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Doom 3 Apathy


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Is there there anyone else out there who, like me, doesn't really give a damn about what's happening with Doom 3? I mean, yeah, I'm sure it'll be so significant, it'll be the best game ever, the graphics will so detailed that you will be able to see a split pubic hair from 100 paces, blah blah blah but I don't care. Will it be fun? I don't think the 'true 3D' games are as fun as the 'sector and linedef' ones. Quake was really lame, and John Romero admited it. "We concentrated to much on technology and not on gamplay (or something like that)". Quake 2 was alright, Quake 3... Multiplayer... can't be assed. Half-Life... 1.turn a corner, 2.walk for a bit, 3.walk some more, 4.encounter an alien, 5.kill it in an unsatisfying matter 6. repeat steps 1-5 until death.

Maybe I feel this way because I have a crap system spec (NO 3D CARD!!!) and I can't even play Quake 3 or Doom 3. Or maybe it's because the games are geting so complicated. I just wanna kill stuff, man.

Well, whatever, rant over. Main thing is, I don't care about Doom 3.
Anyone else feel the same?

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It's not the whole Doom community who are fuzzing about Doom 3.

Sure I'll buy Doom 3 when I get the chance to, but in reality I'm waiting with more anticipation on Doom Millenium and Underworld ep2.

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Silverwyvern said:

I don't buy many new games these days...

Smae here. Last new(ish) game I bought was Age Of Empires 2: The Conquerors Expansion about a year ago. Latest game I bought was Ultimate Doom (I ACTUALLY FOUND A BOXED VERSION IN A SHOP!!!) about 2 weeks ago.

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Last game I bought that I really enjoyed for gameplay was Unreal. Played it with a P2 333 with VoodooII card, it was fine. For DM, I vote for Doom2 (zdoom) and Unreal Tournament. QuakeII is also very good for DM.
I'll be surprised if I actually enjoy playing DoomIII very far through, but I'll buy it.

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It's kinda strange when you see people getting more excited about Doom 2 TC/conversions/mods/ports/etc than with Doom 3. Even if it is understandable. That damn leak seemed to have pissed id to the point where they don't want to show anymore movies or development pics, so then they can't keep our appetite whetted.

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beezee88, I don't pay attention to it at all. I did a bit a while back just out of curiosity.

Personally I don't care much about the "commercial" game scene and I've never "sought" a game; I've always stumbled onto whatever games I've been hooked to, like they surprised me... I just had them before me and suddely I was liking and playing them. So, I can't be interested in a game that doesn't exist (same happens with unreleased WADs... I don't give a shit about them until I stumble upon a download link.)

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Vulg@r said:

It's kinda strange when you see people getting more excited about Doom 2 TC/conversions/mods/ports/etc than with Doom 3.

Depends on your definition of "people".

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My definition of people in that context is Doomers in general -- people on the forums. In the same context, all other "people" are irrelevant. I shouldn't say strange, though. It's just something I certainly didn't expect to see on the forum, but it's still understandable.

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beezee88 said:

Half-Life... 1.turn a corner, 2.walk for a bit, 3.walk some more, 4.encounter an alien, 5.kill it in an unsatisfying matter 6. repeat steps 1-5 until death.

he then said:

Or maybe it's because the games are geting so complicated. I just wanna kill stuff, man.

Major contradiction, anyone? :)

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Hm. I don't think you can consider the game complicated until there are at least 8 steps. 6 just doesn't cut it anymore. :P But yeah, I see what you're saying.

*Edit* Wait...I guess HL is complicated. You have a reload gun option. My bad.

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Vulg@r said:

Wait...I guess HL is complicated. You have a reload gun option. My bad.

Also, don't forget that some weapons have alternate fire!

Anyways, beezee88 clearly hasn't even played as far as the Pit Fiend if he thinks that's all there is to HL :)

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I'll buy it when it comes out, and if it's good I'll play it for more than a few minutes. It might even be so fantastic that it changes my entire life, who knows?

But excited? Not ATM - too many new games have disappointed me in recent years for me to get my hopes up too much. Moreover, every game id has produced from Quake onwards has been at least a mild disappointment to me (I did play Quake I and II all the way through, but only once).

BTW, I really liked Half-Life - played it a lot, and many SP add-ons for it.

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That's true. That one incident made the game a touch bit more complicated. Has he gotten past the areas where he fights strictly head crabs and possessed scientists?

*Edit* Grazza, do you like that new Valve-released mod thingie? Natural Selection, I think it's called.

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My main gripe with Half-life is that there isn't enough of it, even with all the official expansions :)

Opposing Force could have been a bit longer. They could have explored the third step in the Headcrabs' mutation of their host body, for example. Or maybe even more. You've gotta love the Headcrabs, after all :)

Blue Shift should have been much longer, of course. About five times longer in fact.

Valve or Gearbox should have made a third official mission pack where you play one of the Assassins. That would have been really cool.

There's also Decay I suppose (PS2 only co-op level set). I've never even gotten past the second level of that, so I'm not sure how many levels there are. Probably not enough though ;) )

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OMG. Blast Pit - best area in any game ever (apart from HR map22, of course).

