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How you discovered the Doom series? / Your first time playing Doom?


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1.Used Doomsday engine.

2.Had enabled freelook and cursor.

I remember i didn't enjoy Doom at all.


Chocolate Doom was first port to make me realize how awesome Doom is. But now i use Eternity Engine, it feels like Choco Doom, just with higher resolutions, properly working random sound pitch and very useful console.

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When I got to E1M8 and reached the double baron room, I stood in front of the barons and thought "I'm gonna use my gatling gun, this should kill them in seconds!" I then fired my chaingun only to get quickly ripped apart by the two.

Edited by BrassKnight

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Not realizing that God mode doesn't protect you from telefragging caused by the cubes hurled by the Icon of Sin.

I also didn't realize I was supposed to shoot at his BRAIN...


It's been so long, so my memory might be a bit foggy.

Edited by HavoX

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1. In E1M8 instead of strafing, I was just standing there shooting and taking the damage from the Barons

2. I tried to kill the Cyberdemon with a chainsaw in E2M8

3. I didn't know that you could strafe by pressing the alt

4. In the crasher map at Doom II I used my rockets at the Knights instead of pressing that switch

5. I was mistaking Hell Knights with Barons

6. I was calling the Lost Souls Cyberdemons for a dumb reason

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Burn through ammunition thinking there would be plenty more in the map to collect.

Edited by Boaby Kenobi
Grammatical error fixed

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I remember trying to use a RL against the barons on E1M8 and taking the damage because I didn't pay attention to the the space between me  and the walls...

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When I first play doom, I didn't know how to set the keybinds, so I used the arrow keys.

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1 hour ago, BrassKnight said:

When I got to E1M8 and reached the double baron room, I stood in front of the barons and thought "I'm gonna use my gatling gun, this should kill them in seconds!" I then fired my chaingun only to get quickly ripped apart by the two.


This. Totally this.


I remember playing e2m6 'halls of the damned,' and while in that dark wooden mazelike area, I released a Baron. I clearly remember that Baron marching towards me in the dark, and I was cornered, and I thought, "Quick. Get the chaingun," as that behemoth closed in on me.


Of course I died violently; my CRT screen a blinding shade of red. In that moment, I was certainly not the one doing the ripping and tearing.


The other thing I distinctly remember was that I had recently found this fancy gun that fired streams of blue spheres. I would have pulled it out, but I clearly remember prioritising the chaingun. I wasn't familiar with this new weapon, and I *knew,* somehow, that the chaingun was waaaaaaaay more powerful than some weird-blue-ball gun.

Edited by Kyka

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Not look for a rocket launcher and shotgunning barons on the first episode, I'm surprised I made it to episode 4 when I had to cheat.

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MacDoom had a neat feature where you could set Turbo as your constant speed, and you had a choice between 250 and 255. I chose 255 so I could run away from monsters and outrun rockets, but my control left something to be desired. As a result, in maps with lots of verticality, I accidentally flew off the path and into toxic pits over and over.


This is an oft-told tale of when I first met the Cyberdemon in Tricks 'n Traps. I was utterly terrified. After he killed the Barons and came after me, I screamed and ran out of the room. Every time I paused to shoot at him, he just kept coming, like some invincible juggernaut from Hell. I finally evaded him and got into a different room, but I could hear him on the other side of the wall, prowling back and forth, looking for me, his hooves thumping while he made all kinds of mechanical sounds. I had no idea what to do, and I was so scared I was literally sweating with fear. ;D

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40 minutes ago, Ofisil said:

No side-strafing.

I completed the whole thing (as well as DII) with Doomguy moving like a truck.

Oh I definitely did this too.


Another probably more shocking one, when I first played Doom, I couldn't figure out how to exit Warrens E3M9, I had killed every monster, got every key but alas no luck. Turns out I wasn't getting close enough to the exit door to actually activate it....

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Since I started playing Doom on the SNES and having no way to circle-strafing and NOT knowing how to strafe, it was quite hellish to get used to it. Later in the PSX version, learned to erase that mistake.

And, I think we all make a mistake to handle the rocket launcher because of those pesky lost souls....good old one.

Edited by leodoom85

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When I was a dumb kid I used zdoom default to play doom. Not the worst, except I took gantlet syndrome to the next level, not only did I think you had to jump the ledge to beat the level, I thought that the hole to the left of the start was meant for C R O U C H I N G

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I still remember my first playthrough mistakes on PSX Doom...

-Go straight punching the barrel on the Doom's first map. You may know how poor DoomGuy ended up lol

-Not using the Rocket Laucher by fear of blowing up myself with its splash damage

-Falling on the same inescapable pits over and over again (still remember Tricks and Traps final "trap")


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Add me to the no strafe list.


I also took way too long to figure out that super shotgun sucks from distance, and even when I did, I'm pretty sure it was not because I figured out vertical spread was a thing.


Another that probably applies to many is BFG usage. I distinctly remember conducting an experiment in which I determined it takes seven BFG shots to kill a  cyberdemon.

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I started off playing doom keyboard only cause I didn't have a mouse. Got pretty used to it, even played that way when I pistol-started plutonia for the first time, but I made a mistake in exactly how I binded keyboard only. It was WASD and arrows keys which seems standard enough, but I made the A and D keys camera control and the left and right keys strafing, while W and S were forward and back, and the forward key was fire. So when I finally got a mouse and switch to mouse and keyboard I had to get used to moving completely with WASD and camera with mouth, rather than moving with AS and left right arrow key. Simple mistake in binding but it made getting used to mouse and keyboard so much harder and my first playthrough of TNT so much worse.

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I played doom for the first time in GZdoom, but i didn't knew i could use mouse and keyboard (WASD), so i finished the entire game using only the arrowkeys and shooting by pressing ENTER and SPACE to open doors.

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1 hour ago, Arrowhead said:

When I was really little, (probably 6-8 years old) I used to bob and weave my head when trying to dodge projectiles...

I still do this :D (sometimes, not everytime).. what a shame :/

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1 hour ago, Bobby “lolmcswagger” said:

When I was a dumb kid I used zdoom default to play doom. Not the worst, except I took gantlet syndrome to the next level, not only did I think you had to jump the ledge to beat the level, I thought that the hole to the left of the start was meant for C R O U C H I N G

oh god saaamememeemee


i used zdoom with crouch and jump enabled and thought that was how you were supposed to play the iwads lol

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When I first played Doom II, I assumed the super shotgun was less ammo-efficient than the pump-action shotgun, because well, it's gotta have some sort of disadvantage, right? As a result, I ended up wasting a lot of time and ammo with the pump-action shotgun.


When I first played Ultimate Doom, I didn't know that berserk lasts for the whole level, and ran into ammo shortages throughout Episode 2. I ended up running through E2M4 mostly pacifist to conserve ammo.

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