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Guess the Map! [14th Edition - DONE!]

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Previous editions: 13 (click to find the others)



This game is not dead! And you all know the deal already I'd like to think, so we'll get right into the important in a minute but first, the rules:


- Answers MUST be hidden in spoilers, no exceptions. If you don't use the spoiler option, your guesses won't count.

- Assistance is fine if you aren't completely sure about your guess, we're only strict about the first rule.


New hints will be given on the 16th of February. Answers on the 19th.






1. To the south of this red castle-fort hybrid is a lake of lava, you may want to snag one of the two suits before you traverse it

2. The ambushes in the eastern (and final) rooms will give you no rest, better have found those precious upgraded guns if you want to live


3. LIV






1. The fifth installment of the mapper's series of maps with lots of vines and dangerous air, and may I clarify that this in particular belongs to a megawad

2. When you reach the exit area in the south corner, a stampede of spectres surge from the lava and a group of fiery barons guard your ticket to the next map








1. Lots of cherry red demons on the X-marked platforms, casually close to where doomguy starts

2. Dim lighting and several monster closets containing speedy imps make the western area a bit interesting 


3. AIN






1. Clunky metallic noises everywhere...

2. You can reach a useful secret blur artifact by finding a lone trapped mancubus in a cave and killing it








1. Fighting a crowd of imps on goo of the colour of lavender is cool beans

2. One of the MAYhem projects utilized the resources from this wad, while its sister in law benefited from an orange palette


3. IOL






1. I thought there would be a spiderdemon to kill here, but the design of the map was still a solid throwback! 

2. The map belongs to a 2021 Cacoward winner tag-team megawad 


3. DON






1. Heh, the blocks above exist to help transfer the intended colormap to in that little arena below

2. If you load the external custom palette the mapper provided, you'll get pink fireballs and pink plasma :D








1. The tension is high in this ship, what kind of incident is our hero going to meet...

2. How you kill the only monster who's inside a box of glass is beyond my thinking, though at least he wasn't agitated this time








1. Much of this map is exploring between and above bookshelves in cramped quarters, while listening to some nerve-wracking Castelvania music

2. The whole project's idea is of a collection of various disjointed maps thematically speaking, this one originally belonged to Dump 3








1. From a 2021 Cacowad winner, this map is set around white rocks and water, mostly

2. The entire soundtrack also won a golden cacodemon trophy last year


3. RRI






1. Be careful here, there are annoying lounge singers and floating soda bottles, although those first guys need to shut up for real

2. The end of your journey is past the huge can mastermind


3. ACK!






1. The mapper loves his spinning cubes, but he may have channeled a lot of different emotions in this map and it shows :x

2. The BGM is from Memento Mori II, map 24 to be more specific, which does fit in this context very effectively








1. Hostile presence will invade this facility in different sectors, you may require the yellow key to access the BFG as soon as possible

2. The atmosphere packs a lot of punch through its melody and rainy weather, quite melancholic


3. LYS






1. From a "nameless" mapset that accentuates the artistry in The Darkening 2 resources

2. The map's title refers to a certain pool of water in the core of the machinery which gets filled with thick blood upon returning from a deadly claustrophobic battle in the darkened operating room








1. The streets are lava, the blocks are choked with thick enemies, kind of Sandy-esque evilness

2. One of the last areas you visit is a dark platforming section with revenant interference and a damaging pit








1. The first installment of a series of maps happening on the moon, woo!

2. It got a reversion last year as a celebration of the announcement of the third installment of the series... lots of "of"s








1. While taking place in a hospital, those horrifying orange swines must have eaten the poor dead people

2. Our female hero must also encounter some strange-looking orange tripods who shoot crystal vials at near hitscan speed, ouch!


3. RMO






1. As a secret map in a sequel megawad, the void is actually observing every move of yours, very trippy...

2. In spite of the optionality at the start, the platforming on scrollers to the southwest might prove to be the worst to leave for last, particularly because of the combat with limited state against plasma/hitscan/rocket snipers that follows...








