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Easy Map

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Very nice. It's the kind of premise that has you waiting all the time for the catch. I got all kills and 4/7 secrets. I didn't find the invulnerability until after I had reached the exit room, which was a very good thing.


And it has Biodegradable's new favorite feature in it, too!

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That one button should be labelled "Return of the Ground NipplesTM" Nice seeing the guys having themselves a pizza as well. Not gonna lie, when something is called "easy map(tm)" I came in expecting to get absolutely slaughtered lol. That tension waiting for the other shoe to drop was brilliant. That stair room with a bajillion armour bonuses was great. crispy-doom has a funny feature that picking up several things extends the yellow screen tint. So the whole stairs fight was in pitch black yellow. Nice practice of stair-building as well. Wait, those nipples are stairs?! I just realized!

I rate this three drumsticks 🍗🍗🍗

Good timesTM Always fun to pick up a mega at 195/195 and not feeling terrible for wasting it.

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@xdude_gamer congrats on 1st reply glad you're excited!


@Pistoolkip ya Ryan George is awesome haha - love his skits about random every day things that he makes seem crazy


@Stabbey & @thiccyosh & @azerty : Thanks for checking it out -- but shhhh don't tell Bio I wanted to surprise him hahaha - truthfully his playthrough inspired my map here - this will probably be the last time I use this feature tho - just couldn't help myself


@Astro X what a roller coaster eh


@HrnekBezucha everything is stairs! 94 raising stairs lol - yah I had fun with this premise - thanks for playing and for the chicken legs!


@Csucskos try I'm too young to die


@Delisk Thank you for the first vid of my map - no errors seen - but that mod you were using was HILARIOUS what was that? OMG right up my alley, craft dinner pickups - friggin extra large cheese puffs - frying pans - I was laughing my ass off and enjoyed this vid thoroughly - those plush toy things that latched on to the monsters!! This was great hahahaa

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@Biodegradable thank you for playing! Your disabled weapon switch messed you up at the start as you had the shotgun from the beginning haha. Yeah as usual this map was me sort of messing around with silly concepts and ideas I had. You did inspire me to make this with your last vid, the "ground nipples" as you dubbed them had to make one more return (last one I promise) -- I thought it would be amusing if they rose up from the ground - but they aren't as much as a problem like in the last map - some help you get secrets. The chainsaw: remember the diamond shaped pillars that lower in front of the switch? They lower to just above the water and you can run up to the right window ledge and around to the chainsaw. As usual I will do a reveal vid down the road. Fun watching you play as always and I appreciate it a lot!

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pretty fun map with unusual ideers.. always a plus


I had to play it several times and I had to watch anothers playthrough in order to find out how to get to the last exit switch room but fun map nonetheless.. I played on easiest difficulty

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@CBM thanks for playing - I was hoping the random switch hunt at the end wouldn't confuse ppl but glad you got through it - did you enjoy the extra megaspheres?


@Dannarchy Fantastic vid thanks so much! Thanks for showing me how to beat this saveless I, er ..... never had a chance to do a completely saveless run but was confident it was possible. Saveless runs are stressful amirite? Glad I was able to get your heart pumping - it was thrilling to watch, a few close calls! When you fought the Archie from the plasma lift secret it occurred to me I forgot to put monster blocker down there, to prevent the player from being stuck at infinite height -- a place to drop down savely- so I am still making minor adjustments & ninja edits. I also am known to blow myself up with rocket launcher. Fun vid man - kudos. @Biodegradable see 13:47 for how to get chainsaw -- you can do it without the nip too using the small silver lowered pillar too.


@azerty I ran out of time but am very much interested to watch later, thanks again!

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1 minute ago, Clippy said:

@CBM thanks for playing - I was hoping the random switch hunt at the end wouldn't confuse ppl but glad you got through it - did you enjoy the extra megaspheres?

Oddly enough... yes, yes I did! :-)

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Easy with a rather surprising difficulty spike, eh? You kept me on my toes all the way and just when I felt relatively safe... BOOM! It's a Clippy map after all! :-D



Edited by sectrslayr

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@CBM haha I'm glad - that was my most silly easy mode ever


@sectrslayr haha yep that was the plan - one big psychological headgame


@azerty fantastic vid - I had to remind myself it wasn't UV because I don't think I leaned it to the middle enough, still pretty hard - it was fun seeing you figure out some secrets and also run up and down the stairs joyfully collecting helmets - good times - thrilling finale too you got the cyber just in time - fun show - thanks again!

