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International Doom 7.4 / Heretic 7.0 / Hexen 7.0 (updated March 8, 2024)

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@Jules451, thanks, glad you like it! In-game PWAD loading/unloading should be possible, but it's not that easy and will require a lot of work on handling wad lumps.

Next release will have a proper drag-n-drop support of pwad/iwad/deh/bex/lmp files into executable, and at the moment there is a basic directory-autoload support (not really user-friendly TBH, it could be much simpler).


I'm not very active on Inter-Doom last months, and primary focused on CRL. But thanks to my colleague @Dasperal, this port is not going down.


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  • 2 months later...

International Doom 7.0 is out! 



This is a next major version, a total refresh. Whole project has been reassembled almost from scratch, as well as most of functions and features were either rewritten or replaced with better implementations. I have entirely removed all resource dependency, including translation and beta/jaguar game modes. Uncanonical UNM skill level, bloat "features for features, not for functionality" and unsafe quirks in game mechanics were also removed (with few optional exceptions, which are sill safe for demos/multiplayer).


I'm also leaving any farther development of Heretic and Hexen, as well as previous resource-dependent codebase. It was a good time and practice, but later was giving me nothing more than headache with compatibility and double amount of work, so neither I would like to keep nor maintain it, preferring to keep things clean and simple, just like it was done in my CRL experience.


Please note, this version is not compatible in any ways with previous ones, so yet another clean install is needed.


In general, port becomes more conservative, but most of established things are here. It is still limit-removing and non BOOM-compatible, but should be okay to spent some time by shooting monsters or watch demos.



  • Added optional True Color rendering, a Masterwork written by @fabian for Crispy Doom. However, I'm kindly asking to carefully read the first section in Crispy Doom Wiki, as everything applies here as well. Note: no Hi-Color DAC is needed (just kidding!).
  • Toggling video options no longer require restart of the program.
  • Additional optimizations to visplanes drawing.
  • Replaced "Loading" screen wipe effect with "Fast".
  • Gamma-correction levels OFF-4 now equals to vanilla Doom.

My subjective recommendation for True Color render: try to disable fake contrast and enable smooth diminished lighting in Gameplay Features. This will probably provide best looking, and if game feels brighter than it should, adjust gamma-correction via F11 key.



  • Changing music playback system no longer needed for playing tracks in MP3/OGG/FLAC/IT/XM/MOD formats.
  • Added FluidSynth support. There is no sample bank included, but I highly recommending to check out Trevor0402's SC-55 soundfont. Just provide a file name or full patch to sound bank in "fsynth_sf_path" config file variable (thanks @rfominand @mikeday).
  • Upgraded Windows MIDI code (thanks @ceski).
  • Added support for Chocolate/Crispy Doom compatible music pack folder ("music_pack_path" config file variable).


  • All automap colors/schemas now more friendly with heavily modified custom palettes.
  • Added ReMood/CRL-inspired IDDT cheat monsters highlighting (thanks @RestlessRodent).


  • Port now compatible with Chocolate/Crispy Doom and Woof (in vanilla complevel) source ports multiplayer.
  • Setup executable is back as multiplayer launcher, in same manner as in Woof source port.


  • Port now using actual version of Dehacked parser. Notably, BFG2704 is working.

Chocorenderlimits/CRL features

  • Spectator mode - allows to fly around as spectator (thanks @RestlessRodent).
  • Freeze mode (cheat shortcut: FREEZE) - freezes whole game world except player.

Shortcut keybinds are available in keyboard bindings / special modes section.


Game mechanics

  • "Strict vanilla mode" is removed as no longer needed - game mechanics is always vanilla and small fixes are removed entirely. Exceptions are "Compatibility-breaking features" and "Point-Blank SSG tear monsters", but these features will never be active in demo recording/playing and multiplayer.


  • Added support for drag-n-drop of iwad/pwad/deh/bex files and demo lumps onto executable.
  • Added support for Chocolate/Crispy Doom compatible directory based autoload folder ("autoload_path" config file variable).
  • Default port values now matches up vanilla Doom (exception: hires rendering).
  • Upgraded SDL library to version 2.28.1.


  • Windows XP is no longer supported. Guess, it is time to let it go... 32-bit versions of Windows 7/8.1/10 are still supported by 32-bit executable.
  • No color tweaking menu. Palette handling is different in True Color mode, needs further investigation.
  • No "-vanilla" mode. Ideally, should be rewritten as hot-swappable ingame mode, but this make things more complicated. At the moment I can only recommend to run port with command line parameter "-config vanilla.ini" which will generate separated config file where user can set vanilla-like preferences for their needs.
  • No fading effect for messages. Doable and probably will look much better with new True Color translucency, but needs further investigation as patch drawing function is now far different.
  • No "fix textures on vanilla maps" feature. It was made safe for demos/multiplayer, but needs revision or perhaps, better leave such things for mods.
  • Only single-key-per-bind and no menu for joystick bindings, porting existing one from previous version was a bit difficult, so whole binding API comes directly from CRL.

