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Guess the Map! [15th edition] (answers are here)

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Previous editions: 14, 13 and before


The game that never ends! Here we are in the 15th edition of Guess the Map! As usual, we have 25 map layouts to show off, and you do your best to figure out where they belong to! This time, we have a theme, secrets and puzzles, in which most of the levels have something that pertains to hard puzzles or secrets! Rules in case you forgot:


- Answers MUST be hidden in spoilers, no exceptions. If you don't use the spoiler option, your guesses won't count.

- Assistance is fine if you aren't completely sure about your guess, we're only strict about the first rule.


New hints: March 5

Answers revealed: March 12





-Southwest staircase is something that accidentally has over 15 secrets in it.

-The majority of this map is out in the open, the south parts are indoors






-How to get that BFG on the west side using your strafing finesse?

-A cyberdemon sees you at the start, he's in the middle. Plus the surrounding walls have arachnotrons






-Eighteen secrets and tons of back-and-forthing between the halls

-This looks like a hydroelectric plant, with "Anchor" blaring in the background.






-A cybernetic nightmare with some very non-Doomish creatures.

-Yes those are indeed five separate paths in the middle. You basically go through all of them but you save the rightmost one for last.






-I thought it was a Heretic map? What's with the more Hellish demons taking up all the space?

-While the map name references a Duke Nukem weapon, this level lacks a Duke Nukem track unlike many others in the same WAD. But it does have a TNT track and is still appropriately explosive.






-A nice boat you can visit there. It also contains the exit, but you gotta go through the rest of the level first.

-The nine blocks near the south side are a puzzle, though not of the Last Call variant. You gotta cross the right ones or the soul sphere south of them is permanently closed.






-Five yellow keycards, what can they be for?

-Apparently finding any of them will trigger some kind of ambush too.






-Very innovative puzzles here, plus an imaginative storyline and look.

-No monsters, but still rather forboding.






-The level title refers to exactly how many secrets there are here.

-While an arch-vile is in a perch near the middle of the map, none of the secrets here actually require an arch-vile jump to do.






-In this level, certain border line colors can make good things happen, while other border line colors make bad things happen.

-Case in point, the west side. You go through a wrong border while going to the middle everything closes off and you deal with monsters the first time, then have to reset to unlock the key and try again.






-Light is good, except in this level.

-Yeah, it's a three-key hub map.






-On the right side, you are dodging rockets while going through a racecourse thrice.

-While the racecourse is no Rainbow Road, it at least looks nice since you can see the nukage below as you avoid the rockets.






-There are tons of ways to get instantly killed in this concept level, with lots of Aliens-like inspiration. Beware the strange lights, fans, and the congested maze with crushers.

-A megasphere at the top part of the map is quite tempting, but your first attempt to get it will surround you with demons and if you try to backtrack for it, it will still be a red herring killing you instantly. In the words of Obi-Wan, "don't try it".






-Third-person pacifist-style level where you must run around while imps fire at you.

-And by run around you're also painting some kind of portrait, which eats you at the end.






-Outright toxic, to put it simply.

-The level name takes half of the name of a OHKO move from Pokemon as well as a specific type from the same franchise.






-Our mohawked mascot finds a temple complex in a rather relaxing beach level.

-Or it's a beach with a temple. Heck, the biggest reason it's a beach-type map is probably the FF7 Costa del Sol music.






-The small area at the north end is a puzzle involving the seasons. Be careful here, as the puzzle can only be tried once.

-All the stuff in the middle is caves, the west and east side are snowy areas, one a fort and the other a village.






-Yet another resort level, with a surfing section too!

-You start at the SW part, talking about going surfing, and have nine surfboards to jump through while a bunch of monsters attack. Don't fall in the water!






-A massive switchhunt where you must conquer four elements.

-The side rooms in the halls leading out of the center require specific keys. Good luck, this'll probably take an hour or so to beat.






-A single level where you must find three of each color key for the most ripe of rewards.

-The hardest bunch are the ones that require one-time-only switches, specifically one blue skull on the east side and one yellow skull on the north bridge (you have two chances for the later but must be PRECISE to get 'em!






-A fantastical rendition of a classic game rife with puzzles, which came out last year.

-Interestingly, cave entrances normally require a bomb to open, but you can just use anything that can attack to open the way to the mini-caves.






-At the southeast end, you need to get a chicken into a teleporter, then have that chicken move up. It's complicated.

-A sandbox Heretic map like this you would think would have way more secrets than just 10 of them.






-How high can you get? You can exit this level at any point.

-Among the concepts: a 30-second closing door, shooting a barrel to open a door, luring a monster to open a door, rocket-jumping, arch-vile jumping, and entering a teleporter from a different side.






