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Some questions about Sourceports

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Hello, i am new user here.

I am playing Doom mods for about 1 year and I have some problems with my source port.

I have GZDoom 4.7.0 and it's laggy in Eviternity and some other big maps.

Can you doomers guide me how to reduce the lag in GZDoom?

Any recommendations are appreciated. Thanks!

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Turning off both Dynamic Lighting in your settings and unticking Light.pk3 in the Start Menu can potentially help with lag, but if your playing a WAD with a LOT of enemies in one giant area, GZDoom kind of struggles a little regardless due to all the other things it's carrying in its code that it's trying to run along with all those enemies. Also be mindful if you're using any mods that also push GZDoom to render a lot of extra details like blood, fire, particle effects, that sort of thing.


When it comes to overly-populated maps, you're better off using a port like PrBoom+ or DSDA-Doom.

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