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Congrats, this version of inter-doom looks quite interesting, looking forward to trying this out soon! (I contributed to Crispy Doom as kitchen-ace on github, in case you weren't sure who I am :) )

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Congrats on the refactor and release! It looks like in this version we've lost the crosshair. Was that intentional?

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On 7/7/2023 at 11:49 AM, plums said:

Congrats, this version of inter-doom looks quite interesting, looking forward to trying this out soon! (I contributed to Crispy Doom as kitchen-ace on github, in case you weren't sure who I am :) )


Sure thing, I remember! Good old earlier Crispy days, lots of good ideas, lots of good thoughts. Glad you're back! 🙂


On 7/8/2023 at 3:59 AM, orffen said:

Congrats on the refactor and release! It looks like in this version we've lost the crosshair. Was that intentional?


Thank you! Not exactly intentional, it did not survived "surgery procedure". I'll add them back by careful embedding into executable in next release.

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Hey! Congratulations on the new update.


Will you be adding the language feature back into the sourceport anytime in the future? I like the idea of being able to play vanilla Doom with not just Russian translation, but translations of other languages in the world. It would definitely fit with the name of International Doom.


Either way, great sourceport!





Edited by Karnasis

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Thanks! Nope, I don't have any plans to add additional support for other languages, as well as any possible resource dependency, it is completely out of scope now. Can't say that I have any other grand plans for now - in next two month development cycle I'll to add back some small missing stuff and rewrote some code for True Color support (color tweaking is done already), and then put this project to more or less maintenance mode to be in rational sync with Chocolate and Crispy Doom.


P.S. "Speed on" as well as all binding names on the first page comes directly from vanilla and Chocolate Doom setup (screenshot).

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  • 1 month later...

I'm really impressed with the glowup that this port has gotten as of late. Feels like a more self-contained version of Crispy, with all the options available in-game instead. 


With that said, I do have some suggestions:

  • Support for autoload subfolders for PWADs (as seen in Crispy, Woof, DSDA and PrBoom+)
  • Graphic lumps for the menu sections (idk if this is already a thing or not, feel free to let me know)
  • Mouse support in menus
  • Rename "Fake Contrast" options to original/off instead of on/off
  • Crispy-style support for NRFTL and Sigil
  • A Unity/Eternity-style menu for playing the Master Levels (ML WADs could be autodetected through a subfolder called "master")
  • Blocky Specter Drawing (from Woof)
  • Dark Menu Background while in Options Menu (from Woof). Should help with text visibility in places.



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On 7/10/2023 at 3:13 AM, Julia Nechaevskaya said:

I don't have any plans to add additional support for other languages

Sounds like the port may need a less misleading name, then.

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1 hour ago, Grieferus said:

 It actually had. Russian Doom.

Well that's also even less accurate than it used to be.

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9 hours ago, OpenRift said:
  • Dark Menu Background while in Options Menu (from Woof). Should help with text visibility in places.


This one will be available again, for both menu and automap backgrounds, thank you for suggestions. The rest of everything else, I'm afraid, will be heavily delayed even for thinking about - I feel pretty much done with this port and need a break, probably long one. My only current plan is to release small technical update in the middle of September, on a 7 years anniversary.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, Julia! This is great port and I love it, but what is the reason behind removal of russian language?

P.S. Just read this update's description, now I understand everything, name international doom became kinda pointless now though (if I understood correctly, most of the code in this version is written by you, so yeeeah)

Edited by Klickach

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Hello and thank you! In short words: translations was a part of big complex problem of resource dependency and outdated video code. Should any resource-depended total conversion was loaded with Russian language, the result was... Let's just say - not the way TC was supposed to look like. And there is simply no way to avoid it: either left some strings/graphics in English, or got possibly incorrect strings/graphics in Russian. While this port was mostly about translation only, it was more or less okay, but once it was moved farther in development and compatibility, such cases was just standing in the way.


But there is a longer story for this decision. Back in January 2023 I have pioneered quad resolution rendering (presumably I, AFAIR there were no 4x res in friendly ports at that time) which burned me out completely. For users it was good, but in heavily outdated video code however, it was a nightmare - real maze of conditions over conditions. To take some rest I have decided to switch to continuation of Chocorenderlimits (CRL), where I was able to implement some fresh ideas, along with valuable ideas and request from community members. In the March I've decided to make a fresh look at Inter-Doom and found myself totally unhappy to see where it was grown: a pile of resource dependency and features-for-features, not for usability. My decision was only one: torn current project code and it's roots to oblivion and reassemble it from scratch, function by function, feature by feature, with improving/revisiting my code I was wrote over the years. Fabian's experimental true color render comes in the end, and when I've seen it, I was like a "😍... I love it and can't play with palleted render any more".