1. The easternmost room is series of waterfall-climbing platforms to the top where an iron lich guards a bunch of gadgets

2. The mapper was a major contributor to the Master Levels for Doom II, as well as Thy Flesh Consumed, but this one is obviously for the wizards of waverly place TC


3. ECA






1. A super claustrophobic hellish castle in a megawad following a popular "size limitations" rule

2. The main floor is repurposed a fair number of times for different fights, an effective trope in this kind of concept maps








1. I always got a foreboding in these claustrophobic catacombs, if the Equinox BGM wasn't enough...

2. The tunnels' arches to the northeast are exquisitely shaped in the mapper's usual fashion, similar to how Misri Hayek did them








1. A 2018 runner-up situated in a freezing, abandoned base in the North Pole, I suppose

2. To the west is the whole starting base area with its several dangerous icy water pools, to the east is the second area featuring more loose fights on frozen terrain








1. Interesting, apart from the obvious references/homages (in-game), it's also sitting in the same slot as the original iwad map

2. Though it's doomguy's fierce wife who goes on the expedition to save him from the TNT crates and such


3. 2HOU






1. In case it's not clear, not a single line is visible in the automap in this old episode appetizer

2. This was made by a(-nother) widely-revered author from all time, one who still occasionally shares exquisite screenshots of in another thread


3. FER






1. This lone map was meant to take part in a Grid 64 contest but the author didn't finnish it in time


2. ... and then released it as yet another MAP01 for his extensive catalog of modest MAP01 releases, only this one in particular has much more body as it can clearly be noticed






Well I guess good luck!

Edited by galileo31dos01

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01 NRFTL map07
02 Poison Ivy? (There are five of them now? I only know the ones from 1024clau and Speed of Doom)
04 BTSX_E1 map07, Metal Mothers
05 By AD_79. Who I believe, thanks to lurking Ironman threads, made a purple-themed wad named Violence.
06 Remake of Ghost Town, but I could not tell you anything more.
07 That GrainOfSalt/Ribbiks wad, what was it called, Fruit Salad?
08 First thought was Icarus, but no, it is The Talosian Incident. Either the first or the last map. Future tense in clue suggests the first.
13 One of Death-Destiny's Mucus-Flow-themed wads, came out between Disturbia and Beesong. IIRC it has "suspicious crates". Cannot recall title.
14 One of Jimmy's ----less wads?
15 D2TWID map19, Bedlam
21 Nightomb

superseded by


01 NRFTL map07
02 ResuRGENce?
04 BTSX_E1 map07, Metal Mothers
05 VIOLence.
06 CyDONia?
07 Fruit SALAd, yes.
08 Talosian Incident map01 -- it must be map01, single revenant
09 DisjUNCTion?
13 ELYSion, of course, thank you.
14 Ol' NO NAme?
15 D2TWID map19, Bedlam
16 MOONblood, ExoMOON, one of those?
19 So a Dr. Sleep map? But not Acheron or Dante, and I can't think of any others.
20 ConGESTion 1024?
21 Nightomb


Edited by RjY

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1. There are some noticeable layout looks that are familiar but I can't even.

2. Resurgence MAP27


4. BTSX E1 MAP07

5. Almost thought it was NOVA 2 MAP21 but then again lavender, some Violence map, MAP02 probably.

6. Yeah it resembles Ghost Town...Cydonia perhaps?

7. Original version of D2INO MAP07?

8. Talosian Incident MAP01 (or is it MAP18?)

9. Disjunction MAP05

10. white rocks, 2021, erp, maybe a TPH map but layout got nothing like that.

11. Kick Attack

12. An Obsidian map from somewhere.

13. so...many...teleport...closets...help

14. Less is more but what can you do.

15. D2TWID MAP19

16. sounds like something released this year.

17. I wonder if those things at the north end are Doomcute toilets or Doomcute lockers.

18. The sequel megawad part stumps me.

19. Obligatory Heretic map.

20. Congestion 1024 MAP25, remember this for the Evolution (The Grand Design) MIDI

21. hello

22. something about cold, ah, Port Glacia, got it.

