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Favorite DOOM Wads

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1 hour ago, HansGrosse said:

What's your favorite WAD?


More of a General question, but:


Jade Earth

Japanese Community Project

Fava Beans



Sunder (visually, not the gameplay)

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In chronological order:


TNT: Evilution

Eternal Doom

Hell To Pay

H2H: Xmas

Revolution! (TVR)

Stronghold: On the Edge of Chaos



+ anything by Eternal, with Epic 2 at the top

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In no particular order:


* Thatcher's Techbase

* BF_Thud! (old, I know)

* Eternity (also old, I know)

* gawrgura.wad

* Pretty much all of Aquila Chrysaetos's levels, but especially aq-slipstream.

* The Outer Darkness



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In no particular order:


Ultimate Simplicity, Scythe, The Trooper's Playground, Demonfear, Slugfest, 10 Sectors, Base Ganymede Complete, Community Chest 2, Baculus, Hell 2 Pay, Perdition's Gate, Auger Zenith, RRWARD02.wad, Akeldama, galaxia.wad, Claustrophobia 1024, Reverie, Kama Sutra, Bijou Doom, Fava Beans, 1 Monster, Alien Vendetta, Back to Basics, 1994 Tune-Up Project, Bauhaus, Vampire 5 / Frodo 5, Bilbo's Smegging WAD, Chord Series, The Darkening E1 / E2, Incineration, dickie10.wad, Doom1/2 TWID series, Icarus: Alien Vanguard, kmega1.wad, Memento Mori 1/2, Pirate Doom, No Rest for the Living, origwad.pwd, Zone 300/400, Revolution!, Going Down, Serenity Trilogy, STRAIN, Simply Phobos, Valiant, Ancient Aliens, Whispers of Satan, acheron22.wad.


That's all I can think of right now. :)

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I have too many WADs which I love and I enjoy, but I'll list only the 10 which goes:



Alien Vendetta

Extermination Day



Zone 300

Five Rooms of Doom

No Rest for the Living


Japanese Community Project


Not a particular order btw :)

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Anything by me.  :P


In all seriousness, here are some of my favorites (in no particular order):





Momento Mori II



Icarus: Alien Vangaurd

Coffee Break

Darkening Episode 1

Darkening Episode 2

CH Retro Episode

Double Impact

Deimos Deja Vu

Edited by Kor

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Icaurus: Alien Vanguard is always number 1


Hell 2 Pay is super rad too


I found Doom 2 The Rebirth to be an excellent wad too.


EGYPT.WAD is also a personal favourite


It's hard to really list outside of these four as so many maps are worthy of being listed but these four really stick with me.


48 minutes ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

Memoirs of an Unloved Search Button.

I prefer the sequel, "Unjustified Necroposting"

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I played many WADs, but some wads, which i consider to be the best i throughed 2-3 times. This is:
Extermination day
Dark Universe
Spectacle creep
Don't play with hell: Black edition
Chainworm Kommando

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Eviternity's my favorite right now for it's theming, episodic structure, soundtrack and tight level design.  I'm also very fond of Deathless for how bite-sized the levels are while still being fun.  It's the kind of WAD I can easily pick up at any moment just to kill time. 

I can tell I still have a lot of Doom to play, because I haven't touched 90% of what was already listed in this topic.

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rowdy rudy one 




special mention:

rainbowfactory.pk3 its not a wad


Edited by gwain

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i would recommend checking out this thread, where people more or less list their favorites and the info is then put into a database


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Sorry class, I’m afraid you’ll all be staying behind today. The correct answer is of course Dwango5.wad, as with every bygone year.


How do I reech these keeds..?!



..In the realm of SP, Cleimos is one of the most enjoyable Dooming experiences I’ve had in recent memory, but the pacing and presentation is very much from an older school of thought. It has more in common with old DOS dungeon crawlers than modern wads, which I know doesn’t have the broadest appeal, but it’s a well built wad for sure!

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Off the top of my head, DOOM Zero has some of my favorite level design I've played in a WAD. Granted, I tend to stick with WADS that don't go beyond BOOM compatibility so I'm probably missing out on so many others, but this one stands out in terms of vanilla map design.

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I go back and play scythe the most out of any wad I've played. I've played better but no other wad draws me back as much as scythe so I think that one is my favorite. It just has a certain something. Think its hell episode is the aesthetic by which I compare all other hell episodes.

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