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[Community Project] Morior Invictus (It's fucking done, finally.)

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12 minutes ago, DiR said:

It's not in the stage where it's a beatable level yet but I'm making some more encounters before I let the player reach the battery since MAP17 is about midway through the mapset and it would be easier to make a level too hard then dial back the monster count versus making it too easy and stuffing a few more in.

doesn't have to be beatable, you just gotta throw out a playable version of the map to prove you're actually doing it, cuz
I do wanna get this thing finished at some point - gotta start pushing people along lol

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29 minutes ago, forgettable pyromaniac said:

unrelated to the deadline, I made the music better I think - a bit more going on, and some not as grating instrument choices :)

it sounds very nice c: 

i think if u arpeggiated the pads maybe it would sound better?

at least when the song "really kicks in" i feel like it would make the harmony have more movement and feel less repetitive

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map25 final version?

this is what i believe to be the final version of my map.



+enhanced meanness (keeping it fair tho)

+visual improvements to the caves

+new cheeky secret that took me a whiiile to figure out how to do :^)

+fixed linedef for coop teleporter, now it has it's own w1 door open stay line (before the lindef to open the tele was the same as the final monster closet so if you died without opening the ambush you could softlock your friends)


please let me know if the difficulty is still fair, i tried to raise the heat again without making it too hard for 90s

also no more major rooms were added because i couldn't figure out a way to add more areas to my map that didn't feel shoehorned in draggin' the pacing.



Edited by Luleta

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Done did a few more of these here review things. Had to dig back surprising far into the thread, so I'm hoping that I didn't miss anyone on the way or failed to get the newest version of each map. Apologies if either turns out to be the case.


MAP04 (King Know-Nothing) - This one turned out to be a lot bigger than I was expecting. When I guessed it was nearly over, I was only about halfway. Still, after all that build-up, you're just kind of teleported back near the start after grabbing the battery. Seems abrupt and kind of anti-climatic, but I suppose it's only Map 4. On that note, though, the enemy layout struck me as a bit chunky for such an early slot. A few heavies is fine, but I think this map stretches the definition of 'a few' a bit far (don't take my word as law, of course). I did catch a couple oddities during my play-through: Some secrets seemed suspiciously empty, and later on there was teleporter that didn't work. Checked it out in UDB; Turned out the teleport destination (among other suspicious things) was tagged for only 'Hard'. Since I was on HMP, I ended up needing to no-clip. I've made this very same mistake before so I totally understand, but it's still something that should be fixed before this one can be called finished.


MAP14 (forgettable pyromaniac) - A hot start but a fun start; Not too demanding which is just the way I like it. The rest of the map is fine, but it feels like you become over-geared by the end. Especially with how you're handed a BFG, I was expecting a big scrap when I went for the battery, but... nothing? No lie, I was actually disappointed. That trap with the teleporting Hell Knights caught me totally off guard and handed me a death. Not even complaining, really, just felt like sharing.


MAP27 (Dubium) -From what I gather, you don't need me to tell you this map is over-detailed for vanilla. It's a darn shame, too, since I think the bloody, gory hell you've put together here looks pretty sharp. For a Map27, my opinion is that this one has a good level of challenge and fits its slot pretty well. I found it tough, but not unfair. For that final fight, I thought for sure was going to be an absolute clustertruck, but in actuality it wasn't that bad. That's not an easy thing to achieve so nice job, I say.


MAP13 (A2Rob) - Now here's a map that I'm shocked and impressed doesn't have any problems with limits despite having a relatively open central area. A good medium-level challenge here, I stumbled through it without too much trouble. The only progression hiccup I had was taking way too long to find the switch to get out of that middle-south room. Just a solid map overall, and if I had to scrape for criticisms, I'd say that the Midi choice sounded a little repetitive to my ears.


MAP15 (Sr_Ludicolo) - One of the toughest maps so far, for sure. Feels like you're given just enough supplies to make it through, and even then it can sometimes seem like its not enough. Health is especially scarce, and the armor I didn't find until I went searching for the secret exit. I don't necessarily dislike health/ammo constraints, but they can make an otherwise simple map a lot harder. I know I had to reload on this one quite a few times. Plus side, I like the aesthetics. Those green textures really pop against the brown. Oh and for my own curiosity: Is there a way to kill that cybie? Doesn't seem like there'd be enough ammo in the level.


MAP09 (Puncher_Sponge) - Big rooms and lots of rockets to kill monsters with? Sign me up. This is a fun one, but it's not without teeth. If I may make a suggestion, maybe drop a couple medkits after that big battery fight. On my first attempt I survived it at low health, then got a blitzkrieg from the SS after I hopped through the portal. I know it's probably the Wolfenstein talking, but with all the 'time jumping' that happens in this one, it almost feels like it could be a secret map.

