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Heretic enemies as Doom enemies

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While playing Heretic, I've noticed the monsters seem to have much more variety (at least behavior-wise) compared to Doom and it got me wondering. There's a lot of opportunities I think to integrate Heretic enemies with their additional attacks and strategies into Doom, but aesthetic wise they stick out like sore thumbs. A few of them might work, like the gargoyles, although they still might still need to be redrawn to fit with Doom's style. So I'd like to know: If you were going to integrate Heretic's enemies into Doom, how would you redesign them to fit with the stock enemies?

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There are many ways of doing so you can fit some enimeis into

a pre-existing style while still making it feel new this would probably work with thoes big grey things in level one


concept exg thenosid's rocketman


A monster I really like that does this is Tormentor667's Satry



It fits into doom without looking like one particular monster

unlike thenosid's rocketman it dosent rely on captured 3dmodels and instead uses art

basically you have to observe dooms lighting and style and try to recreate it into your creation

(I recently started my first heretic play thru)


Edited by gwain

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I've always thought of Heretic as basically being a variation on Doom 1 monsters with a few extras, namely the boss monsters.


Some quick thoughts though for 1:1 translations

- Golems could be melee zombies

- Fire Gargoyles could be a different form of Lost Soul that shoot fire

- Maulotaur could be a Cyberdemon before the mechanical parts

- Iron Lich could be another "magic" monster like the Archvile

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Let's see...


I would turn the Maulotaur into a less powerful Cyberdemon who has a fearsome melee attack that can near instakill you.


The Sabreclaw could be a Xenomorph type of demon who is fast and is pure melee. Like a far scarier version of the pinky/spectre.


The Golems could be an undead soldier type who rises up after being killed the first time (I guess sort of a zombie, where you have to beat them twice, and the second form is harder to beat... could be interesting with an Archie around too)


The Gargoyles could be gargoyles, just Doom-ified... Cyber-Gargoyles??


The Iron Lich could be a massive goat head a la the Icon of Sin (probably without the massive horns) who floats around and attacks you with the four elements (tornadoes, fire blasts, etc.)


The Weredragon could be like a mix between a Baron and a Cyberdemon, with a more Baron-like attack but Cyberdemon look and size.


The Disciple of D'Sparil could be Satan worshippers in dark cloaks. Maybe they have the ability to turn off lights in sectors (I know this would be a new ability, but it could be a cool feature for Doom, as they make an area darker and more challenging until you kill them)

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you can kinda just do whatever you can turn commander keen into anything the zombie man into anything sky's the limit with whack ed4


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In a way, i thought Heretic enemies had a bit more similarities between each other in terms of gameplay, though there are some unique stuff in them. (maybe i should replay Heretic or pay closer attention unless we wait for Decino-like analysis on the enemies)


I thought the Iron Liches could either be bigger metallic Lost Souls or another "head monster" like Cacodemons while the Disciples could be like the Watchers in D2RPG.

Gargoyles seem fitting enough unless we can based off that one satyr face, like the DrPySpy design or something like D64 gargoygle statues.

I can see Maulotaurs being Harbingers of Doom but with their additions like the hammer and nose ring.


I feel like it's easier to focus on how they're drawn/modelled instead of actual design changes, since classic Doom's aesthetics has its own limits and we would probably have to do more than just visual variants of existing designs.

At the very least, we'd be coming more on the fantasy side of things and needing to integrate a bit of sci-fi.

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Doom Eternal enemies could work as Heretic monsters with just reskins, while not based on them there is a lot of similarities if you think about it:

1)Gargoyles: Most annoying enemy in Doom Eternal. Has lunge attacks and projectile attacks. just as annoying as the heretic gargoyles except his damage is off the roof for some reason.

2)Whiplash: This is a huge reach but demonic snakes just like the ophidians. Ophidians could just be whiplashes in heavier armor and armed with a magic staff because normal whiplashes were definitely not deadly enough.

3)Maykrs especially Samur are pretty much floating humanoids in dark cloaks. Cover their face and you got disciples. Both are brain washed servants of a magical being, float around and barrage the place with magic. Although Maykrs have 0 drip in comparison.

4)Saberclaws are just your generic armored demons, which Doom is a pioneer of.

5)Gladiator is your stereotypical minotaur once he loses his shield and whips out the 2nd weapon. His spells aren't as cool though, nothing can top the instakill trails for a hulking beast trying to corner you for one final charge attack.

6)Werebeasts are pretty much generic demon #325892 which Doom is full to the brim with.

7)Undead warriors are the super weak dead ancestors of everyone's favorite; the Marauder.

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There are comparions to make with Doom Eternal and Heretic, even if they seem surficial like how the Gladiator even has that energy shield "returning" attacks but it's not the same as the Slaughtaur literally reflecting ingame projectiles. (hexen i know but still)

Makes me wonder if a new Doom would try and take more influence, even from Heretic/Hexen 2.

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