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Mayan Reynolds | Now on Idgames

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Another great set, you folks are on fire!  Keep it up and thanks for joining as I was playing it. :)

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Whoah, so this is what your screenshots were for! Very nice, I'm honestly feeling humbled with my own jungle mapset compared to this.

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This mapset is extremely tasty, and not just because of ryan reynolds. ;-)  Love the mayan ruins theme, chill tunes and some beautiful architecture in there, especially at the end.  Only thing that stuck out to me was 


the map pizza ghetto where that last archvile/ revenant/ pain elemental surprise felt like a huge difficulty spike on HMP.  Very nasty trap with the switch confusing me as well.  I died more there than the final battle.  But I didn't realize you could escape right away so it might be my fault.


Anyway looking forward to your Green Lantern TC. ;-)

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3 minutes ago, sandwedge said:

This mapset is extremely tasty, and not just because of ryan reynolds. ;-)  Love the mayan ruins theme, chill tunes and some beautiful architecture in there, especially at the end.  Only thing that stuck out to me was 

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the map pizza ghetto where that last archvile/ revenant/ pain elemental surprise felt like a huge difficulty spike on HMP.  Very nasty trap with the switch confusing me as well.  I died more there than the final battle.  But I didn't realize you could escape right away so it might be my fault.


Anyway looking forward to your Green Lantern TC. ;-)

Ok I'm going to be honest, I had like 30 minutes at the deadline to thing place the map. I didn't want to hold the wad hostage for conveyance in that fight, so I just threw glowies in the PE cubbie and called it a day. Hopefully the rest of the map was more pleasant, and also the rest of the wad.

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1 minute ago, Bobby "J said:

Ok I'm going to be honest, I had like 30 minutes at the deadline to thing place the map. I didn't want to hold the wad hostage for conveyance in that fight, so I just threw glowies in the PE cubbie and called it a day. Hopefully the rest of the map was more pleasant, and also the rest of the wad.


Haha totally fair in a speedmap wad, yes loved the map and the wad!  Even that fight felt pretty damn satisfying to beat after 😆

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Playing it now.  I'm up to  level 4, and I like it.  I always liked Mayan themed levels (for a while I was thinking of doing a Mayan themed episode for V2I, but my mind is pretty set on creating techbase, hell, gothic/medieval levels).  . And I like the music you used for map02, as it's my favorite Mark Klem tune. 

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There goes part of my evening well spent. Few observations you can take or leave:


- Maps 01 to 03 played very sweet, fast and with neat setups. The secret plasma gun in 03 reminded me of the similarly structured chainsaw secret in Grungy Grotto. The setting for the boat was great too, I'm sure @Jimmy would like it (if he hasn't seen it before already, idk).

- Map 04 had a lot of attrition via hitscan which got a little cover-campy, a change of pace for sure. I think it would benefit from a new powerup, maybe a blur sphere or a RL, under the ledge of chaingunners and stuff, might add some seasoning. It's fine as is, I replayed it with the blue armor on my body afterwards and things felt better. 

- In map 05, at the RK setup, I accidentally triggered the archviles without the lock-in mechanism the first time. Then repeated the part and it seems very easy to exploit, so simple thing would be to change actions accordingly so the bars raise first. The fight is cool conceptually, so is the rest of the map. 

- Map 06 was quite BTSXy, the second episode. Loved the architecture and traps.

- Map 07 would be like strong slap in the face if I had a slap kink... very attractive map. One thing, I again accidentally cheesed another RK setup, this time I triggered the monsters but not the two walls closing. Maybe the trigger could be on sector 102, there'd be no escape that way. Loved the exit area on the other hand, though I have to disagree with the damaging water in the deep, even if there's nothing to do down there I wanted to jump and look around, for the immersion hehe. 

- Props for the amazing midis and status bar.