23. excuse me but what.

24. what evil genius decided to make every single line not visible.

25. something russian, sure.


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Without hints:


1. No Rest for the Living Map07: Baron's Banquet

8. Talosian Incident Map01. The Map18 version is thankfully more different to it than I remembered.

With hints:


5. Violence Map02

11. Kick Attack

16. Travelling to the Moon

17. Harmony Map05

19. Recant

22. Port Glacia

24. Christopher Lutz's Inferno E3M1


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Damn. First time I have absolutely no clue on any of these :( I mean some of them feel familiar, I’m sure I have played a couple of them, but that’s only a statistical guess as I think every round includes something well-known and commonplace. But then, what do I know, apparently not much.


(I’m only replying to indicate I’m still interested in this regular quiz!)

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No hints


Whoa, this is getting out of control, I have never been so clueless.
4 is a modern map maybe by skillsaw because teleporter closets
25 is some Russian community map but I have played very few of these
The only guess which I am completely not sure about will be

8 talosian map01



3 strain map08
9 scythe map17
10 cacowad :)
13 idk but it looks and sounds mega interesting to me
14 oh i see a darken2 logo on the map, but i don't know, a GeminI map?
21 something by Eternal


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Without hints:

  1. -
  2. -
  3. -
  4. -
  5. -
  6. Looks like Ghost Town alright. No idea what it is though.
  7. -
  8. Talosian Incident MAP01
  9. -
  10. 50 Monsters MAP30? BtSX E1M19? Could be some of those. Hopefully hints help.
  11. -
  12. -
  13. Looks as if Disturbia met Jade Earth but it's neither, nor is it Mucus Flow...
  14. -
  15. -
  16. -
  17. -
  18. -
  19. Wow, I know this. RECANT.
  20. Definitely a 1024 map
  21. -
  22. -
  23. -
  24. -
  25. -


With hints:

  1. -
  2. -
  3. -
  4. -
  5. -
  6. -
  7. -
  8. Talosian Incident MAP01
  9. -
  10. Or not lmao
  11. -
  12. -
  13. -
  14. -
  15. -
  16. -
  17. -
  18. -
  19. RECANT.
  20. -
  21. -
  22. -
  23. -
  24. -
  25. -


Trainwreck and a testament to how many things I've played

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1. No Rest for the Living MAP07 (referred to the wiki to figure out which map, I only remembered it was toward the end)

4. Back to Saturn X E1 MAP07 (used the hint, checked wiki to confirm)

5. Violence MAP02 (hint allowed me to figure out the WAD, referred to the wiki to figure out the map)

16. Traveling to the Moon (the hint made me think of Man on the Moon, but I forgot that this came before it until I checked the wiki)

MVP of this week: Doom Wiki

Edited by Shepardus

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New hints added!


Notice that I put the third hint in spoilers, because it's the extract of letters from the wad titles (e.g. if it were Doom II, DOO would be a valid hint).


Reminder that answers must be in spoilers to count.

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With the new hints I'm able to determine that #10 is


Arrival... MAP02?

Edit: I just happened to play #6 by chance. It is...


Cydonia MAP06


Edited by Shepardus

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Gonna do ones I haven't done yet. One I definitely know but the rest in italics are wad guesses


1. This dude has been hitting me online and always called me LIV. Oh wait, sorry, I still dunno.

6. Definitely Cydonia which I played recently but I dunno where in Cydonia it is.

7. Nope

10. Ah, it's Arrival. Don't remember where but probably an early level or something.

12. Er, uh, Obsidian map still?

13. Death-Destiny's Elysium or Elysion or whatever it was called. Odd that it was the small L-shaped hall that made me remember.

