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Try to recreate TNT from memory! (Community Project)(Closed)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Haven't forgotten about this one (and hopefully no one else has as well!), but since the deadline is so far away I'm keeping it as the side project to break up mapper's block :) Should have 26 done before the end of the month. 

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On 3/2/2022 at 8:06 AM, Thelokk said:

Haven't forgotten about this one (and hopefully no one else has as well!), but since the deadline is so far away I'm keeping it as the side project to break up mapper's block :) Should have 26 done before the end of the month. 


Same as I'm going to focus on other projects this month so that way I can do my submission next month since May 1st is the deadline.

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Why is there a Starfleet starship on the title screen of TNT Evilution? Can someone answer this so i can finally get some sleep?

Edited by Zaxxon

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh yeah, update: MAP02 MIDI is done except for the drum part. I can't do drums for the hell of it, even without trying to remember them, but I'll attempt to get those sorted out somehow. If not, well, I can always supply the "glitched" version of the MIDI hahah

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I'd like to take the MAP05 slot. I think I'm going to challenge myself to do it without having played the level in a few months.

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  • 2 weeks later...

MAP26 is going like crap but I'll have it done by the deadline. Apparently is one of TNT's most well liked maps, I'm gonna get shredded to pieces when this thing is out. 

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I've awoken from my grave to say that I'm still alive. Here's the start to MAP01:



Should be able to get this done by the end of the month. It's a short and simple map so I can't imagine it taking too long.

Edited by Wavy

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I would also like to mention I am 70% done and have not forgotten about this. Honestly feel good to have waited because the map in my memory got worse lol.

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Unfortunately due to real life having been absolutely hectic for the past few months I haven't had any time to work on the map besides the starting area, so I'm going to have to drop from the project since I do not anticipate the next month to be any easier on my schedule. Apologies...

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Finally put MAP23 together. I don't remember the last time I played this map; I think it's been about 5 years since my most recent TNT playthrough. Despite that, this map didn't feel difficult to recall. Kudos to my earlier self for not being too ambitious and picking a shortie.




Map Title: Project: Mining Lunacy

MAP slot: 23

Build Time: 2-3 hours

Testing: Done in Crispy Doom

Difficulties: Implemented haphazardly (with some testing, at least)

Coop: Player starts, extra weapons and ammo, and a bonus mastermind

Deathmatch: Starts sprinkled around, with extra weapons

Textures: Almost entirely wrong

Secrets: None remembered

Thing Placement: Vaguely evocative of original

Layout: Paunchy and vacant






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9 hours ago, Dynamo said:

Unfortunately due to real life having been absolutely hectic for the past few months I haven't had any time to work on the map besides the starting area, so I'm going to have to drop from the project since I do not anticipate the next month to be any easier on my schedule. Apologies...

What map were you creating?

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Here's a build of what we have so far: TNTTWRRI (Build 1).zip. We have a lot that we need to do still, so I'm extending the deadline to an unknown time.


Under mappers, I'm waiting on:







@Death Bear











and MAP32 and MAP8 are still unclaimed.


Under music, I'm waiting on:



and a lot of music is still missing. If anybody knows anyone that could help, or if anybody could help out themselves, then it will be very helpful.


No text entries have been done yet, those need to be done by somebody.


Under artists, the HELP, CREDIT, BOSSBACK, and M_DOOM need to be done.


Hopefully we can get this done soon, I'll be leaving some feedback on all the levels so far later.

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I will need to work very intensively probably until the end of April, but I'm hoping to find a day to do the map.

If not, I should be able to find time in a first days of May, if you are willing to wait.

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On 4/19/2022 at 12:16 AM, Engired said:


and MAP32 and MAP8 are still unclaimed.



I would be willing to take on Map 32, if its still available.

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