I downloaded and said "damn this looks cool". This year I've made a point to just flat-out work on Doom stuff a lot less and actually play some of it after collecting it all for so long, so I'll be enjoying that one soon!

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Would love to see more experimenting with convention and structure. I feel like narrative could be played with more, even if its just experiments with the text screen at least. I've seen some cool stuff, but would love to see how experimental it can get, give me something akin to an art project, haha.

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Ironicly Cramped, close quarters combat maps are more of my thing. Anyone can reccomend some of these?

Also, if you see literal hot garbage, feel free to point them towards me xd

Edited by DarkIceCyclone

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4 minutes ago, DarkIceCyclone said:

Ironicly Cramped, close quarters combat maps are more of my thing. Anyone can reccomend some of these?

Also, if you see literal hot garbage, feel free to point them towards me xd


have you played malcolm sailor's stuff? the "chord" series in particular has some pretty cramped, interesting moments.

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A lot of wads use standard or slightly modified techbase textures, and we occasionally see much brighter styles (Alpha Scorpii Supercluster from @antares031 springs immediately to mind) or grimier, darker interpretations (that one Doom 64-leaning survival-horror-esque one I can't remember the name of at the moment). But I'd really like to see something that's more inspired by earlier sci-fi and its visions of machines and buildings. Retrofuturism? Maybe someone more versed in architecture could help me articulate it...


The Jetsons.

Jimmy Neutron.


Those kind of curves might be difficult to replicate in Doom, but I think that kind of kitschy vibe would be a joy to explore. I don't think I'd even mind if it devolved into the old Space Race, "Murkans vs. The Reds" tropes, but I'd definitely like to see something along those lines that encourages expeditions to new planets while still maintaining Doom's combat focus.


Hexen/Heretic stuff that leans more into the interplanetary side of sword'n'sorcery, rather than just the medieval, would be lovely, too.

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Something that could work, ironicly, is star trek design @Daytime Waitress. or is that a bit too modern? 


Jetsons, definetly possible interior wise, but exterior might be a different story. (Total noob in mapping, so don't quote me here). 


@msx2plus I'll look it up, but I hope it has HMP implemented :D

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