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How you discovered the Doom series? / Your first time playing Doom?


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UDoom 1.9, Heretic demo, Doom2 1.9, Hexen demo, then I bought Heretic and Hexen at the same time (bundle, one CD) so I forget which I played first.

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FlatHead said:

Good ol' 0.99. Before those ------- took away my precious Swastika from E1M4.

Well, that's fine with me, since a swastika has no real place on a Phobos base. :)

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First I played was the PSX version. It made me think that Doom was nothing special... until I played the PC version around a year later, and had better... EVERYTHING. Well, everything that matters, anyhow.

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I first played the shareware episode when I was twelve. I was amazed/scarred for life. Until I bought Ultimate Doom a few years later, I played episode 1 on UV over and over, sometimes twice a day.

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DooMBoy said:

Well, that's fine with me, since a swastika has no real place on a Phobos base. :)

I'm thought it was a cute little easter egg for Wolf3d for those of us who actually used the automap =)

Anyway, just like everyone else, v0.99 shareware for me...

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yea i played 0.99 too, CD-ROM. it had many bugs. among them was my favorite. armor would rise past the 200 mark. also health would max out at 199. the swastika in E1M4, and a few other differences in levels. barons of hell seemed to be more agressive and packed more of a punch. the list goes on but my memory is blury so i cant remebr all that i found. oh also in install it made a doom.bat file, very nice, because at the time i did not know how to make batch files. also it installed way different. u had to type this "install D: c:"
it was a strange version of doom but kind of nice

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Sephiroth said:

armor would rise past the 200 mark.

Heh, I remember a level designed for 0.99 where there was a huge staircase full of like 999 armors, and you could keep getting them and getting them and getting them...it was the coolest thing in the world at the time.

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Also Doom shareware on 2 floppy disks, which I still have. I dont remember about the swastika (sp) but I think its there.

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Registered, v1.1, on a laptop.

Never finished E1 though, got stuck in E1M3 when I picked up the blue keycard and the lights went out :P

Started E2 10 minutes later.

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PSX Final Doom

That reminds me, a friend has that, and Doom64. I need to play those sometime. All I've ever seen of PSX Doom was the screenshots on the back of the box, and I don't even remember those, unless one of them was a scene in the Waste Tunnels with some red lighting.

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I played Doom 2 Map 02 on a Tandy computer at Radio Shack. I couldn't even figure out that what the door was in the first area. I was a dumbass.

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elbryan42 said:

I played Doom 2 Map 02 on a Tandy computer at Radio Shack. I couldn't even figure out that what the door was in the first area. I was a dumbass.

Hehe, that reminds me of when I gave Hexen to a friend. He spent like 3 hours trying to get out of the first scene in the game. He was trying to jump up onto that little castle-like ledge and punch through those stone bars to get to the key at the end of that tunnel (which you normally reach after ringing the bell in the belltower). He even broke the stained glass windows, but failed to realize that the wooden thing between them was a DOOR.

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Shareware, 0.99 - the one and only Doom version that really purist purists should play!

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Deathman said:

first "version" of doom I played was on the Snes.

UGH, I played the ROM for that about a month ago. I'd do a review if it wouldn't take me 3 months and 50 written pages to write all my complaints down.

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Lüt said:

UGH, I played the ROM for that about a month ago. I'd do a review if it wouldn't take me 3 months and 50 written pages to write all my complaints down.

Poor baby.

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Lüt said:

UGH, I played the ROM for that about a month ago. I'd do a review if it wouldn't take me 3 months and 50 written pages to write all my complaints down.

Amen, brother. That version of Doom is terrible, whether it be SNES or ROM.

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I played the E1 Shareware floppy disks when they first came out, I think that was the first released version.

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