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How you discovered the Doom series? / Your first time playing Doom?


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Baron of Hell - Minotaur

Imp - Raptor. The first time my brothers and I played Doom, we thought the first imp in E1M1 on UV was a velociraptor because, while we couldn't see it well, the noises it made reminded us of the JP raptors.

And those were the only 2 we had nicknames for, until the manual set us straight.

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Muscle Chris said:

nothing special, usually just a bunch of random curses when they'd kill me LOL

Yep, me to. Every thing from fucker, cunt to bitch. I liked to mix things up a bit.

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Former humans - false human

Imps - jerk

Demon - eater

Spectre - bare eater

Cacodemon - plasma head

Lost soul - gypsy woman (sorry for P.I. anyway; I was just a 6 years old child)

Baron of hell - bull

Cyberdemon - Bazooker

Spiderdemon - Dr. Praetorius head

Former commandos - Minicybronic humanoid with Spiderdemon handgun

Revenant - horror boss

Pain elemental - tan killer

Arachnotron - dwarved spiderdemon

Hell Knight - Ill baron

Mancubus - Fat artillery experiment

Arch vile - Satanic mage

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When I played this when I was a kid (8-9ish) I used to call the Bestiary this:

Zombieman: guy
Shotgun guy: shotgun guy (coincidence)
Commando: chaingunner
Imp: monster (they were the first 'monsters' you come up against)
Demon: bull
Spectre: invisible bull
Lost Soul: skull
Cacodemon: Brain (cus when you kill them you see their brains)
Hell Knight: New Big Bull
Baron: Big Bull
arachnotron: baby spider
revenant: skeleton
pain elemental: new brain
mancubus: blobby (enhanced by the fact thay say "blobuar!" when they shoot)
arch-vile: Alien
Spiderdemon: spiderdemon
cyberdemon: cyberdemon (both told you the names at the intermission)

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It's really hard to remember, since I learned them all from the end of Doom2 when it listed them. But I can try to remember...

Zombieman: soldier
Shotgunguy: evil soldier
Chaingun guy: gorilla with chaingun
Imp: spikey guy
Demon: Pinky
Spectre: invisible thing
revenant: Skeleton
Archvile: flamethrower
mancubus: fat thing
cacodemon: red ball
lost soul: flying skull
pain elemental: skull mommy
cyberdemon: giant rocket launcher guy
hell knight/baron: abba (from that death noise, I guess)
arachnotron: robot spider thing

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Zombies: "Where'd you come from, chap?!", (îòêóäà âû âûñêî÷èëè, äÿäåíüêà?!)later - Chap... I was 8 at the time, and was insanely afraid of them.
Imp: Monkey (Ìàêàêà)
Pinky Demon: Hog (Êàáàí)
Spectre: Shadow (Òåíü)
Baron Of Hell: Superhog (Ñóïåðêàáàí) later - puffy goat.

Thats it, since I only played the shareware back then.

And now that I'm swimming in a sea of Doom, I know all the names.

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printz said:
Lost soul - gypsy woman (sorry for P.I. anyway; I was just a 6 years old child)[/B]

Nevermind, but why did you call it a gipsy woman? Is there a legend that gipsy women are able to haunt you as a flying skull?

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I was around 4 when I watched my dad play Doom (That's right, I only watched.), but here's my names for the enemies.

Zombie men: Bad men.
Imps: Monkey
Demon: Pink cow.
lostsoul: Fire head
Cacodemon: Red head
Baron of Hell: Snot man (I honestly thought he was throwing snot at the time.)
Cyberdemon: Brown Cow
Spider mastermind: Robo brain
SoulSphere: Bobby
BFG9000: Green gun

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I knew all the names. I pored over the Doom instruction booklet, trying to recreate the monsters, weapons and items pixel by pixel in Clarisworks on my old Mac LCII, because the 286 IBM I had at home didn't have a 3 1/2" floppy drive, nor enough power to run Doom once it was on there. I stopped that shit as soon as my dad brought home a brand new Dell XPS P90 from work. Holy shit I was in for a surprise. Anyway yeah, no stupid names from me.

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My list. Names I probably still use today.

Zombieman: Green haired freak
Shotgunner: Skinhead
Chaingunner: Skinhead with a chaingun
Imp: Whore from Hell (just read the "Genitals of Demons" post that will explain)
Demon: Pinky!!
Spectre: Stupid wussy
Lost Soul: Screaming Mimi
Cacodemon: Floating pile of bloody poo
Hell Knight: Llamaman (don't ask.)
Baron of Hell: I AM A MORON
Arachnotron: Freaky spider baby
Pain Elemental: Asswipe (spawning so many Lost Souls pissed me off way back when)
Revenant: El Boner
Mancubus: Mr. Manboobs
Archvile: The Creeper
Spider Mastermind: Spider mommy
Cyberdemon: Rocket launcher whore

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  • 3 weeks later...

I call them on theese names:

Cacodemon: Lihapulla (Meatball)
Imp: Ruskean reijän ritari (Brown hole knight)
Demon: Mörkö (I don't know what it is on english, maby hogoblin is near.) Or later M-Biisoni (M-Biison. Dont ask why.)
Mancubus: Raaka-Arska (That guy in Dukenukem.)
ZZ-Soldier: Pippalo mies (Pippalo man. That come on that what they say when they see player ''big double!'' or something like that.)