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6 hours ago, Blexor said:

Done did a few more of these here review things. Had to dig back surprising far into the thread, so I'm hoping that I didn't miss anyone on the way or failed to get the newest version of each map. Apologies if either turns out to be the case.


MAP04 (King Know-Nothing) - This one turned out to be a lot bigger than I was expecting. When I guessed it was nearly over, I was only about halfway. Still, after all that build-up, you're just kind of teleported back near the start after grabbing the battery. Seems abrupt and kind of anti-climatic, but I suppose it's only Map 4. On that note, though, the enemy layout struck me as a bit chunky for such an early slot. A few heavies is fine, but I think this map stretches the definition of 'a few' a bit far (don't take my word as law, of course). I did catch a couple oddities during my play-through: Some secrets seemed suspiciously empty, and later on there was teleporter that didn't work. Checked it out in UDB; Turned out the teleport destination (among other suspicious things) was tagged for only 'Hard'. Since I was on HMP, I ended up needing to no-clip. I've made this very same mistake before so I totally understand, but it's still something that should be fixed before this one can be called finished.



Had a fear this might be the case. I was thinking if @forgettable pyromaniac is fine with it, figured I would switch this one to the 26th slot, ramp up the difficulty to match and then wrap up my work on my current map since I could easily take what I have and work it into a sharper map 4.


I really appreciate the feedback, will work out those bugs and rework some stuff I thought I had gotten already. Many thanks!

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Hey everyone, this isn't very mapping related, but I reshaded the battery and the battery slot so that they better fit alongside doom's graphics. Here's a couple before and after side-by-side comparisons to show the differences in the pickup, HUD, and battery slot. The sprites are paletted and working in Chocolate Doom.




Credits to @forgettable pyromaniac for making the original battery sprites and battery slot.


Download: BatteryPatch.zip

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24 minutes ago, DiR said:

Hey everyone, this isn't very mapping related, but I reshaded the battery and the battery slot so that they better fit alongside doom's graphics. Here's a couple before and after side-by-side comparisons to show the differences in the pickup, HUD, and battery slot. The sprites are paletted and working in Chocolate Doom.




Credits to @forgettable pyromaniac for making the original battery sprites and battery slot.


Download: BatteryPatch.zip

Amazing work done :)

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1 hour ago, DiR said:

Hey everyone, this isn't very mapping related, but I reshaded the battery and the battery slot so that they better fit alongside doom's graphics. Here's a couple before and after side-by-side comparisons to show the differences in the pickup, HUD, and battery slot. The sprites are paletted and working in Chocolate Doom.

I love this. I wanna use it. Can we use it? (with creds of course)

OK SINCE I FORGOT YESTERDAY, I AM GOING TO TAG EVERONE WHO HASN'T RESPONDED TO THE SOFT DEADLINE, AND ASK FOR THEIR PLAYABLE VERSION OF THE LEVEL (It doesn't have to be BEATABLE, you just gotta prove you're actively working on it so we can release it... some time this year lol)

For people who get tagged and are confused, see this post.

People who get tagged: @King Know-Nothing @DiR @Dusty_Rhodes @DJVCardMaster @Cheesewheel @Lemonlytical @Savarin

If you've already posted an update before the deadline, just kindly link that post to me because I am a big dumb stupid baby.
Thanks <3

(P.S. If I don't get a response by MONDAY (6/13/22), I'll throw up your map(s) for grabs. Thanks guys.)

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30 minutes ago, forgettable pyromaniac said:

I love this. I wanna use it. Can we use it? (with creds of course)

OK SINCE I FORGOT YESTERDAY, I AM GOING TO TAG EVERONE WHO HASN'T RESPONDED TO THE SOFT DEADLINE, AND ASK FOR THEIR PLAYABLE VERSION OF THE LEVEL (It doesn't have to be BEATABLE, you just gotta prove you're actively working on it so we can release it... some time this year lol)

For people who get tagged and are confused, see this post.

People who get tagged: @King Know-Nothing @DiR @Dusty_Rhodes @DJVCardMaster @Cheesewheel @Lemonlytical @Savarin

If you've already posted an update before the deadline, just kindly link that post to me because I am a big dumb stupid baby.
Thanks <3

(P.S. If I don't get a response by MONDAY (6/13/22), I'll throw up your map(s) for grabs. Thanks guys.)

Sure you can use it, I made it for that purpose after all. I'll make a more finished version of my map before monday as proof that I'm still working on it beyond some screenshots, since I come across some overflows on ChocoRenderLimits

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On 6/3/2022 at 7:42 PM, DJVCardMaster said:

I'd like to withdraw my slot and give it to someone else, I'm not feeling this year like mapping, I'm so sorry.

I'm recalling this in advance, regarding to my map.

