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What's the "right" way to play Heretic?


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I'm playing Heretic through the Russian Heretic sourceport and I was wondering whether I should use mouselook while playing instead of using keys to look up and down. I want to try to play in the most vanilla way possible.

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9 minutes ago, Doomsdλy1993 said:

I'm playing Heretic through the Russian Heretic sourceport and I was wondering whether I should use mouselook while playing instead of using keys to look up and down. I want to try to play in the most vanilla way possible.


Well the original game did not have mouse look so using it is a purist no no. It's not going to confer any significant gameplay advantages and is way less clunky. Go on, be a rebel. Mouselook. You know you want to.

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I can't imagine there being a "right" way to play Heretic, but I can share the bindings I find most comfortable.


No mouselook

C - look down

V - look up

B - center

T - fly up

R - fly down

G - stop flying

Z- inventory left

X -inventory right

Space - use artifact

F - use (doors/switches)

Ctrl -pause


Again, I can't imagine this being the best setup for everyone, but these keys are quite intuitive for me and easy to reach from the WASD position.

Edited by Lippeth

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I use Q to look down, E to look up.

Z/X/C are fly down, stop flying, fly up respectively. Stop flying also recenters your view. It's pretty comfy this way.

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