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Which DooM character would you personally consider the Bowser to Doomguy's Mario?


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What I've just said probably makes no sense whatsoever, so let me try to be a little more specific.


Let's imagine for a minute that id were collabing with this hypothetical crossover game that's split up between two factions, like a heroes vs villains sorta thing. They were gonna to add Doomguy to one faction in the game but in turn they also needed to add a sort of rival character on the other faction to counter him. Who personally would you choose in this scenario? Think of it like how in Smash for example, Mario has Bowser, Link has Ganon, Samus has Ridley, etc.


My first bet would've been the Marauder since he's a bit more like a demon rival to the Slayer if you get what I mean, but the Cyberdemon seems to fit the bill better since he represents the entire series even if he's not the big bad of any of the games exactly. Let me hear your thoughts in the comments below since I wanna get more opinions on this.

Edited by YoshiGa

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The Cyberdemon. He is the perfect rival for Doomguy since he comes back every time to beat him up and constantly fails to

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7 hours ago, Teo Slayer said:

The Cyberdemon. He is the perfect rival for Doomguy since he comes back every time to beat him up and constantly fails to

I agree. Plus, the Cyber-Demon can be seen as Doomguy's equal in some ways; the rocket launcher comes to mind.

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I'd say the baron is a big contender for that title. It has enough health to be the boss of Knee Deep In The Dead, while also working as a standard enemy in the following episodes. The Baron of Hell can also put up a good fight against the player; if the Baron is granted with reinforcements in the form of lesser-demons.

Of course, The Marauder is also a very good choice since he puts more of a fight against player compared to Eternal's main roster of enemies.

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Lore wise spider master mind sends minions to smite the doom man but gameplay wise probably cyber demon

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In an effort to draw the silliest comparisons possible, because it's more fun to consider more than just the antagonists of each series:


BFG // Cape
Rocket Launcher // Fire Flower
All Ghosts Effect // Boo House


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Bowser is used differently from game to game, he's pretty much always the antagonist but actually fighting him is super different from game to game.


With that said, in Shareware Doom id say it's gotta be the Barons, then the Cybie for E2, and the Mastermind for E3. In the very first Mario, even after your first Bowser fight, you still gotta fight him again 7 more times, so the fact that you see a couple dozen Barons in E2, E3 and E4 doesn't seem to invalidate it (not that it needs validation lol)


In Doom2, this is of course the Icon of Sin. There's even the parallel of the smaller enemies being his minions!



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Would that Doom were as tongue-in-cheek as Mario about fighting the Icon of Sin...


"Oh no!  Hell invaded Earth again!  Guess you'd better get your shotgun and get Earth back from the Icon! Again." 



Also, the Imps being as self-aware as the Goombas would be amazing.

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8 hours ago, Doomkid said:

In the very first Super Mario Bros., even after your first Bowser fight, you still gotta fight him again 7 more times

Itty-bitty derail here, but the first 7 Bowsers were fake. (When Mario/Luigi defeats "him" with a Fire Flower, "he" turns out to be a minion in disguise.) Only when you get to World 8 will you have to deal with the REAL Bowser.


Back to the topic, the Cyberdemon is the first character that comes to mind. After all, he IS the secondary antagonist in The Golden Souls 2. ;-)

Edited by HavoX

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I agree that there's no enemy that fits the mold of Bowser's role in the Mario franchise.


But it'd be between the Cyberdemon, the Spider Mastermind, and the Icon of Sin.


I think they've all taken turns being the final boss. 


I think the Spider mastermind and the IoS have both been end bosses twice.


However the Cyberdemon is more threatening and gets the most respect. So it's kind of tough to say if I'm honest.


What's the trope that fits Darth Vader? I feel like the Cyber Demon is the Darth Vader to the Spider Mastermind's Sidious. The Mastermind outranks him but Vader/Cyberdemon is more threatening and cooler. https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheDragon 

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Until I see a cyberdemon in a go kart and playing tennis and football with doomguy I cannot consider any of them the bowser to doomguy.


What I really mean is, Doomkart when?

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I want to say the Icon of Sin, but how are you gonna get a giant wall be a playable character?


If I'm being realistic, I would actually say a Revenant is very fitting for this kind of theoretical game. It's a very recognizable enemy and it has a pretty cool fighting style in general.


I actually somewhat disagree with using the Cyberdemon (or even the Mastermind) in this theoretical game. They're too big and slow, and they have a really simple attack pattern (just shoot projectiles lol).

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The Dark Lord from TAG2:


-Evil character that appears several times


-Really big


-Boss fight where you wait for him to attack to hurt him


-Ultimately nonthreatening as a villain


It's a perfect fit really :p

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16 hours ago, ChopBlock223 said:

The devil?


They don't really use him though? I haven't played Tag2 yet but is he Davoth? The guy who looks like Doomslayer? If it is, only seeing him once at the end of a DLC isn't enough to be a Bowser stand-in. 

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2 hours ago, xdarkmasterx said:

The Dark Lord from TAG2:


-Evil character that appears several times


-Really big


-Boss fight where you wait for him to attack to hurt him


-Ultimately nonthreatening as a villain


It's a perfect fit really :p


One DLC though can't really match up to decades of iconica 

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