14. Coronavirus.wad no idea

16. Um...

17. RMO, orange, and female hero, I remember seeing the title screen of Harmony have this but I have never played it.

18. Adonis (another wad I haven't played, but this layout looks a lot like something riderr3 would make so I'll go with that)

19. I'm sunk

20. Some tomb level I'm guessing?

23. Letter hint is 32 Hours in Pain, I remember it having a female protagonist too.

24. It reminds me of NEIS E4M5, so it's probably a Lutz map. I got not a clue.

25. *whistling*


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New hints moment.

  1. No Rest for the Living? Never played it though
  2. -
  3. -
  4. Oh my, how did I not get this? BtSX E1M7: Metal Mothers.
  5. Another set that I've played and somehow missed seeing lavender in the hint. Violence MAP02. If I wasn't playing Ironman...
  6. -
  7. -
  8. -
  9. -
  10. -
  11. Thought Vrack for a moment but didn't Kick Attack! also have an exclamation mark and was a somewhat soda oriented TC?
  12. -
  13. Someone said it above so I'll just skip this one
  14. -
  15. -
  16. Moonblood?
  17. -
  18. -
  19. -
  20. Ah, so Congestion 1024 it is.
  21. -
  22. -
  23. -
  24. Inferno MAP01 by Lutz, I remember a convo I had with someone about MAP01's oddities now and the hint helped me remember.
  25. -


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On 2/16/2022 at 3:51 AM, NaZa said:

Trainwreck and a testament to how many things I've played


Oh please. I am the true trainwreck. Without hints, I didn't guess a single one, not even the maps that I have played many times before. With hints, I only guessed the first map. 04 is a map of a popular wad that I didn't guess until I saw other's answers. And 05 is from the wad that I survived in Ironman. Sad moment

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Only got these by guessing the authors and ctrl-f'ing the letter hints on their Doom Wiki pages.


12. Ave Exitium

25. Horalky


Also 14 is from Ol' No Name.


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Hahaha not me skipping the deadline of this


01. No Rest for the Living, MAP07 - RjY, SiFi270, Shepardus, NaZa wad guess


02. Resurgence, MAP27 - RjY wad guess, NuMetalManiak


03. STRAIN, MAP08 - NuMetalManiak, vdgg


04. Back to Saturn X, E1M7 - RjY, NuMetalManiak, Shepardus, NaZa


05. Violence, MAP02 - RjY wad guess, NuMetalManiak, SiFi270, Shepardus, NaZa


06. Cydonia, MAP06 - RjY wad guess, NuMetalManiak wad guess, Shepardus


07. Fruit Salad, MAP02 - RjY wad guess


08. The Talosian Incident, MAP01 - RjY, NuMetalManiak, SiFi270, vdgg, NaZa


09. Disjunction, MAP09 - RjY wad guess, NuMetalManiak


10. Arrival, MAP02 - Shepardus, NuMetalManiak wad guess


11. Kick Attack! - NuMetalManiak, SiFi270, Captain POLAND, NaZa


12. Ave Exitium - SiFi270


13. Elysion - RjY, NuMetalManiak


14. Ol' No Name, MAP03 - RjY wad guess, SiFi270 wad guess


15. Doom 2 The Way ID Did, MAP19 - RjY wad guess, NuMetalManiak


16. Travelling to the Moon - SiFi270, Shepardus


17. Harmony, MAP05 - SiFi270, NuMetalManiak wad guess


18. Adonis: Escape from Urania, MAP31 - NuMetalManiak wad guess


19. Recant - SiFi270, NaZa


20. Congestion 1024, MAP25 - RjY wad guess, NuMetalManiak, NaZa, SiFi270


21. Nightomb - RjY


22. Port Glacia - NuMetalManiak, SiFi270


23. 32 Hours in Pain, MAP13 - NuMetalManiak wad guess


24. Inferno, E3M1 - SiFi270, NaZa


25. Horalky - SiFi270



Welp, that's it, lots of correct guesses and lots of squeezing my brain to come up with decent hints! Thanks everyone who joined in!


Stay tuned for the next edition, which will be around the corner if you'd like to peek (:

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