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No Escape (cancelled)

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No Escape is a work-in-progress megawad for Doom II Hell on Earth. It will include 15 maps (+ 2 secret levels), custom music (none of them being made by me, check "Music credits" for original music credits), and more! I want to make sure that this megawad will be challenging and fun for everyone, so Im making it open-beta! Enjoy!




-Completely overhauled MAP02 (Bad Memories) and made it an original stage made from scratch.
-Finished MAP03
-Maps now look a lot more prettier.
-Changed the amount of maps from 32 to 15.

-Touched up MAP03 a little bit (adding weapons, health, etc)
-Added new sprites (shotgun, SSG)
-Added new sounds (BFG, shotgun, SSG)

-Finished MAP04
-Removed the BFG ball hit sound
-Updated the screenshots

Stuff you probably need to know about


-It only works with Boom and other boom-based source ports
-Includes a DeHacked patch (even though it's pre-patched to the wad)
-Singleplayer only (will include multiplayer support in the future_
-Map format is Boom (Doom 2)




Editors used:
UDB (mapping): https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?t=66745
Slade (lump editing): https://slade.mancubus.net/index.php?page=about
WhackEd4 (DeHacked stuff): https://www.teamhellspawn.com/exl/whacked4

M_DOOM font: https://fontmeme.com/doom-font/
Intermission text: https://c.eev.ee/doom-text-generator/

Title: TNT Evilution - Title
MAP01: Doom 1 - E3M1
MAP02: Heretic - E1M1
MAP03: Doom Unreleased Music - un09
MAP04: Doom 64 For Doom 2 - MAP04
Intermission: Freedoom Phase 2 - Intermission

Shotgun fire: Doom PSX/64
Pinky/Demon/Pig wake up sound: Doom PSX/64

Shotgun sprites: Doom 2 beta
Super shotgun sprites: Final Doom PSX

All by me, DoodlesYT.

Special Thanks


Hell On Earth Discord server: For playtesting the closed betas of the wad.
You: Thank you for (maybe considering to) downloading my mod!





Edited by DoodlesYT

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If those screenshots are indicative of the overall quality of the wad, 32 maps is too ambitious. As I've told a dozen other mappers this week, start small and go for quality over quantity. Your screenshots show extreme texture repetition, flat layouts, texture misalignment, poor architecture, and cheap placement of weapons and items.

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Your second map is not your own work. It's just a straight up copy of E1M1. At the very least the maps should be your own work, and no the minimal changes you made don't count. By all means take inspiration from others maps, make a homage to other maps, recreate small bits if you must, but don't straight-up dupe other people's levels and put your name on them.

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oof thought this was a troll wad when I played it there are a few moments when the maps were cool

Edited by gwain

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