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(FIXED) Little Sweet Mountain lab (A tiny map for DOOM II)

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I made a very tiny map, it takes nearly less than 1024x1024 space so I guess that counts as a 1024 map? anyways it's very short and kind of easy. I forgot to make a valentines day map so this should make up for it.

Engine: Limit-removing (tested in crispy)
co-op: no
deathmatch: nope

Sky: me

Music: from Drakkhen
Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/outqi9zte1coi8r/Lilsweet.wad/file







Edited by Kuro_mahoh

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5 minutes ago, Delisk said:

I kinda got locked out of the room with the yellow key...



 I completely missed that error, when I get home from school I'll fix it right up. Cool video by the way

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That map was well made for how compact it was. It's also a nice difficulty, only died once. Casual playthrough took me 3 minutes and 26 seconds, so it was a short map, but had good content in it. Nicely made level, grats.


Died to the Archvile once because it resurrected a bunch of hitscanners, but it became a lot easier on the 2nd try once you know it's there.


This was sort of me just playing the level in the wrong order, but I went into the yellow key room before getting the SSG, so it ended up being pretty useless since all I had to kill with it was a revenant. I'd suggest maybe placing a keycard in the room with the SSG, so that it's not missed.


But again, most people would've probably played it the normal way lol, so I don't think it has to be changed.

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im going to beat it on nightmare. hope i can afford a good therapist


edit: i just realized that im bad lol

Edited by thelemonof

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The name is well chosen considerating the music and the gameplay lol, It's a very simple map where you go forward and do a massacre (and it is very pleasant), I like the idea :)

Edited by Briøche

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Played through on UV in Crispy. Entertaining little bit of hitscan slaughter, where you'll hemorrhage health if you don't play a specific way by playing peek-a-boo.


The two heavies (the revenant and the archvile) didn't really factor in at all; the revenant hung behind everybody and was picked off easily, and the archvile was easily trapped in his room. I'm wondering what the combat would be like with an AV appearing in the middle of the corpse buffet (probably much more punishing and RNG-dependent). I liked the famine of health; it kept me on my toes when I realized how much damage I had taken in the first big room.


Visually, there isn't much to speak of. I liked that you put some stairs in the start room, and I would have loved to see more of that height variation within subsequent rooms. The lighting effects were pretty subtle, but added a bit of flair.


Overall, enjoyable and snappy. Nice work!

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Def a  @Kuro_mahoh map haha - short and sweet and packed to the brim with hitscanners - I had fun with this little ride and Bio got to laugh at my horrible failure


@Dubbag your map with fake acid let my guard down :P




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  • 2 weeks later...

I just went through the map on UV, all kills, no deaths, and just like the name implies - lilsweet. I kind of loved the idea. Small rooms packed with enemies, no need to think or strategize - just mindless, simple, fun slaughter. I don't mean to imply it's poorly done or anything like that, just so you know.

Anyway, I liked it. Great job.

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