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How you discovered the Doom series? / Your first time playing Doom?


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"wow this game sucks"


This was at the time when i didn't know what doom was and i was playing a shitty flash player port of it in ~2014. I really started to appreciate doom more after playing shareware quake for a while. And now it's one of my favorite games. Hell, i'd say i have about 50 hours in shareware flash player doom, and 1000 or so in pc doom.

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When I first played the shareware back in 1997, I was astounded with Doom and I liked it so much because of the futuristic settings and the fact that it took place on the moons of Mars. I was also very impressed with John Romero's techbase maps. I remember I spent several minutes looking at the skies and wondered what the later episodes would look like. I was actually disappointed when I found out that the later maps didn't look as techbase and and in e3/e4 and Doom2, the techbase maps are gone.

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10th grade english class in '97.  Getting to class about 10 minutes early, (because I would show up to classes early anyway), I seen a computer in there, and decided one day to get on it, having no prior computer experience other than elementary school math blaster, (best game ever), I decide to see if it can play games.  Doom 95 was on there so I load it up and start playing it.  Hooked immediately by E1M1's music.  Later on, some girl sees me playing it and asks me what it is, "It's Doom", I answer. 

She says, "What's Doom?",

I reply, "I don't know some game on here". 

She says, "Oh... looks violent"

I say, "It's fun though"


Then I get caught by the teacher a few days later, and it got removed.

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On 10/31/2019 at 7:11 AM, Shanoa said:

"I can't see very well...it's all pixelated! Music's pretty good though..."

Ah, the joy of SNES DOOM.

SNES DOOM is really good, i hold it higher than ps1, and ESPECIALLY the Jaguar version.  Although I think DOOM 64 is the best one ever made

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First time I played Doom was in 1995 on a 80386 with a 40 MB Seagate harddrive (I was 15)..

and I loved it.. I did not get to play hexen, heretic, strife etc untill much later

I had been playing Commander keen and wolfenstein before that

As soon as I got my first 80486 pc with windows 95, I got the Doom95 pack (a doom port for win9x)

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I remember thinking UV was piece-o'-piss easy... and ended up dying on E1M1. Bare in mind I first played Doom in about 2014.

A bit embarrassing considering how I can just storm through the game now, but that really happened. 

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The first time I played Doom was probably when I was around 12 years old, so around 11 years ago. I was modding my Wii at the time and I had downloaded a big homebrew pack. One of the many games included was the shareware version of Doom. Imagine trying playing Doom with the Wii remote, and keep in mind that it didn't have motion control support or anything you might expect. Needless to say, I had no idea what I was doing and definitely didn't enjoy myself much. It really wouldn't be until 2014 that I truly got into Doom with Brutal Doom. 


These days, I basically never touch the brutal genre of mods, as I've grown bored of them. I now mostly play Doom RPG Rebalanced and various other gameplay mods such as Guncaster, Hideous Destructor(probably my favorite at the moment), and whatever the latest stuff is posted on the ZDoom forums.

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I was 4 years old, and I had (and still have) a floppy of Ultimate Doom for Windows 3.1 and Windows 95. My earliest memory of Doom was the music from E1m2, and where the chainsaw was.

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My first experience with Doom was on a flash port around 2008/2009. I remember being scared of the e1m4 maze and always dying there. That is also where my runs would end as at the time I did not consider myself skilled enough to pistol start a later level. This next one is a little humorous, I was unaware of digital distribution and games being purchasable online so I assumed I would never get to play the full game unless I bought an old physical copy. Ah the innocence of youth.

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  • 7 months later...

I was wondering what the average age to start playing DOOM is/was, because I'm pretty sure nobody followed the M rating for the game, but who knows. DOOM's been around for 20 something years now, so I would imagine many Doomworld members being in their 30s now. There was another topic (which I cannot find) that asks how old you are today, but that isn't what I'm asking. I'm asking what age you were when you first started playing the game. to start off the list, I started last year, so I was 12. 

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4 minutes ago, LiT_gam3r said:

I'm pretty sure nobody followed the M rating for the game

Followed? I didn't even know it had this rating. I didn't know what a rating was.

Edited by dr_st

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2 minutes ago, LiT_gam3r said:

Doomworld members being in their 30s now


Up, up...


I'm 51. Started in early my 20's when it first came out... Probably many more who first played as teenager/early twenties who are now fifty-something :-)

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8-9, on PC, in 1994. Can't remember exactly when I first played it, but I know I had the SNES version not long after that version came out in 1995.

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9 minutes ago, dr_st said:

Followed? I didn't even know it had this rating. I didn't know what a rating was.


Just looked at my old CDs - the only rated one is Final Doom (15, UK). Doom TFC and Doom2 are not flagged with a rating, though some of my old magazine CD WAD collections are also rated 15.

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1 minute ago, smeghammer said:


Do you mean this one?

yes, thank you. 


I posted this topic 14 minutes ago, and it already has 5 replies. that is probably the fastest time I've had for my topic to go on the popular page. 

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I first played it as a toddler sometime around Doom 2's release, but I didn't really pick it back up until I was 8 or 9.

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I was born in 1984, and I followed Id's releases closely starting with the shareware episode of Wolf3d. I still remember being about 8 and hearing rumors of what we thought of as an upgraded Wolfenstein.


I think that one of the signs of healthy culture is that it doesn't splinter people into age cohorts according to their arrival time as consumers. This is one of the big differences I notice with traditional/classic music vs ephemeral pop music. I'm so pleased that we keep seeing young people drawn into the Doom community.


There's a certain age where having the ability to freely and easily tinker with stuff really catches people. For me, I wasn't savvy enough to use WadEd at age 10, but in middle school I played War2 like it was my job, and made lots of wonky unfinished mods. I like seeing that sort of energy in the Doom community.


And now that I'm older, playing Doom is sort of like listening to blues or JS Bach or raga. I don't have much time to spare, and while Doom Eternal looks nifty I don't feel the desire to spend my time on something that seems, ultimately, superficial and ephemeral.

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I'm not sure when i started because since i can remember, i remember that i already played doom, so i would say that when i was 2-4 years old I already play doom in the years 2006-2008

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