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Member Appreciation Thread

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@DavidN &

@Clippy &

@Doomkid &

@game &

@Major Arlene &

@TheMagicMushroomMan &

@rd. &

@Redneckerz &

@Walter confetti &

@Biodegradable &

@Austinado &

@Murdoc &

@Naarok0fkor &

@Sergeant_Mark_IV &

@Enjay &

@xvertigox &

@skaarjman &

@MFG38 &

@ViolentBeetle &



plus all the others I forgot to mention...


for being awesome, helpfull and cool people




also... I'm a huge fan of sergeant mark iv, doomkid, enjay and davidn


Edited by CBM

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The french doom community which helped me learning mapping and contributing to awesome community projects.


All the random unknown mappers from the 90' which greatly filled the idgames archives with their random wads.


All the participants of "The Endless Random Wad Adventures"

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15 hours ago, DarkIceCyclone said:

@azerty and @Pechudin have been the most helpful from all the members. I do think those two deserve a lot more recognition than the already famous bunches mentioned above.

Thanks for the mention I really didn't expect someone to think of me lol.


Here are some people I would like to mention:

- Clippy: Awesome dude on discord and on DW I hope he stays in this community for a long time and I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him (not pinging him because I don't want him to be spammed with mentions)

- Biodegradable: Cool dude very kind and he is always up the task to complete my difficult maps :)

- @Worriedidiot: Good mapper, nice personality and overall a very nice guy on discord and here mega chad

- @DavidN: For making RAMP a project I will never forget in my entire life and for helping everyone including me by answering questions and playtesting.

- @Astro X: I feel like he puts as much effort in playtesting then bio and Clippy but he is way less appreciated so here you have it a cool mention for this cool dude

- @TheMagicMushroomMan: For making this awesome thread great idea! Stay strong my guy it looks you are having a rough time atm but this place wouldn't be the same without you. You might not even know a bout me but I see you everywhere and I hope it stays like that.

- @FrancisT218 for playing nearly all my maps and for being an absolute joy to watch on twitch


I hope I didn't forget anyone (I probably did)

Edited by azerty

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Obviously @Linguica for Doomworld.


@Bridgeburner56, @Major Arlene@Dragonfly and @Jimmy for generally being awesome chaps.


@Endless for their unwavering dedication to DMW and more or less related ventures, bringing a spotlight to the art of writing.


@kmxexii for the detailed reviews and (indirectly) gently shattering my beginner's ego.


@Clippy and @Biodegradable for their generosity with their playthroughs and feedback on people's maps, especially first efforts.


Everyone who took it upon themselves to contribute towards the community projects I've hosted so far - that list is way too damn long to write, though. Just know that I appreciate every single one of you, regardless of the quality of your entries and whether they were accepted or not.

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I am glad that Gusta and Jimmy still exist, so there is possibility of Kama Sutra 2 and Adventures of Indiana Con-- Square!

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I not want to thank some specific people, i want to thank ALL Doomworld community! These are the people who support activity on this site. Russian doom community is not so big and don't have famous sites, but Doomworld perfectly brings together Doom fans from different coutries, and i am very grateful for this to all users and moderators of this wonderful site!


But if i choose specific people, then it will be @Teo Slayer and @Naarok0fkor :D

Edited by BetelgeuseSupergiant

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@dusk-iv Huuuuge thanks for being a great friend and helping me finally feel confident in my skills and my ability to finish maps, and of course for also all the help with programming for them!


@Tango Thank you for being very supportive and all the technical help with all my dumb little issues so far, and for creating my favorite mod, Supercharge!


@eltiolavara9 You're the reason i really got into Doom mapping (and really into Doom in general), without you i'd probably still be miserable not knowing how to put my creative skills and ideas to any kind of use and my mental health would be somewhere else altogether.


@Aurelius @Lüt @Misty I extremely appreciate all the help you guys have given me to learn things for my projects, you guys have made my learning experiences a loooot less exhausting :p


@FrancisT218 Huge shout-outs to you, for being so excited to play my maps when i was starting out and streaming playtesting for them, it's been a huge motivator and your support has really lifted my confidence for my own skills :)


@Xulgonoth I really appreciate all the help you've given with my community project, even though it didn't get anywhere in the end




I really appreciate you guys <3

Edited by MattFright

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I want to mention phobosdeimos1, who passed away in early 2012. He was pretty relaxed and had a nice old-school style going on with his maps, and he appreciated those kind of maps. I had some small exchanges with him about level design when he asked for help, and I almost reached out to him over Skype but that never happened. I was very sad to hear what happened to him, and wished we could have done something more together. I was glad to at least partake with him in the Interception project and to make for him a birthday map in October, so that was a small act of kindness I was able to leave him before he would leave here for good. I wish there was something more I could do to honor his memory, but I will try to keep that old-school flame alive in some way.