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1)Zombie-UAC Mutant GRUNT
2)Sergent-UAC Mutant GUARD
3)Chaingunner-UAC Mutant MachineGunner-aka "JAKE" with O'L PAINLESS! Remember "PREDATOR"?
5)Demon-Bull HOG of "HADES"
6)Spectre-Same, but near invisible
7)CacoDemon-"JACKO" of HADES, as in Jackalatern
8)Lost Soul-Hell Sculls
9)Baron-"THE DEVIL" or "TWINS" of the GATES of HADES, Since you delt with 2 of 'em at the end of the first episode.
10)Hell Knight-Devil's wife, or the DEVIL's BITCH!!
11)Revenant-I have a few names, Tall Rocketpod bastard, Left HOOK, RocketPod Ghoul, "Dr JAY." Famous NBA ball player brought back from hell and fitted with rocket pods.
12)Mancubus-"FATBACK" from Hades
13)Pain Elemental-"JACKO-2" Hell's Scull spitter!
14)ArchVile-Hell's REVERAND! or the "PREACHER of HADES!"
15)Spider Mastermind-"CYBERBRAIN" The Mutha FUCKA' who's responsible for the whole invasion, and what the hell's it doing with a gatlinggun?!!
16)CyberDemon-Well,CYBERDEMON! It's flesh is fused with Artillery Weapons mechcanics after all!
17)Arachnotron-The Mutha Fucka's a BITCH TOO? Now she has kids?

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You guys should here mine!!! It is hilarious!!

Zombieman: Doom Gun Guy
Shotgun Guy: Shotgun Guy (funny how I actually got it)
Heavy Weapon Dude: Machine Gun Guy
Imp: Animal
Demon: Pig
Spectre: Printafull (LOL)
Cacodemon: Big Red Face
Lost Soul: Small Red Face
Pain Elemental: Grey Face
Hell Knight: Taxi
Baron of Hell: Cows
Cyberdemon: Boss
Arch-Vile: Skeleton
Mancubus: Fat Guy
Arachnotron: Spiders

I never got past level 16 in Doom 2 when I was little, so I never saw the Spider Mastermind or Baphomet.

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Hmm, the only nicknames I can really remember were the ones I gave the Revenant and Mancubus.

Revenant = Karate Fag
Mancubus = Fat Guy

I seriously have no idea how I came up with Karate Fag.

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Tetzlaff said:

Nevermind, but why did you call it a gipsy woman? Is there a legend that gipsy women are able to haunt you as a flying skull?

Nah, I'm not aware of legends. What legends? :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Zombies- marine dudes
Imps- demons
Demons- big ugly pink guys
Spectres- invisible guys
Barons of Hell- Big guys with horns

This was before I purchased Ultimate Doom, obviously.

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Zombieman - Lawyers (I thought one of the roar's sounded like The Lawyers Attack, I was age 5)

Seargent - Baldy, Lawyers

Chaingunners - "Killers"

Imps- "Spiky" (I thought their fireballs were mini-suns"

Demons - The Demon Pig (still do)

Cacodemon - Floating Balls (their roar sounds like cheese a little)

Lost Souls - "Flameface"

Hell Knights/ Baron of Hells - "Slimy Demons" - They scared me when I was little. I thought they were throwing balls of slime.

Pain Elementals - Had no name for it.

Arachnotrons- Plasma Girls (their eyes look like they have new fashion sometimes)

Mancubus - "Goons"

Archviles- "Ghost"

Spider Mastermind- "Spider *******" (the brain)

The Cyberdemon - "Huge Cow" (It's roar sounded like a moo sound)

Icon of Sin- I was too busy thinking about how to actually beat to give it a name.

Wolfenstein S.S- "Cops" (they looked like cops)


ME- The good guy
Health Bonus- "Blue Ducks"
Armor Bonus- "Helmet"
Soulsphere/Megasphere - "Sad Face"
Light-Amp- "Glasses"
BFG 9000 - "Ultimate Weapon"
Liquids (water, acid, lava) - "Pits"
Plasma Gun - "Laser Gun"
Rocket Launcher - "Nukes"
The portal in E1M8 - "Death's Door"
The gargoyles in E2M4 that have water coming out of their mouths - "Puppies"

That's pretty much all there is to it.

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Wooh! First Post!

Pistol Zombie- Retard
Shotgun Zombie- Smacktard
Imp- Gargoyle
Pinky Demon- Pig Lizard
Spectre- Predator
Cacodemon- Strawberry
Lost Soul- Flamer
Baron of Hell- Minotaur
Cyberdemon- Bob Barker
Spider Mastermind- Pat Sajak

Doom 2

Chaingun Zombie- #@*!tard
Hell Knight- Lesser Minotaur
Revenant- Martial Arts bastardizer (trust me, that punch looks nothing like actual karate)
Mancubus- Aunt Agnes
Arachnotron- Vana White
Pain Elemental- Flamer Factory
Arch-Vile- (misc. expletives)
Icon of Sin- Elvis ('cos he's the king, baby!)

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i knew someone who called imps "itch its"
cus of the sound they make when they scratch you

but i never called them by anything other then thier real names

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I played it for a while before even looking at the manual. I got most of the names right, except I lumped the "Shotgun guy/zombieman" together as simply "zombie." Other than that I was pretty dead on.

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I read the manual before I actually played the game, although the manual I had did not have pictures so I had to guess which monsters were which from the descriptions. I used to get the names of revenants and archviles mixed up.

Also, I never used the common monster nicknames like "shotgun guy", "pinky", or "trooper". I always called them by their proper names.

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All I remember we had just couple of nics, we called demon a pig or a hen. Hell Baron was Santa Claus. :)

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