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No barrels

Merry Widow

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I know this is very very dumb, but is there any wads that have no barrels in them? Or better yet, an add-on so there won't be any barrels in the wads? Getting kind of tired being blown up b/c I'm not that great of a player. No barrels would be a novelty. Thank you in advance I think?

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From what I can remember, barrels are actually pretty seldomly used outside of techbase-themed maps. Fun fact: In the original three episodes of Doom, there are 206 barrels (on Ultraviolence) in Episode 1, but only 17 and 15 in Episodes 2 and 3 respectively.


Removing barrels altogether would probably cause more problems than you might expect due to their use in special effects (e.g. vanilla voodoo-doll scripting, or intentionally killed monsters to be revived by arch-viles later).

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Actually, a moderate amount of barrels is fine. I agree with not removing them all together. Sometimes it doe does get frustrating while playing a fun map only to die. Been playing Doom along time, still my favorite game tho. You really have been helpful so thank you. :)

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I know it can be frustrating when an exploding barrel kills you. But honestly, not having barrels would make things harder and more tedious, rather than making things easier (if that is what you are looking for). Apart from Doom 2's Map23, the barrels in the base Doom/Doom 2 maps are placed in a way that they can be easily taken out without harming oneself. Just whip out your chaingun and fire a couple bullets to destroy them if they bother you.

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Lol learn to live with the barrels buddy - you're not going to improve unless you learn to overcome them - it's a quintessential part of the Doom experience...

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I rarely use barrels in my maps outside of weird voodoo doll chicanery. This isn’t intentional, I actually love the presence of barrels in the game but I always completely forget about them when I’m actually mapping. I should try and play with them more often. Anyway if you do hate barrels you can try some of my maps and you won’t see a whole lot of them. 

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Widow, you're probably better off playing maps with barrels. Sure they may kill you every once in a while, but just keep a mental note of where they are, and use them against the fucker that shot the barrel right next to you (if you didn't accidentally shoot the barrel the first time).


Also they're extremely good for crowd control on weaker enemies.

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I don't know anyone else who hates barrels... Barrels are actually useful sometimes. Fun fact: The exploding barrel will damage the monsters too, often killing weaker ones. If they are close enough to the barrel when it explodes, that is.

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