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GZDoom with ReShade

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ReShade is a generic post-processing injector for games and video software developed by crosire. Imagine your favorite game with ambient occlusion, real depth of field effects, color correction and more ... ReShade exposes an automated and generic way to access both frame color and depth information (latter is automatically disabled during multiplayer to prevent exploitation) and all the tools to make it happen. (Taken from ReShade.me) I put this in wads and mods because it is only doable in GZDoom (I'm pretty sure). Here are alot of examples of what you can do with this program, if you played Doom in the 90's, there is a crt filter and other 90s filters but I do not think they are good. What do I know I'm a gen z. 1859715760_gzdoom2022-02-0911-59-56.png.257571eb82dcbb3151dc04dfaabcd3f6.png692211487_gzdoom2022-02-0912-01-21.png.4767bbdabc195b480b720872a8a56031.png1200904129_gzdoom2022-02-0912-01-15.png.762b479be8a660281a6a95509e28d22c.png976934675_gzdoom2022-02-0912-00-48.png.f8c0f4dc533d4edc53d8d87433da46ba.png185068390_gzdoom2022-02-0912-00-05.png.bb84093bc06c709b0464d05a78da6b4e.png

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10 hours ago, Biodegradable said:

Mm, yeah... much like texture filtering, this seems to just make everything just look all bleary like Doomguy forgot to put his glasses on.


Yeah, plus GZDoom already has built-in options for ambient occlusion and bloom effects (both of which I love) without the vaseline-smeared look.

Edited by Salt-Man Z

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not a Fan, specially in the Performance side.
I prefer Shaders used within the engine than something from an injector.
Sometimes looks cool, but again the fps loss is a "no no" for me.

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I find that the best use of Reshade is for making minor adjustments. If I'm playing a game at lower than 1080p, I'll often use Reshade to adjust the sharpness in order to compensate a little. The performance impact is about 0.025 fps.


But yeah, if you go on Youtube and look up Reshade, you'll have people playing GTA V with a million settings enabled so the whole thing looks like the sun took a gigantic metallic shit on a mirror that someone is playing the game on. Then everyone will say "OMG so much realistic can I run it on an Intel4000 integrated GPU?".

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6 hours ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

Then everyone will say "OMG so much realistic can I run it on an Intel4000 integrated GPU?".

It will if you smash the like button and subscribe with the notification on.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 3 months later...
On 4/17/2023 at 11:50 AM, sweety80 said:



That looks quite nice, although a bit too bloomy for me. I also happen to use reshade a lot and after many tweaks, I reached my perfect config (for myself, at least). Here are some screenshots:

















And Here's my preset:


If you want to use this, you might have to readjust something in the resolution part of CRTAperture.fx, though. I use these presets and I don't have a technical basis for what I did. My monitor is a 1920x1080 display. It looks weird on my brother's smaller monitor, and I don't think I actually fixed it there. But I think it looks good on mine and that's what matters. 




Edited by jo2ukegappy

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  • 8 months later...

GZDoom got a pretty nice bloom effect. The best thing of Reshade for GZDoom is sharpening effects which come along really nicely with linear filtering and hi-res textures.

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2 minutes ago, Darkcrafter07 said:

GZDoom은 꽤 멋진 블룸 효과를 얻었습니다. Reshade for GZDoom의 가장 좋은 점은 선형 필터링 및 고해상도 텍스처와 매우 잘 어울리는 선명 효과입니다.

GZDoom's setup options are too complicated.
Since I want to play games simply and run Doom at low resolution, I chose the Crispy Doom Sourceport.

I don't think I'll use GZDoom unless it's for a mod.

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1 hour ago, sweety80 said:

GZDoom's setup options are too complicated.
Since I want to play games simply and run Doom at low resolution, I chose the Crispy Doom Sourceport.

I don't think I'll use GZDoom unless it's for a mod.

Well, there are some mods and maps that require GZDoom and can not run in other source ports in any way.


I keep saying it presets would be nice to have, like


Display presets:

Classic - 320x200, pixelated, paletted, software sector lighting, a CGA? (thought it looks better for 200p?) CRT shader;

Crispy - 640x400, pixelated, paletted, software sector lighting, a VGA CRT shader (maybe);

00's classic - Full HD, HW renderer, linear filtering, no bloom, no anti-aliasing;

00's crispy - Full HD, HW renderer, nearest-neighbour filtering, no bloom, no anti-aliasing;

00's cool - Full HD, HW renderer, linear filtering, bloom, anti-aliasing, AO, shadowmaps.

User preset...

Mod preset - the one that goes with PK3 like "defcvars"

Controls presets:

Modern HL - WASD Half-Life, Counter-Strike, BF and so on...

Classic Doom - old style keyboard doom controls;

Classic Duke3D - old style Duke Nukem 3D controls; 

Edited by Darkcrafter07

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