CRL left a huge inspiration in development of new version of Inter-Doom, to be honest, so it became a bit more... Conservative, if this word fits.


Still, many parts of the code are not mine: it is a consolidation of valuable works from Crispy Doom and DOOM Retro, and famous optimizations from PrBoom+. My own stuff is also here, but who cares in the end - it's GPLed. 🙂


As about the name: well, honestly, the last thing I want to do is to change established name of my project, or fork it, or make a sub-version of it. Especially after working on in for almost seven years of my life. It's not a thing to play around. Initial name was changed after sadly known events back in 2022, but it was my only and personal decision, no one was enforcing me to do that. But maybe one day it will became ɯoop ןɐuoıʇɐuɹǝʇuı, who knows. 😀

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International Doom 7.1 is out and it's a seventh anniversary of the project! 🎂






  • "Translucency" feature extended to "Additive" (current implementation) and "Blending" (more classical look) modes.
  • "Revealed secret message" feature extended to "Top" (current implementation) and "Centered".
  • Added "Reset bindings to default" function to mouse bindings menu.
  • Fixed status bar face hysteresis when player is going invulnerable from pain/ouch states.
  • Reorder sprites rendering, so that objects with higher map indices appear in front (thanks @fabian).
  • Various small improvements for brightmaps:
    • Improved lighting of armor bonus, BFG9000 (world and HUD sprites) and SW2STONE texture for Doom 1.
    • Fixed incorrect brightmapping on armor bonuses, explosive barrels and rarely on floor textures in some instances.
    • Excluded TNT brightmaps when not using tnt.wad (thanks @plums and @fabian).
  • Various small technical improvements (also thanks @rfomin).
  • Upgraded SDL library to version 2.28.3.

Available again

  • Color Settings subsection for fine-tuning color saturation and RGB intensity, available in Display Options menu.
  • Wider status bar modes in wide screen rendering.
  • Crosshairs are back in Gameplay Features menu, but with fewer options.
  • "Translucent" style for fuzz effect.


  • Fixed possible silent crash on toggling hires/widescreen modes while demo playing or network game.
  • Added back fixed sound attenuation on Doom 2 map 8.
  • Fixed marks drawing on automap in wide screen modes.
  • Fixed PIT_ApplyTorque when line has no length (thanks kraflab).
  • [Windows only] Improved drag-n-drop support of files onto executable.


Compiled using GCC 13.2.0 under MSYS environment.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I've a little bug report:


I'm able to trigger some R_MapPlane crashes by changing the rendering resolution. It seems to happen specifically with widescreen enabled, when going from "Quad" to "Original", but it only happens sometimes.


I tried in Doom 2 Map01. It looks like I have to move a bit to the right of the starting point, and then change resolution to provoke the crash Nevermind, that doesn't seem to be a requirement.

Edited by Alaux

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Thanks! Could you please try this build? It's in release-friendly condition and both Win-32/64 distributions are included, just in case. Changes are in changelog.txt: https://jnechaevsky.github.io/files/inter-doom-pre-7.2.zip


Turns out, there were two notable problems, both should be fixed:

  1. Possible crash on toggling rendering resolution, explained by @Alaux. I've tried to fix it in 7.1 by capping framerate to 35 fps while in Video Options menu, and it seems to work on my side, but looks likes it wasn't optimal. Now there is a solid background and rendering of player view is disabled while in this menu. Not very nice, because now it is not possible to see changes immediately, but should work. 
  2. Possible random crashes on visplanes drawing. My favorite blooper of trying to simplify the code, which is already working fine.


Edited by Julia Nechaevskaya

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10 minutes ago, Julia Nechaevskaya said:

Possible crash on toggling rendering resolution, explained by @Alaux. I've tried to fix it in 7.1 by capping framerate to 35 fps while in Video Options menu, and it seems to work on my side, but looks likes it wasn't optimal. Now there is a solid background and rendering of player view is disabled while in this menu. Not very nice, because now it is not possible to see changes immediately, but should work.

Isn't it possible to restart the screen when changing the rendering resolution? Woof does that, making the screen go black momentarily, but it should be better than having a solid background since you can still preview the changes.

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On 10/19/2023 at 10:53 PM, Julia Nechaevskaya said:

Thanks! Could you please try this build? It's in release-friendly condition and both Win-32/64 distributions are included, just in case. Changes are in changelog.txt: https://jnechaevsky.github.io/files/inter-doom-pre-7.2.zip


Not sure how to make it crash but I played 7.2 for a while and it seems to be working fine, thank you.

Edited by CacoKnight

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International Doom 7.2 is out! Possible random crashes while changing video settings and visplanes drawing has been finally fixed (no solid background or framerate capping needed, yay 🤩), as well as other improvements were made.






