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What if there was a FreeDoom 64 or other FreeDoom equivalents of other Doom games?


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In a way, it may miss the point of FreeDoom being a free version of Doom in engine/gameplay only (specially because it may be impossible to make something that would support maps made with D64 EX or the official release in mind; and how other Doom games are in very different fields), but i mean it more like just a "what if" idea.

Like a TC with original assets that plays like Doom 64 with some designs meant to resemble familiar FreeDoom designs. (even if FreeDoom in itself changed over the years and there could still be new assets replacing others)


In a way, there's probably more reasons against this idea than in favor, but i just thought of it.

The fact that FreeDoom assets change in general also made me wonder if "spin-offs" of FreeDoom could make use of unused designs or ideas. (whatever makes for a Doom Delta/MetaDoom-ish equivalent for FreeDoom; and the Samsara would include LibreQuake, Blasphemer, Zauberer etc)

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I think it would be a fantastic idea. Then Doom 64 EX, Doom 64 Retribution, Doom 64 CE, and DZDoom could run standalone. Here are some hurdles with the most difficult first.

1) Enemy sprites, I think, will be the trickiest. Perhaps we can get Infernis to loan some: https://twitter.com/InfernisAbaddon
Also YoshiGa, GEC team, and Gregor Punchatz have been working on 3D models that can be sprited. So maybe its not too unreasonable?

2) So the music might be tricky since Doom 64 ran on MIDI but with a custom soundset. I think it's definitely possible for us to recreate the stringed instruments, harps and such. I could even make a program to match the frequency balance of them. Some of the other bizarre instruments would require some creativity though. This is only an issue for the very tiny amount of mods which use custom midis. Otherwise mp3s/oggs could work on most of the ports and I would lend my music for that no problem.

3) Making textures. This is mostly just a lot of work, but there's a lot of talent in the community which makes this possible. I have been recently generating a lot of textures from this: https://filterforge.com/filters/

4) Custom campaign. Well we kind of already have this in the form of Beta 64! I am sure Antnee would be happy if we used his maps. We could also sneak in some of Scwiba's UnMaking maps, if we got permission, which would make great secret and fun levels. There's also maps around by many other people like Z0k, Atomic Frog, jdagenet, which we could swap in and out. So if we got the right permissions its already kind of there for such a project!

I am probably missing something, like port conversion stuff. But I think that is the priority list for such a project.

Oh and @Breadbunbun has been interested in doing such a project, with some custom sprites and textures already made. :)

Edited by Immorpher

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To add some more perspective on this. I had begun work on a version of FreeDoom 64 all by myself creating a number of textures and beginning work on some items and decor items. However the project never got far off of its feet due to lack of interest and lack of time and motivation on my part. However I could make some attempt to restart the project. It would take an incredible amount of work and time due to the number of textures and sprites that need to be made and their complexity on top of that. And due to being the only artist working on it.


It would make it slow.


However if there is interest I could start it again.

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freedoom forever and freedoom phase 3

hm what's next

freequake phase 1 and freequake phase 2? we already have openarena so i hope we get the rest of free bootleg versions of quake

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2/7/2022 at 4:11 PM, Master O said:




honestly, with the current monster sprites, its near impossible to actually y'know, do something with them without changing the sprite to the point where it isnt even a freedoom enemy anymore

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  • 1 year later...

I mean you can technically play the OG levels in BD 64 without actually owning the copy I think. So there's not really a point in doing that. 

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2 hours ago, Egyptian Guardian said:

I mean you can technically play the OG levels in BD 64 without actually owning the copy I think. So there's not really a point in doing that. 

That's on GZDoom, and it uses copyrighted content. (And I hate the fact modders treat the shotgun like a pump-action when it's supposed to be lever-action!)

FD64 would be on the actual upgraded engine from Midway with original assets and maps.

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4 hours ago, Egyptian Guardian said:

I mean you can technically play the OG levels in BD 64 without actually owning the copy I think. So there's not really a point in doing that. 

But you have to play with Brutal Doom, so it ruins the experience entirely.

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Eventually we're just gonna go full circle and release FreeFreeDoom, in case you are ever in a situation where you can't play Freedoom or Doom.

Edited by Mr Masker

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On 1/31/2022 at 10:10 AM, Immorpher said:

So the music might be tricky since Doom 64 ran on MIDI but with a custom soundset. I think it's definitely possible for us to recreate the stringed instruments, harps and such. I could even make a program to match the frequency balance of them. Some of the other bizarre instruments would require some creativity though.

This is basically inevitable as the sound effects for gameplay like your average weapon sounds and monsters are implanted on the soundfont aside from actual "instruments" (The dark chant of the demons!), so why don't just also go for both!

We could do the sounds and "instruments" by doing some heavy editing (Distortion, pitch, etc.) just like Aubrey did.

Grab the Freedoom sounds and alter them, use real (or Sound Canvas like how they used that for the trumpet) instruments for their soundfont-counterparts and some trickery for the cries of the damned.

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37 minutes ago, ValveMercenary said:

This is basically inevitable as the sound effects for gameplay like your average weapon sounds and monsters are implanted on the soundfont aside from actual "instruments" (The dark chant of the demons!), so why don't just also go for both!

We could do the sounds and "instruments" by doing some heavy editing (Distortion, pitch, etc.) just like Aubrey did.

Grab the Freedoom sounds and alter them, use real (or Sound Canvas like how they used that for the trumpet) instruments for their soundfont-counterparts and some trickery for the cries of the damned.

Ya! I think the music side is very feasible. And now we even have enough custom Doom 64 inspired midis to use for a soundtrack start.

I think the main loose end now is the enemy sprites. DrPyspy has been making fantastic progress in recreating the missing enemy sprites. But the main roster itself would be a massive undertaking and there's not a lot of spriters in the community. Craneo though does a great job working from free assets and might be able to do a lot of help here.

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4 hours ago, houston said:


i fail to understand how are yall gonna manage to make the flesh worm for example but you know what?


i aint gonna stop you

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Final Freedoom/Freedoom Phase 3 or whatever you want to call it would be cool as well. 64 levels of public domain goodness that could match the difficulty of TNT and Plutonia respectively. What would the 2 IWADs that would make it up be called?


Console Freedoom could be cool too, keeping in the spirit of the original Jaguar version with simplified levels, Doom 2 style progression, less bosses etc. PS1 Freedoom could share assets with Freedoom 64. SNES Freedoom? Why the hell not?


How about public domain IWADs for advanced source ports like GZDoom that show off the capabilities?

Edited by Individualised

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  • 3 weeks later...

So I take it that there has yet to be a PS1 port of Freedoom?


I am asking, because I know there is an in-progress GBA port, but I cannot get it to run on PSP.

Edited by Rudolph

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7 hours ago, Rudolph said:

So I take it that there has yet to be a PS1 port of Freedoom?


I am asking, because I know there is an in-progress GBA port, but I cannot get it to run on PSP.

Hmm I am not aware of one, but it's 100% do-able with what we have now! Just need to convert the assets to the proper format.

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16 hours ago, Immorpher said:

Hmm I am not aware of one, but it's 100% do-able with what we have now! Just need to convert the assets to the proper format.

Sweet! Let us know when that happens.

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