@waverider and I have had many kind exchanges, and we have an appreciation for a lot of the same classic wads. He's one of the most kind people I've met in this community and easy to talk with, and I'm thankful for him as a friend and also appreciate his help early on with the work that went into starting up Akeldama. I do look forward to a more completed release of a certain project yet to be released. :)


@DeathevokatioN was one of the first members to reach out to me and start a collab map, which later led to other map collaborations that admittedly were pretty difficult for me early on, but I hope I didn't disappoint in my contributions. ;) I've always appreciated the kind words of encouragement you gave me and I hope you're doing well.


I've always appreciated @Doomkid's wholesome attitude in this community and relatable kind nature, and he makes plenty of awesome maps and projects that are easy for me to pick up and play. He's done a lot for this community with helpful guides and videos that are valuable, and running Doomshack along with the servers he hosts over on ZDaemon. He's always fun to chat with and it's easy for us to share our love for Doom when we have a soft spot for a lot of the old 90's WADs. I've been really enjoying his stream content lately over on YouTube and I hope he can get back to it soon enough!


There are plenty of people who have influenced me with their work in this community, and likewise I'm happy to have had a positive impact on the people here who have been influenced from my work in some way, and I just want to thank everybody here for doing their part in keeping this community alive & thriving.


[EDIT] @roadworx I'm only too happy to help in any way I can - I hope you have fun with any maps you might have coming soon!

Edited by valkiriforce

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Members I appreciate are:


@Remilia Scarlet: My favourite Doom mapper and had fun having Touhou-related discussions with her in her old Discord server


@Endless: His content is amazing, has one of the chillest communities and the Wadazine is fun to read


@Doomkid: The dude has been in the community since the 2000s and has made so many Doom-related stuff, I appreciate his work


@TheMagicMushroomMan: Personally, he is the coolest person to hang out with in DW


@Clippy and @Biodegradable: My favourite Doom playtesters


@Sergeant_Mark_IV: I admire his Doom mods with Brutal Doom and EDay being my favourites. Good luck on Brutal Fate, man


@Wavy: He is the author of GBA Doom Delta which I find the definitive version of GBA Doom and he also likes Touhou as much as me


And to the rest of Doomworld's members, have a good and healthy day ;)

Edited by Teo Slayer
Forgot to mention Wavy smh

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Might as well contribute to this thread as well.


@DRM-MANFor giving the motivation to pursue map making. I hope you're feeling better though, wherever you are now.


@ClippyAnd @Biodegradablefor testing community maps. Also for making nice playthrough videos that allow me to fall asleep easier because of their nice voices.


@DoomkidFor making Rowdy Rudy and some very helpful videos on making maps.


@Gustavo6046For making two interesting RP threads that I contributed to, and also being fun to talk to - as well being very knowledgeable in subjects that go over my head.


@Lol 6For liking Spawn, as well as some similar points I brought up with Gustavo.


@omalefico32xFor being a passionate and fun person to RP with. Also a Mega Man ZX fan.


@1Destro3456For being interesting to talk to, having some nice music taste and of course--the one thing that the reader is probably gonna roll their eyes at--nice to RP with.


@Demi_Noodles / @Semi_NoodlesFor not only being fun to talk to every-once-and-while, but also helpful in terms of art questions and several other things involving art. You also helped me get through some things mentally.


@Dusty_RhodesFor some interesting conversations and love of King Crimson.


Basic thank you is needed though. @LinguicaFor making this site.


The rest doomworld shall receive an imaginary virtual hallmark thank you card.

Edited by Crystal-Hawk_D00M

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@NuMetalManiak For always putting out thought- and insightful comments, reviews and having a beautiful profile picture! It feels like you're often staying in the background, but you're an important part of the community!

(Great, Doomkid ninja'd me, but that doesn't make the appreciation any less genuine)

Edited by Yumheart

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Guess I'll jump an mention some of my friends here.