Vulg@r said:

*Edit* Grazza, do you like that new Valve-released mod thingie? Natural Selection, I think it's called.

No, haven't even heard of it. I'm really out of touch with new games.

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And doesn't it sound just a bit like this kind of whining?

"My system isn't fast enough to run any newer game than circa 1998 and my gaming skills aren't enough to get me past the 2nd act of Half-Life and therefore all newer games suck."

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Major contradiction, anyone? :)

Well, there's an "or" there, meaning the cause of the problem isn't altogether decided. But if he says that, it must surely be his perspective.

I for one agree with the position in some way, in feeling that gaming takes this trend to create believable environments and complex virtual worlds way too seriously. It's like games are there to experiment with the potential of computers, and that playing them is part of their secondary nature. That doesn't suit me. The fact that possibly it could be argued that it's always been like this isn't really meaningful, as what would bothers me is to follow that trend of production... not the act of playing a particular game created within that process. And for this cause (?) I generally tend to ignore newer games. Fun games already exist, what need have I for the industry to produce more of them, and to sell them to me? Should I be spending time judging games, on the lookout for new titles?

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I agree with Myk. I remember when computer games had good gameplay and the PC requirements weren't too steep. It was perfect. Yeah, realism is great, but remember Trespasser? That game exemplified things that bother me insofar that they try to make their game an eye-candy gallery, not an experience of the mind. The best games don't always have the best graphics but stimulate your mind, not unlike reading a book...they sometimes urge you to use your imagination.

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Vulg@r said:

I remember when computer games had good gameplay and the PC requirements weren't too steep.

Nah, high system requirements is nothing new. I seem to remember that both Ultima 7 and Ultima Underworld needed a pretty hefty system when they released back in '92.

Then there's Doom of course. The recommended 486 processor was pretty damned expensive back then ;)

EDIT: BTW, I remember when the average computer game had WORSE gameplay than it does now. Surely you remember the interactive movie obsession back in the mid 90's, which gave us such 'gems' as Plumbers Don't Wear Ties?

Oh, and low system requirements doesn't neccessarily mean a game'll be good. Just look at the Sims.

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There was a time when every little drip of Doom III information got stuck inside my head and got me dreaming about this Game of Games, that would blow everything else completely out of the water. How young and immature I was then.

The past few months I've mainly been playing old games from the 8/16bit era, newer arcade games and console games. And I've come to realise the well-known but rarely realised truth: games are about fun. A game needs to be well-presented, and offer the player exploration and obstacles that he can overcome through skill and determination. A game that eats up three megabytes of HD space for a single wall texture is tipping the scale way over to the 'presentation' side, while its developers should be concentrating on the actual game.

Now I'm sure Doom III is going to be an overwhelming audiovisual experience, that perhaps the combat is going to be fun, and there's going to be clever level design and horrifying scenes. But to be honest, I don't care for that kind of game much anymore.

I probably won't even get the PC version, since I don't intend on getting a new PC in the following year. I'll just get the XBox version if it's any good, play through the game for all it's worth, and then go play some more Chrono Trigger on my GBA.

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There have only been a few games I got really really excited about.

Super Metroid,
Metroid Fusion,
Morrowind (and never bought it ;)
Mario 3
and Final Fantasy 6

and Im talking -really- excited... Like.. food, sex, and sleep are all second to the game.

Sadly.. it's all older stuff too...
Guess I'm losing that inner game child...

Now there's a cranky, picky, hard to please game woman... and she can't afford to be excited anymore ;) (literally)

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Major contradiction, anyone? :)

Ok, I see, let me re-articulate:

Games are concentrating too much on the technology, and not enough on the gameplay.

IMO, Half-Life Gameplay: Uninspring
Half-Life Technology: Impressive, but a bit over complex at

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Arioch said:

And doesn't it sound just a bit like this kind of whining?

"My system isn't fast enough to run any newer game than circa 1998 and my gaming skills aren't enough to get me past the 2nd act of Half-Life and therefore all newer games suck."

lol, yeah I suppose I am making a general whiner. Don't get me wrong, I apreciate some of the more recent games, Blood 2 and SOF for example are two of my favoured selections, and as for gaming skills, :D I wouldn't say it was so much that as the fact that Half-Life didn't quite draw me in like the other games (lame excuse)...

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Shit, MORE whining over Doom 3.


I don't like whiny threads and this thread looks suspiciously like a whiny thread, which only has that one purpose of complaining...which is pointless as it is bound to attract flak from some people who happen to be greatly anticipating Doom 3.

I especially dislike when people turn it down on the basis that "it's a new game and new games suck" - bullshit!
At least give it a try when it's out! (or the demo - they'll likely release a demo at some point - whether before final release or after).

At any rate, I'll allow people to voice their opinions in this thread, but note that if I begin to see flak coming in of the 'old' type (I've heard all those arguments for and against Doom 3 over and over again - I don't wanna see 'em again) I'll close this thread.

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