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[Vanilla] Perfunction - A Doom 1 episode made in a day

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Perfunction is a vanilla-compatible episode replacement for (Ultimate) Doom that I made in a single day. I streamed the mapping process for all 9 maps in a 6-hour stream on my Twitch channel. The maps kick off in fairly relaxed territory gameplay-wise but ramp up in difficulty towards the end, with the last two leaning towards gimmicky but staying within a reasonable threshold.


The wad doesn't ship with a DeHackEd patch, but a UMAPINFO lump is included for the ports that support it.

IWAD: (Ultimate) Doom
Port: Vanilla
Map #: E1M1-9
Mode(s): SP only
Difficulty settings: Yes (E1M7+8 only)
Tested with: Chocolate Doom 2.3.0, dsda-doom 0.21.3 (cl3), GZDoom 4.7.1
Estimated play time: 15-30 minutes


Edited by MFG38

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Of course it would be a lie to say that the... stringent development time doesn't show, still a good entertaining half hour!



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1 minute ago, Thelokk said:

Of course it would be a lie to say that the... stringent development time doesn't show, still a good entertaining half hour!


Yeah, when you're working with a constraint such as this, you basically have to speedmap your way through the whole thing. Around the time I started E1M6 was where I stopped caring about the quality of the end result. Glad you enjoyed it either way. c:

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@Clippy Thanks for the playthrough! I'll say that you were on the right track for the secret in E1M3, but it is sort of unintuitive in that the line that opens it up is right before the exit switch. It's a walkover lift action that lowers the "door" when you cross the line where the flat changes. As for the Spider Mastermind not teleporting in in E1M8, you'd be correct - the target area was being blocked by the other monsters.

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