@4MaTC and @Nikoxenos for being the pillars of the Wadazine and just cool dudes.


@Remilia Scarlet for helping me learn mapping, create and manage the WMC's, and being awesome.


@Gaia74 for being one of my earliest Doom pals and a big support.


@Arrowhead for helping me out with pretty much everything and just being such a prolific and skillful guy.


And also some people that, while I haven't particularly talked much with, I admire and respect for their efforts and skills.


@Xymph @NuMetalManiak @Quasar @Dynamo for their insane work done with the Doomwiki and helping me out with learning the ropes of it. I always imagine these doomers like sages living in a marble temple with a little techbase basement.


@Grazza always respected his Doom experience and multifacetic knowledge. Always helping out other people find WADs too!


@dobu gabu maru for all his awesome projects and keeping up with the DWMegawad Club, my first close contact with the WAD reviewers community.


@kmxexii big inspiration and his review database is a holy grail.


@Marcaek @VVL @thestarrover @RjY and anyone else that makes the effort to archive and preserve WADs around the web.




Zero-Master, for their contributions to the speedrunning community.


@bradharding for being such a cool and consistent source-port dev.


And to all the players of the ER/iWA and members of the Wadarcheology Project. Thank you.


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Well, I can name a few:


Fabian, for creating not one but my two favorite source ports, and for being nice and helpful in general.


@Gibbon, also for his kindness and will to help, but in him I also find some sort of comical charisma (which is a great thing!), and on a related note, here goes one to @Redneckerz for his enthusiasm!


And here goes yet another mention for @Doomkid, what can I say? Pretty kind, pretty helpful and overall a great person to have around.


I should probably also thank kraflab and 4shockblast for their doings in the speedrunning scene, which seems to have been my entryway into this community.


Lastly, a not-as-explicit salute to all those people who've answered my questions and given me knowledge and advice. Too many for me to remember!

Edited by Alaux

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@Flambeau for being my first true friend in the doom community and fostering my growth (and my video chat confidence lol)

Animal (not sure if the proper account so not tagging) for being one of my goodest of buds and taking the time to teach me a lot of 1v1 and being really hands on

@Arrowhead for being great to work with and bounce ideas back and forth off of

Karl Jobst (wont tag him so hes not bothered) for bringing my attention to speedrunners with his excellent videos

Zero Master for absolutely destroying every doom game and contributing so much to the doom speed running community

@AF-Domains.net , @UberGewei @JCD @Oxyde and the entire ZDaemon team, who have been extremely welcoming and some of the greatest guys ive met (apologies for leaving anyone out)

@DevastatioN for writing his awesome doom bible and being the friendliest of dudes even tho I was awkward as shit meeting him the first time on voice chat

To the team of people I've had the pleasure of working with at USDQC@Lil_Ruff @boom_compatible and others) even tho my contributions have been minor compared to their awesome commitment to the team

To @Endless for his awesome work with Wadazine, and whom you all should go support in his writing endeavors

And to everyone I've forgotten or can't think of at the moment that have made the Doom community the best place in the damn world in my opinion. Keep rockin' it everyone!

Ive included links to relevant Discord servers since these guys all deserve appreciation on a much higher level than I am able to give alone.

Edited by spwnSH4Rk

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I appreciate everyone for even keeping the game alive, for one!


I especially appreciate @spwnSH4Rk for helping me kickstart my mapping, @MidnightMage for allowing me to take part so heavily in the Angry Quilt trilogy, @Steve D for my inclusion as a composer for RoC2, and @Cammy for inviting me to the Alien Vendetta MIDI pack. All of you helped me so much in realizing my potential here and I'll always be thankful. :)

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@Endless for being an awesome friend, and making the Wadazine, which I can safely call "home" (even if I'm on hiatus from it for IRL stuff right now).


@Gaia74 and @Aquila Chrysaetos for also being such good friends, and for sticking with me through thick and thin.  And putting up with my jokes ^_^


@Arrowhead, @Death Bear, @4MaTC, @Doom_Dude, @LadyMistDragon, @Immorpher, @scwiba, @INfront95, @MemeMind, @TheEvilGrin, @Eric Claus, @spwnSH4Rk, and everyone else at Wadazine for making it such a fun place to be.  Doing the WMC projects with some of you has been absolutely priceless, and I love working with you all <3


@ketmar for making K8Vavoom, for being so patient with my bug reports, and for being just a generally cool person.