Edited by galileo31dos01

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10 minutes ago, galileo31dos01 said:

There goes part of my evening well spent. Few observations you can take or leave:


- Maps 01 to 03 played very sweet, fast and with neat setups. The secret plasma gun in 03 reminded me of the similarly structured chainsaw secret in Grungy Grotto. The setting for the boat was great too, I'm sure @Jimmy would like it (if he hasn't seen it before already, idk).

- Map 04 had a lot of attrition via hitscan which got a little cover-campy, a change of pace for sure. I think it would benefit from a new powerup, maybe a blur sphere or a RL, under the ledge of chaingunners and stuff, might add some seasoning. It's fine as is, I replayed it with the blue armor on my body afterwards and things felt better. 

- In map 05, at the RK setup, I accidentally triggered the archviles without the lock-in mechanism the first time. Then repeated the part and it seems very easy to exploit, so simple thing would be to change actions accordingly so the bars raise first. The fight is cool conceptually, so is the rest of the map. 

- Map 06 was quite BTSXy, the second episode. Loved the architecture and traps.

- Map 07 would be like strong slap in the face if I had a slap kink... very attractive map. One thing, I again accidentally cheesed another RK setup, this time I triggered the monsters but not the two walls closing. Maybe the trigger could be on sector 102, there'd be no escape that way. Loved the exit area on the other hand, though I have to disagree with the damaging water in the deep, even if there's nothing to do down there I wanted to jump and look around, for the immersion hehe. 

- Props for the amazing midis and status bar.

Glad to hear you liked the boat, thank you for playing :)

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On 2/8/2022 at 12:40 AM, Egg Boy said:

fixed it real quick

It doesn't show up in the visplane explorer, but somehow, I got another visplane error when playing Map04 in the same northeast area, right when I was wallrunning to it.


Also, I'd rather not double post, so I'm going to edit this message to say that I think the part in Map06 where you battle a bunch of revenants, archviles, and pain elementals after you press the switch is too cramped, even on HNTR. There's just not enough room to evade the amount of enemies, especially when archviles are thrown into the mix.

Edited by Nikku4211

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5 hours ago, Nikku4211 said:

It doesn't show up in the visplane explorer, but somehow, I got another visplane error when playing Map04 in the same northeast area, right when I was wallrunning to it.


Also, I'd rather not double post, so I'm going to edit this message to say that I think the part in Map06 where you battle a bunch of revenants, archviles, and pain elementals after you press the switch is too cramped, even on HNTR. There's just not enough room to evade the amount of enemies, especially when archviles are thrown into the mix.

1. Visplane Explorer isn’t always accurate.  I’ve actually seen it be off on drawsegs by 100 which is insane, although extreme inaccuracies are pretty rare.  I find that it’s mainly good for reference while chocorenderlimits should be used for proper verification of compatibility.


2. There’s actually a lot of space in that fight since you have some options for safe places to run to.  There’s a staircase nearby that’s ideal.  That might not sound like the most interesting way to fight the monsters, but it is a winning strategy (and most fights in the map don’t really force you to run away so this is fine for mixing things up :D)

Edited by DCG Retrowave

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16 minutes ago, Firedust said:

Does this wad use OTEX? If it does, the textures sure look a lot like the BTSX e2 textures.

Combination of otex and 32in24-15 textures, the vines are from syringe. It was supposed to look like bootleg btsx e2. Like with moonlit district, lots of composites as well.

Edited by Egg Boy

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OK, actually went through it in a stream. Phenomenal stuff, I was grumpy at some cheap moves but compared to the full length of the mod, it was not a big deal really.



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Really fun mapset, cool layouts and traps, great texture coordination and a fitting palette. I turned on the fun setting (ITYTD) and enjoyed the wanton mayhem. The only bugs* I noticed with such a casual playthrough were some slime trails around the yellow key pillars at the end of map 06 and map 07 going over the savegame limit in DOSBox, which are barely worth mentioning considering all the talent on display. Great job!