-A single Ultimate Doom level that is puzzling both in and out.

-The NE section has fun conveyors, but don't try to enter the tunnel or you instantly get gibbed.






-This level is the ultimate when it comes to secret-hunting, with exactly 100 to get.

-Made famous as yours truly managed to document them all, though I'm sure you can try many different paths to get them. Good thing NONE of those secrets can be permanently closed off!



Good luck!

Edited by NuMetalManiak

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Without hints:


8. The Given


With hints:


1. E4M3: Sever the Wicked

23. Doom 2 Reloaded MAP32


Interesting picks with some enticing automap shots, sadly I don't know many of these.

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Oh neat I know one of these :D



Sort of, I can't remember the map's name (if it had one), but #14 is a map from TurboCharged ARCADE!
What a treasure that wad is.


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no hints


2 HR MAP14

24 aaawake / Awakening



1 E4M3??? I don't remember the layout at all

8 Grove

9 Slayer MAP08 , obviously no idea but that's the one I remember had a name like that

23 d2reload MAP32


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Without hints:


1. Doom E4M3: Sever the Wicked

2. Hell Revealed Map14: City in the Clouds

4. HacX Map10: Anarchist Dream

With hints:


5. Sounds like a Doom conversion of Heretic E1M5, but the only one that comes to mind is Romero's Heresy Map05, and that's probably too close to the original to qualify for this kind of thing. Oh yeah just noticed the northenmost area is completely new.

12. Cyberdreams Map29

16. Ray Mohawk 2 Map09

17. Whitemare Map08


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01 Doom E4M3
02 Hell Revealed MAP14
03 Community Chest 4 MAP14
05 Kama Sutra MAP31
07 That's out of Sunlust, but I can't remember the map number ... it's MAP23
08 Dobu Gabu Maru's map whose name I forget, The Giver or some such ... The Given
13 This isn't out of NDCP2 is it? ...it's MAP19, I thought it was MAP21





09 10 Secrets, from Slayer (MAP08)



more clues



06 BoatY MCBoatwad map05
11 Absolutely KILLed? E1M6, don't go into the light
14 Turbo-charged ArCADE map04
15 SheER Poison
16 Ray MoHAWK 2, map09
17 WhitEMARe MAP08
20 EUROPa 1 (eaeuro01)
25 "Making the secrets for MAP11 of Clippyworld was certainly the big one for this month. It's now the 76th largest page on Doomwiki to boot and I'm sure that there's a better route for finding these hundred secrets" sort of gave it away, even before the new clues were posted :).


Edited by RjY

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Finally I can answer at least some!



1. Yes! Ultimate Doom E4M3! I’m back in the groove!

16. Umm… Ray Mohawk’s temple level? :P


I guess that’s all she wrote :/





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I like this theme



01. Ultimate Doom E4M3, I just love those stairs

02. Hell Revealed MAP14, yea the BFG haunted me through the entire map iirc

03. mm

04. yea, HacX, one of the virtual maps... MAP10, I knew but I had to double confirm

05. Kama Sutra MAP31

06. Boaty McBoatwad MAP05, man that secret puzzle wasn't first-time friendly lol

07. 100% sure I haven't played this

08. umm, well The Given

09. quite sure I know this..

10. mm, NDCP MAP07 

11. Absolutely Killed E1M6, genius wad

12. not sure

13. ?

14. nope

15. grrrr

16. I guess it's Ray Mohawk or smth

17. I know this one, I know I know this one, actually I don't know if I know this one

18. nope

19. heh

20. Europa 1, yes the yellow skull I think is a real pain in the rectum

21. oh, idk

22. a chicken?????????????????????????????????????????? ah heretic or hexen, next...

23. hm

24. familiar...

25. oh, no


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Kind of forgot about this, let's go...


Without hints

  1. Doom E4M3: Sever the Wicked
  2. Hell Revealed MAP14: City in the Clouds
  3. -
  4. -
  5. -
  6. The only thing in my head is Epic 2... MAP21?
  7. -
  8. The Given (one of the rare automaps i recognize that I haven't played)
  9. -
  10. -
  11. -
  12. The layout screams Cyberdreams as I remember Ossa making a 10Sector map that looked like the right side. I'll say Cyberdreams, and I've played it, but no idea what map.
  13. -
  14. -
  15. -
  16. -
  17. -
  18. -
  19. -
  20. -
  21. -
  22. -
  23. -
  24. -
  25. -