  • Better color translation from cyan to green (thanks @fabian and @liPillON).
  • Disabled sector special 17 in gameversion 1.2 (#1554, thanks @Never_Again).
  • Playing demos with multiple levels is now possible with Pistol Start game mode enabled.
  • Renamed Fake Contrast from "On" to "Original" for better compliance with other menu items (thanks @OpenRift).
  • Player movement and camera rotation no longer possible while active game menu in multiplayer game.
  • Improved messages ticker handling.
  • "Centered" message of revealed secret will be shown if messages are off, to work with same logics as "top" placement.
  • Blinking key or skull on status bar now optional and disabled by default to match up default port setting. Feature can be enabled back in Gameplay Features / Status Bar (thanks @OpenRift).
  • Added "fsynth_gain" config file variable to fine tune the FluidSynth output level (thanks @fabian and Vitoria90).
  • Improved support for tall skies and it's stretching (#1092, thanks @fabian and @plums).
  • Improved support for DEHACKED lump loading from PWAD (#1101, thanks @fabian and @plums).


  • Fixed possible errors and silent crashes on toggling video options (thanks @Alaux).
  • Fixed possible random silent crash on visplanes drawing.


  • Gameplay-unsafe cheats now disabled while demo playing/recording. Safe ones IDMUS, IDDT and IDMYPOS are still allowed (thanks @fabian).
  • An ingame message "Demo recording: demoname.lmp" will be printed right after the start with demo recording.

Available again

  • Level Name widget (automap only / always). Can be useful while demo watching.

Windows OS only

  • Added support for drag-n-drop .ini config files onto the executable.
  • Windows 11: Snipping Tool no longer appears after pressing PrintScreen key (thanks @bradharding). Win+Shift+S combination will work as usual for this case.

Libraries update

  • Updated SDL to version 2.28.4.
  • Updated FluidSynth to version 2.3.4.
  • Updated included MinGW libraries to their actual versions.


Compiled using GCC 13.2.0 under MSYS environment.



Edited by Julia Nechaevskaya

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International Doom 7.2.1 is out, this is a "little huge" maintenance release with no new features. Instead, the entire codebase has been diff-verified and updated to the latest Chocolate/Crispy Doom code - some parts of ID code were severely outdated, as ID 7.0 codebase was based on Chocolate Doom pre-3.0.0. This includes a number of fixes and stability improvements, including a fix for a possible random crash on game loading in some cases.






- Gray 0 and 5 are now properly recognized in keyboard bindings and side/extra mouse buttons are now properly recognized in the mouse bindings menu.
- IDDQD cheat code: fixed reviving if god mode was already enabled (#1106, thanks tomas7770).

Source code
- Almost the entire codebase has been updated to the latest Chocolate/Crispy Doom code. This includes numerous fixes and stability improvements.
- Enabled ASan as a compile-time option (see `ENABLE_ASAN` in `/CMakeLists.txt` file, may not work with GCC, need Clang), fixed all remaining "pedantic" warnings under GCC 13.2.0 and 17.0.2, and separated platform-dependent sources at compile-time (thanks @rfomin).


Compiled using GCC 13.2.0 under MSYS environment.



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Uh. I never tried to play Doom with different FOV, thinking it's more suitable for Quake series. Need to investigate, if it will not require a lot of changes in render code, then maybe it deserves a small menu item in Video Options.


Meanwhile, I have done small extensions to demo playing code, so restarting and going to next level, as well as IDCLEVing to any level while demo playback is now possible. These are small changes, but some review is still needed, maybe there are some ways to make it more optimal. Real problem here is demo format itself: it's basically a record of player inputs. There are no markers or indicators like "on this tic player is pressing exit switch and going to next level", so to scroll demo previous level, engine must restart demo entirely and do a "fast-forward" that map by disabling screen rendering and running through the game tics as fast as possible. A bit "expensive" procedure, but even on Alien Vendetta six hour demo by blue cultist, it takes just a few seconds on my i7-12700F to jump from MAP01 to MAP30. Rewind could be even more awesome, but no, I will not handle it's implementation, it's too complicated for me. 🙂

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FOV is done and it's based on both DOOM Retro and Nugget Doom (thanks, colleagues!).


Changing kinda reminds me "that" cinematic effect, but please, do not expect any special effects like teleporter zoom and etc!



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2 hours ago, Julia Nechaevskaya said:

FOV is done and it's based on both DOOM Retro and Nugget Doom (thanks, colleagues!).


Damn nice, thank you!


Quick question on a useless (but fun) thing: is there a specific reason So Doom is able to load this addon and International Doom can't Super Shotgun in The Ultimate Doom? This is really not a big deal at all, just trying to understand why since both are Crispy forks.

Edited by CacoKnight

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