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Easy Map

Ultra-Violence || Zandronum

Deaths → 1
Saves → none


As I always say, this video is not set to "hidden", therefore, I would appreciate the kind support of any of you Doomers regarding my content.




This map has been sincerely interesting, and the truth is that it doesn't surprise me, since I know you quite well Clippy, and I know that you don't leave anything easy in your maps, with each map you launch, you always get to put any method of difficulty to impress players or to surprise them unawares, because whatever it is, you always manage to give fascinating fights, buddy. Regarding the structure of the site, I like the kind of textures that you have used to these, I just find the decorations and structures that you implemented here very striking, huh. And regarding the combat... it really was the best of the map, I won't lie, everything was very entertaining, and even more so with the action that this offered, the truth is that I really enjoyed it, therefore, this map is really appreciated, Clippy.

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@ElPadrecitoCholo thank you SO much for playing! I feel bad that you never saved and had to redo the map - this is why I save often cause I hate redoing things. The start of the map was of course like a movie with a slow buildup. You got boxed in by those Cybers and I never expected someone to shoot them through the wall but it worked! Also rocket jumping to secrets is essentially sequence breaking, when jumping is disabled that should mean rocket jumping with freelook is too - it's essentially just a fancy jump. Anywho the vid was cool and thanks again for spending so much time with my map, it looks like you investigated it thoroughly too - good times - I have some more ideas in the works


Have a good one!

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Don't worry, redoing maps isn't really a problem for me, since I saw the amount of enemies that the Wad had, I could get an idea that it wasn't that difficult to try to reach the end again because of these inconveniences, and since when I'm playing I get a lot of adrenaline from the action that arises, I didn't give importance to that, and I decided to continue despite having lost only once, now I doubt I'll lose again with everything I already know about defense and the attack in each zone.

I don't have to explain much about Rocket Jump, that's already essential for me to do it when you can't enable the jump, and since I was playing with Ranger, it makes even more sense hahaha.

You're welcome Clippy, I'm glad you liked my gameplay and had as much fun as I did, huh. I'll be waiting for anything new from you, dude.


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That was fun and actually easier than I thought, I expected the "PREPARE TO DIE" to spawn 30 Cyberdemons instead of some fodder. (Except the last Cyberdemon fight, I died 6-8 times just by the Cyberdemon before finding the MegaSphere Secret)
Also, I accidently didn't pick up the BFG before fighting the First Cyberdemon. (Also killed him without BFG, but got the BFG before the SpiderDemon)

And, I got 100% kill on HMP.

Also, ~20 minutes come to finding where the Mancubus Room was.


Overall- Very, Very Fun Map and pretty beginner friendly on HMP. 


Edited by SuyaSS

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@SuyaSS Thank you so much for playing - I wasn't sure if I balanced HMP appropriately compared to UV and glad you enjoyed the experience. I worried the end was a bit switch hunty and sorry any confusion with progression. The most Cybers I ever put in a map was 8 in Cliptucky Fried Chicken Special map 30.

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@Dubbag hello there! 


I already replied to you on the discord but I'll say hi again here too thanks for playing


7:42 is the part you missed on the replay. Is an obscure portal that leads to the red key it's understandable how you missed it


I still really enjoyed your video and especially your commentary had me laughing pretty hard. Always a good show even if you can't find the finish line!

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Pretty cool map. I tried to beat it two times but couldn't because I suck. I wasn't surprised by the two cyberemonds at the end because I saw Dubbag's video before trying this map out, so I thought I'll be able to beat it on my blind run. Oh well... On my first try I got killed by an archvile that gets released right after you meet two cybies and on my second try a cyberdemon got into the outdoor area so I got nervous and didn't manage to dodge his rockets... I'll probably try to beat it again since it was pretty fun and it was a casual playthrough anyway. Also idk why, but I don't like how this thing looks lol: 




Edited by CittyKat112

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