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Modifing a Doom port


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If I wanted to modify a port lets say woof how would I start I have geany as an ide and vim as a text editor so I'm not a complete noob

woof uses both c++ and c what would I do c or c++?

if I want to package in an Iwad to the exported exe/applmage of it how would I do that

just looking to add jump function and packaged in Iwad without clicking and dragging


Edited by gwain

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I didn't know to put this in editing questions or source ports so I put it in general do not sacrifice me

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Well, first make sure you can check out and build the current source code from the GitHub repo. If you're not familiar with Git, now's a good time to get familiar, even if strictly speaking you don't have to use Git to obtain the source code. The repo's readme has instructions on building.


From there, you make your modifications to the source code and build again. Easier said than done, of course. For a jumping function, you may want to take a look at how other source ports such as Crispy Doom do it, so check out and play around with their source code too.


I'm pretty sure Woof is straight C and not C++, GitHub's language detection just detects it as C++ because they look similar.


I'm not familiar with building AppImages, but I would start with the official AppImage docs.

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6 minutes ago, Shepardus said:

Well, first make sure you can check out and build the current source code from the GitHub repo. If you're not familiar with Git, now's a good time to get familiar, even if strictly speaking you don't have to use Git to obtain the source code. The repo's readme has instructions on building.


From there, you make your modifications to the source code and build again. Easier said than done, of course. For a jumping function, you may want to take a look at how other source ports such as Crispy Doom do it, so check out and play around with their source code too.


I'm pretty sure Woof is straight C and not C++, GitHub's language detection just detects it as C++ because they look similar.


I'm not familiar with building AppImages, but I would start with the official AppImage docs.

What would make crispy doom better for jumping than other ports?

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