With hints

  1. Doom, E4M3: Sever the Wicked
  2. Hell Revealed, MAP14: City in the Clouds
  3. -
  4. -
  5. -
  6. -
  7. -
  8. The Given
  9. Oh that has to be a SlayeR map judging by the hint, and then automap (Wiles is recognizeable). No idea what map though. (DWiki says MAP08.)
  10. -
  11. -
  12. So it's Cyberdreams for sure. Now, what map? (DWiki says MAP29.)
  13. -
  14. -
  15. Sheer Poison. My Pokemon knowledge blessed me there
  16. I remember a Ray Mohawk or smth extisting but no idea about anything further
  17. HOW DID I NOT RECOGNIZE THIS??? Whitemare MAP08. Softlocked me in Ironeagle December 2019. Interesting map...
  18. -
  19. -
  20. -
  21. -
  22. The Wayfarer?
  23. -
  24. -
  25. Clippyworld MAP11. I only know that because I read Xymph's Doomwiki update.


Could have been worse. Won't complain

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03. seriously can't think of anything

07. well fuck my previous comment then, this is Sunlust MAP23

09. I have not played this

12. Nope

13. ? (2)

14. something with ARCADE I suppose

15. I had to google what OHKO meant, in 21 years of watching the anime (in spanish though) I've never heard of such terminology... anyways, based on bulbapedia, the hints, and my thinking process, it gotta be yakfak's Sheer Poison

16. yea, Doomkid's Ray Mohawk .... 2 

17. Whitemare... whether 1 or 2 that I'll have to figure out....

18. 1000% nope

19. gimme an i, gimme a d, gimme a k, what is it!.... wtf

21. bootLEG jk

22. The Wayfarer (?)

23. ahh yea, Doom 2 Reloaded MAP32, see I hmed this on purpose

24. an UD map that's nowhere to be found in my lists? lemme just cancel myself

25. well now I wanna play that shit


I may think of more later





03. CChest4 MAP14, yea I'm first-time-ing this wad atm, currently sitting on 14/18 fucking secrets and resisting the urge to cheat


Edited by galileo31dos01
forgot to highlight 17

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I'm terrible at remembering map layouts, I only know one of them lol


1. Ultimate Doom E4M3 Sever the Wicked


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1. E4M3 Sever the Wicked from Ultimate Doom (Shepardus, vdgg, SiFi, RjY, RHhe, galileo, NaZa, scuffed)

2. MAP14 City in the Clouds from Hell Revealed (vdgg, SiFi, RjY, galileo, NaZa)

3. MAP14 Downriver from Community Chest 4 (RjY, galileo)

4. MAP10 Anarchist Dream from HacX (SiFi, galileo)

5. MAP31 Devastation from Kama Sutra (RjY, galileo, Doomlover wad guess)

6. MAP05 Miss Susie's Steamboat from Boaty McBoatwad (RjY, galileo)

7. MAP23 In Flight from Sunlust (RjY, galileo)

8. The Given (Shepardus, Captain POLAND, galileo, NaZa)

9. MAP08 10 Secrets from SlayeR (vdgg, RjY, NaZa)

10. MAP07 Identity Check from Newdoom Community Project (RjY, galileo)

11. E1M6 Don't Go Into The Light from Absolutely Killed (RjY, galileo)

12. MAP29 The Way to God's Manna from Cyberdreams (SiFi, NaZa)

13. MAP19 Darkseed from Newdoom Community Project 2 (RjY)

14. MAP04 You Are Pablo Picasso from TurboCharged ARCADE! (kwc, RjY)

15. Sheer Poison (RjY, NaZa, galileo)

16. MAP09 Temple del Sol from Ray Mohawk 2 (SiFi, RjY, RHhe wad guess, galileo wad guess, NaZa wad guess)

17. MAP08 Ice Cavern from Whitemare (SiFi, RjY, NaZa, galileo wad guess)

18. MAP06 Surfer Motherfuckers from Mandrill Ass Project

19. MAP24 The Riddle from Zones of Fear

20. Europa 1 (RjY, galileo)

21. MAP01 from The Legend of Doom (SiFi)

22. E1M6 Stomping Grounds from The Wayfarer (NaZa wad guess, galileo wad guess)

23. MAP32 The Super Secret Level from Doom 2 Reloaded (Shepardus, vdgg, galileo)

24. Awakening by NaturalTvventy (vdgg)

25. MAP11 Nothing to see here... from Clippyworld: An Unexpected Journey (RjY, NaZa, Shepardus, lol I gave this one away)


Lots of great guesses this game, plenty of stuff from old and new but with many being full of secrets and puzzles. Stay tuned for the 31st installment of Guess the Map! (whenever that comes)

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"Hey, the letter hint is 'ASS'! Do you think the title actually... Nah, it's probably just like when they turned 'Fistful' into 'STFU'."

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