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3 hours ago, forgettable pyromaniac said:

OK SINCE I FORGOT YESTERDAY, I AM GOING TO TAG EVERONE WHO HASN'T RESPONDED TO THE SOFT DEADLINE, AND ASK FOR THEIR PLAYABLE VERSION OF THE LEVEL (It doesn't have to be BEATABLE, you just gotta prove you're actively working on it so we can release it... some time this year lol)


Ok so, I definitely have that right here, needs some heavy work still. It's beatable but far from finished, I need to implement difficulties, co-op, fix some texture breaks and all that. (also think of a name and midi for it [the hardest part of mapping])


Here's some screenies:









I would love some criticism, especially if my map ends up being too annoying. Also, some areas are definitely up for changing.




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1 hour ago, Savarin said:

I would love some criticism, especially if my map ends up being too annoying. Also, some areas are definitely up for changing.



The LAST thing I expected was to see the demo part of the map used in the actual level (or is that just a temp thing? lol)

I like the half and half thing you got going on - both ways have weapons so it doesn't matter what direction you go in.
Lots of key fakeouts :)

And the pathway that leads to nothing, but stops you in your path, forcing you down an alternate path - I like the idea, the execution felt a bit funny, but it's ok.
Also, if you take the tele back to the original level after you're done, the wall blocking your way out from that city(?) encounter can't be lowered, rendering a softlock.

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@forgettable pyromaniacI'll say this ahead of time, but if come Monday, you need to open some of those map slots, I'd like to get one of them if I could. I actually came up with another idea while playing through some of the other maps for this project, and I'd love the chance to put it into practice. Up to you, really. If you'd rather give it to someone new or think it's unfair for me to try and reserve it, I totally understand.

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My map is still in it's really early stages, I counted about 5-ish minutes of gameplay at the moment before I reach the end of designed map area. Since there's no level exit once you hit a WIP area that's the end of the map for the time being. Normally I wouldn't say this is open for playtesting just yet but I'm uploading this as proof that I've made something at least.


While tested and working on chocolate doom, the MIDI doesn't play properly with the OPL audio driver. Anyways, the MIDI is not final and I may pick a different one later down the line if I come across something that I find more fitting.





Note: Monsters are turned off in the screenshots, it's not this barren in-game.


Download: ContinuumComplex_v0.zip

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16 hours ago, Blexor said:

@forgettable pyromaniacI'll say this ahead of time, but if come Monday, you need to open some of those map slots, I'd like to get one of them if I could. I actually came up with another idea while playing through some of the other maps for this project, and I'd love the chance to put it into practice. Up to you, really. If you'd rather give it to someone new or think it's unfair for me to try and reserve it, I totally understand.

That was the plan.


41 minutes ago, DiR said:

My map is still in it's really early stages, I counted about 5-ish minutes of gameplay at the moment before I reach the end of designed map area. Since there's no level exit once you hit a WIP area that's the end of the map for the time being. Normally I wouldn't say this is open for playtesting just yet but I'm uploading this as proof that I've made something at least.

I like the little pickaxes on the ground lol

Took a quick little run-around w/o monsters since I just woke up (I know I have a FUCKED sleep schedule...), and it looks super cool :)

Did run into a few plane overflows, notably when the doors are open (when they're closed, it seems to be ok?)
If you don't wanna change the maps that much, you may need the doors to quick-snap shut in order to avoid the overflows, as it doesn't appear to happen at the doors themselves, but farther away - haven't tested it enough to say for sure, though.

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5 minutes ago, forgettable pyromaniac said:

Did run into a few plane overflows, notably when the doors are open (when they're closed, it seems to be ok?)
If you don't wanna change the maps that much, you may need the doors to quick-snap shut in order to avoid the overflows, as it doesn't appear to happen at the doors themselves, but farther away - haven't tested it enough to say for sure, though.

Yeah I tried sinking the doors into hallways so they were a bit further out of sight when going around corners but there are a couple problem spots here and there. I thought about the idea of making the doors snap shut behind you but I gotta fine tune the linedefs a bit better because it was kinda hit-or-miss with my initial implementation which ended up only working half the time since it would close on the player as they walked through.


Another option I considered was to hide more things around corners but that would significantly change the layout if I rotated things around.

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20 hours ago, forgettable pyromaniac said:

The LAST thing I expected was to see the demo part of the map used in the actual level (or is that just a temp thing? lol)

I like the half and half thing you got going on - both ways have weapons so it doesn't matter what direction you go in.
Lots of key fakeouts :)

And the pathway that leads to nothing, but stops you in your path, forcing you down an alternate path - I like the idea, the execution felt a bit funny, but it's ok.
Also, if you take the tele back to the original level after you're done, the wall blocking your way out from that city(?) encounter can't be lowered, rendering a softlock.


Hehe no, that's intentional, just tought it was a funny idea :D

Actually the whole vibe I wanna give off with the design is:


There is some weird entity taunting you, messing reality up and mixing different timelines in the same spot!