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18 hours ago, DCG Retrowave said:

2. There’s actually a lot of space in that fight since you have some options for safe places to run to.  There’s a staircase nearby that’s ideal.  That might not sound like the most interesting way to fight the monsters, but it is a winning strategy (and most fights in the map don’t really force you to run away so this is fine for mixing things up :D)

Eh. Every time I play this map, every single time, I always get stuck in some smaller space with all the revenants and archviles blocking my access to a more bigger area to dodge their attacks in.

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Another awesome set of maps, my little squonklings! Tough as nails at points, but a great challenge with wonderful layouts, fun progression and wild n' woolly combat. My only qualm was the final fight of the last map. I fucking hated it! xD



Edited by Biodegradable

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- Played through them all on UV from pistol starts.

- This is just personal taste (and also I'm not elite at Doom), but the levels are tighter on health than I prefer... but I suppose that since it wasn't to the point of absurdity, it's probably fine.
- Another personal taste issue, but these maps lean more towards the A-hole "Gotcha" style of Plutonia where difficulty is based a lot on not knowing it's there the first time. Once I adapted back into the Plutonia mindset of assuming everything is a trap and preparing to escape in advance, I found it a little easier.
- The levels are pretty low on secrets, a few additional ones with supplies - especially ammo - would not go amiss.


Map 04
- I'm not usually a fan of one-time-only secrets, but the armor one works pretty well. Players will naturally look around to assess their options, and restarting the map is simple.
- That's a lot of hitscan, and while there is cover and this fight is possible... that's still a lot of stuff.


Map 06
- Those two shotgunners at the top of the lift is pretty cheap if you're pistol starting and hence don't have a chaingun or SSG.
- Why is the Plasma Rifle sector a secret? As far as I can tell, that's literally the only way out of that sunken area, and there's a switch you can see which entices you to go down.
- I was running very dry on ammo by the time of the big yellow key ambush. If you lose the Pain Elemental in the closet with the Yellow Key, that becomes a much better encounter. You can dip in and snag the rockets and have time to escape back out into the hallway. With it still there, you don't have enough ammo. I barely manged it on a later attempt by killing two of the AV's, then running past the remnants to get the boxes from the closet. Even so I finished the level with 23 bullets and 8 shells.
- I tested that part by using the console to kill the PE and that made the encounter feel much better. Not easy, but less ridiculous.


Map 07
- I managed to get the BFG without taking hits from the AV's thanks to some luck.
- Good Cyberdemon fight in the Red Key room, there's just enough room to weave around and let infighting distract the enemies.
- Nice big climactic fight. I would have liked to figure out how to get that Invulnerability sphere I found, but alas I had to make do by running away to the torch column, killing the first two AV's which teleport in over there, and letting the horde sort itself out enough to clear space. I got lucky on my winning attempt as a third AV broke through the pack to my side to eat rockets.

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I just decided to try this today because the name of this wad made me curious. I've played the first three maps and I enjoyed them. The maps look polished and tidy. I also like the custom sprites, especially the keys. About difficulty, it was harder than it looked initially, like the archvile-revenant surprise in MAP01, the tunnel ambush in MAP02, and the ship ambush in MAP03 which caught me off guard and I died several times in those fights (but they're challenging in a good way). I saw a metal texture is used several times throughout my gameplay, which is weird considering this is supposed to be a temple-themed wad (I think), but it doesn't really bother me so it's okay


Overall, it's a solid wad so far. I'm looking forward to play the MAP04 later, because the starting area looks really great :P

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  • 3 weeks later...
38 minutes ago, Clippy said:

Fun stuff so far not too rough , waiting for the other shoe to drop lol 




if you ever find the wad frustrating, every difficulty is supported.

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Here's me checking out Map 02 in Walpurgis:

I always like a mapset that actually does HMP at a reasonable level rather it being than UV with two extra medkits and one less archvile, so big kudos for that! I also like Mayan architecture very much, and short and punchy levels, so this one was right up my street to play! Very cool!

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