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How you discovered the Doom series? / Your first time playing Doom?


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elbryan42 said:

I played Doom 2 Map 02 on a Tandy computer at Radio Shack. I couldn't even figure out that what the door was in the first area. I was a dumbass.

Heh, that reminds me of the first time I played Doom2, I got so horribly stuck on Map02 when I couldn't reach the red key area. I posted on a Doom newsgroup, and learned that if I pressed shift, I could run =)

I had been playing Doom without running for almost six months :P

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Actually the only console versions of Doom that were better than the snes were on the playstation and jaguar. I really didn't like the 32x version (not enough levels, too much else missing as well). The saturn version was choppy as all hell. The 3DO version was simply pathetic beyond words (it made the saturn version seem smooth by comparison).

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stphrz said:

32x version

I did like their rearrangements of some of the later levels though, especially Spawning Vats.

In fact, I liked it enough that I ported it to Doom2 years ago =)

It was on elbryan's server, when that thing was still functional.

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Hmm, I'm pretty sure I played SNES doom first. I'd seen the PC version in action a few times before IIRC.

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Liam the Bard said:

I'd seen the PC version in action a few times before IIRC.

That reminds me, I actually played the game in a store for the first time. It was on E1M3. I kept falling into the acid vat and couldn't find my way out of that first room after I died :P

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  • 10 months later...

Oh piss. I forgot. : / First time, seriously, was at a friend's house when the demo was first out. I remembered how happy I was when I found the chainsaw in map 2. That was good stuff.

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as seen in some other thread:

ummm...I found out about it 9 years ago from my dad's friend's kid, he had the Original Doom. I sawed, I played, I wanted, I buyed.

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ghetto said:

Do you remeber the first time you played DooM???

I think I remember saying this befor....? This post is common.
The first time I played doom was, well lets just say kick ass!!!

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I remember my first time. I had been excited about Doom ever since I first heard about it, but I was almost giddy when I finally got to try it. It was late at night, and although I tried to maintain my cool, I have to admit I was a bit nervous. After all, I had never played Doom before. And sure enough, I managed to aim everywhere but where I needed to, and it was all over in 30 seconds. I certainly felt embarassed, but after taking some time off, I was ready to try again, and I lasted much longer. Naturally, since then I've managed to hone my skill so that I can control how long I last.


Okay, so I just decided to buy the demo one day because, hey, it was a game called Doom and it was dirt cheap. I've been hooked ever since.

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Yeah, it was in summer 96... :)
I just got my FUCKING fast 486 with 8mb ram (later 16mb).
I did't really have any special games on it, but later I went home to one from my class, he had a game, he wanted to show me. (Guess which game it was :P).
Well, I got some disks with it to try it, and liked it of couse (doom is what there made me like first person shooters).
Later I bought the doom trilogy with doom1+2 and master levels.

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BlueSonnet said:

Is it actually possible to buy the master levels for the pc these days? I'm trying to avoid the cheap-ass approach by getting it off the net.

Yeah, it was in summer 96... :)

I bought it like 4months after, IIRC. :)

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i remember years ago i used to play doom 2 over a friends house cause he was the only one of us with a pooter good enough to play it on!! that was back when we used the keyboard!!! it was only years later when my parents got a machine did i discover the virtues of using a mouse. a great game got better and i never looked back...

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Originally, I hated DOOM. I thought it looked like crap and lacked any kind of motivating qualities. If it had been on my computer, I'd have deleted it outright.

I am teh sarcasm.


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Yes, I remember my first time playing Doom. It was a long time ago, and I don't remember it all that clearly. Why is there a thread about this every two weeks or so? It's as though there's a Thread Recycling Bin.

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I played the demo. It was a week after it came out. I had ot buy a new monater cuz some how some white stuff got all over it.
I still dont know how it got there.
Iv been hooked ever sice.

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Demons Hand said:

I played the demo. It was a week after it came out. I had ot buy a new monater cuz some how some white stuff got all over it.
I still dont know how it got there.

White stuff? Maybe Doom did it?

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thedemonsarecoming said:

Twice, counting this one.

Wrong. It's been asked at least 5 times since I registered, so about 10 in total I dare say.

But we like it for its doomy goodness.

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