Thanks for testing it out, and yeah I still have to fix many softlocks both for single and multiplayer. No worries, everything will be accessible.


Also, @noob_killer012345678, I really liked what you were going for on your map's ending, unfortunately since I joined kinda late on the project and due to getting very busy too, I couldn't merge both ideas very well. Sorry :c


Edited by Savarin
softlooks is not a word (or is it)

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1 hour ago, forgettable pyromaniac said:

If you don't wanna change the maps that much, you may need the doors to quick-snap shut in order to avoid the overflows, as it doesn't appear to happen at the doors themselves, but farther away - haven't tested it enough to say for sure, though.

Okay, so since the snap-shut door idea wasn't reliably working since sometimes the player can get caught under the door, I opted to make the hallways longer so that it is more unlikely that multiple doors will be open at once on the same screen within vision cones of each other. The max planes is still a bit high (around 100) but I think that's ample leeway unless the player happens to attempt speedrunning or something.

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19 hours ago, Blexor said:

@forgettable pyromaniacI'll say this ahead of time, but if come Monday, you need to open some of those map slots, I'd like to get one of them if I could. I actually came up with another idea while playing through some of the other maps for this project, and I'd love the chance to put it into practice. Up to you, really. If you'd rather give it to someone new or think it's unfair for me to try and reserve it, I totally understand.

If you want, you can have map18?


I have been swamped with other things, such as getting Pandora finalised, mapping for DBP49 and programming that I haven’t even put down one linedef for this slot yet.

Edited by Gibbon

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Here's what I have so far. Layout is 80% finished. I haven't added any monsters but that's the fastest part of my work flow. For some reason this is plagued with crashes despite being within parameters. Sometimes when I shoot it crashes, other times rooms that are within drawseg and visplane limits by a country mile crash it. I'm not a stranger to vanilla mapping but I have never had these issues. Any help is appreciated. Also the lava room was meant to have shadowcasting which I got working in a small sector in the map. When I tried to add it in the lava room it was again plagued with bugs.

I hope this is alright so far and I'm excited to finish it up!



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1 hour ago, Dusty_Rhodes said:

... Also the lava room was meant to have shadowcasting which I got working in a small sector in the map. When I tried to add it in the lava room it was again plagued with bugs.

Oh yeah, I've done something like this before! Never knew the name of it, nor ever knew it was a common mapping trick, I just kinda did the reverse of pop up monsters([?] does that make sense?) where instead of the floor repeating for a while, it's the ceiling repeating. 

Edited by forgettable pyromaniac
should probably decrease the amount quoted

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Alright, a couple of things I'm gonna write down:

- I put Frost's map31 in the MI-EXTRA wad, and opened Map31.
- Gibbon said a while back to open map18, so I just did. If they changed their mind, let me know.
- Cheesewheel and Lemonlytical never responded to the tags, so I opened their maps, too.
- Map07's still too over-exerting for vanilla, so I took map07, since I'm currently unable to do map32 (which should be a continuation of map31, which is open)
- I still dunno who's gonna do Map30, I was thinking of making a DM thing on here (doomworld) with all of us who are making the map together in one DM.
I think we went over it, but I don't remember lol
- I posted the currently compiled version on the first page, next to the base. It has a few extra textures from map15, if you're into that.
It also fixes the doomguy corpse with the gray stud... Don't forget the gray stud decoration exists! <3

Alright, I think that's everything. Maps are open if new people wanna jump in. I dunno when I'll do another "Hey I want an update" thing. I'll wait until we manage to get some more people on the maps before I ask for a date of any kind.

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6 minutes ago, forgettable pyromaniac said:

Alright, a couple of things I'm gonna write down:

- I put Frost's map31 in the MI-EXTRA wad, and opened Map31.
- Gibbon said a while back to open map18, so I just did. If they changed their mind, let me know.
- Cheesewheel and Lemonlytical never responded to the tags, so I opened their maps, too.
- Map07's still too over-exerting for vanilla, so I took map07, since I'm currently unable to do map32 (which should be a continuation of map31, which is open)
- I still dunno who's gonna do Map30, I was thinking of making a DM thing on here (doomworld) with all of us who are making the map together in one DM.
I think we went over it, but I don't remember lol
- I posted the currently compiled version on the first page, next to the base. It has a few extra textures from map15, if you're into that.
It also fixes the doomguy corpse with the gray stud... Don't forget the gray stud decoration exists! <3

Alright, I think that's everything. Maps are open if new people wanna jump in. I dunno when I'll do another "Hey I want an update" thing. I'll wait until we manage to get some more people on the maps before I ask for a date of any kind.

The MAP30 idea sounds pretty neat!  That would be one hell of a shocker of a map, but I'm sensing supreme awesomeness with it.

Edited by Gibbon

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