@Teo Slayer for being a good friend, and for all the support.


@Biodegradable for playing my maps, doing playtesting for us occasionally at Wadazine, and for making such amusing videos!  I'll be sure to keep adding a single zombieman in my exits for you, it seems to amuse you.


@Sharessa for being a close friend for so long.


And some random shout outs to people that I've enjoyed talking to here or who I thank for all the support: @roadworx, @Steve D, @rd., @Jayextee, and everyone else I've interacted with here.


If I've missed anyone, it's definitely not on purpose ^_^

Edited by Remilia Scarlet
spreading more love around

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I'm dumb and don't know how to tag people, but Doomkid, MagicMushroomMan, The BMFG, and many more have been absolute delights to talk to. 


Here's to another 24 years of Doom 'n' Duke, fellas.

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There are so many people here that I appreciate but am in one way or another uncomfortable tagging, but there are a few folks I just want to say hi to.


@Zylinderkatze for all the great conversations


@Peccatum Mihzamiz for periodically checking in just to catch up and chat


@Dubbag for making sure I'm entertained in various mediums


@FrancisT218 for being the only streamer I ever watch, and personally inviting me to streams I'm most likely to enjoy


@Cammy for making sure I'm staying musically active


And there may have been multiple Doom guys, Doom marines, and Doom slayers, but there is only one @Doomkid


Edit: and how could I forget @ClumsyDoomer!? An excellent musician who let me add vocals to his stuff.  ersetlatari.bandcamp.com

Edited by Lippeth

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Thanks Primeval for making bombass music and all the talented people on here who make this site cool. All I do is shit up the forums and download cool stuff.

Edited by Scrabbs

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A green sphere of envious solidarity for you, Roofi!


I'd like to shout-out all of the people that have contributed to me still being here. I think I'll avoid tagging everybody, though, as most of them will have been hammered here already.

  • Randi Heit, for making the port that gave me something to discover way back in 2003 and get back into a game that I'd slowly fallen out of love with a year or two earlier
  • Graf Zahl (and co.) for carrying on that mantel and giving me the one port for my playing needs
  • Tormentor667, Enjay and Xaser (plus so many others) for being the cornerstones of the ZDoom Forums when I joined in 2005, and providing so much awesome stuff to play before and after. Particularly T667, who got me into community projects and often reached out when there was something big in the works that I could get in on. Awesome stuff
  • CodeImp, for getting the Doom Builder journey that most of us have been on underway in such a fantastic initial release, and everybody who's since worked on later versions
  • Slayer, for finally making a resource management tool for Doom that isn't shit (and is actually very good)
  • The DW admins for keeping this place up and running - hard to have a community when there's nowhere to gather!
  • Community Project leads, including The Green Herring, TMD, Obsidian, Jimmy, T667 (again), esselfortium, 40oz, Eris Falling, Jaws in Space and so many others who have accepted and encouraged my contributions
  • Big Ol' Billy, glenzinho, Scrangus McBrickdad, supercupcaketactics, vertigo and the rest of the DBK - we had a hell of a run on those DBPs, and the new generation stuff you guys have been putting out is incredible
  • Bloodshedder for editing The /newstuff Chronicles for all of that time
  • dobu gabu maru for running the DWMC
  • kmxexii for the thousands of reviews - I'm always keeping an eye out for the next one!
  • Endless for the massive community enthusiasm and constant striving to get more people playing and commenting
  • MtPain27 for the incredible reviewing YouTube series, Dean of Doom. I don't comment on much YouTube, but you've received a fair percentage of the ones I have made!
  • Biodegradeable for being a cool dude
  • Roofi for taking random /idgames adventures to heart and giving me a lot of vicarious insight into stuff I'd probably never look at (and the rest of the crew for taking part/hosting)
  • Doomkid (cool dude), Khorus, Wim Vanrie and Jimmy for making a lot of the stuff I aspire to emulate in the modern day and age
  • Bridgeburner56 for hosting the Discord and being a cool dude
  • All of the people who have made resources I've used for any of my crap
  • Anybody who has have played my crap, whether I know about it or not!

That's probably still light on people I should be thanking, but I can't actually spend my whole life writing this out.

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I'm glad you guys are enjoying the thread. Thank you to the kind folks who gave me a shout-out, and for everyone else who took the time to show their appreciation for someone. I'm still working on my list, it's a big one! 

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