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Bludgeonator II: Ultra Bleeder

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Fun times. Played it about 4 times this morning, and the hot start is definitely the tricky part. Not surviving, per se, but avoiding the pickup of too many health items. Once free, it's clear sailing unless your clumsy like me and catch one too many fireballs to the face. First run was 20ish minutes, then got it to 12ish. Saveless runs are fairly consistent, so no save scumming needed on this one. 

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Played it on HMP and had a nice time! Besides the hot start it was easier than I expected, so I will probably replay it on UV to see what else you had planned.

Edited by AdNauseam

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The title immediately reminded me of the apparently dead retro-FPS game project Bloodcrusher II. I am going to assume it is just a coincidence.


That being said, I reckon its kickass soundtrack by Dread Cell might fit the map quite well!

Edited by Rudolph

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1 minute ago, Astro X said:

A 'No chance' clone by Clippy? Otta be fun!


I have no idea what this is


1 hour ago, Rudolph said:

The title immediately reminded me of the apparently dead retro-FPS game project Bloodcrusher II. I am going to assume it is just a coincidence.


That being said, I reckon its kickass soundtrack by Dread Cell might fit the map quite well!


or this


This was not directly inspired by anything I was just making a random map :)


I will add more responses later - thanks for your interest everyone!

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8 minutes ago, Clippy said:


I have no idea what this is



No Chance is an influential slaughter map by Death-Destiny, but your map looks and plays nothing like it.

Your mapping seems way too light-hearted and fun compared to how cruel No Chance can be! Which isn't a criticism of neither No Chance nor Bludgeonator II, but they're quite different, I think.

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32 minutes ago, Clippy said:

This was not directly inspired by anything I was just making a random map :)

Bloodcrusher II was a retro-FPS that was announced but never released. But like you confirmed, it is just a coincidence, even though the title is similar.


I am still going to play this while listening to the Dread Cell soundtrack, since it seems to fit the map so well. ;)

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Okay, I have beaten it, using a gameplay mod because there is no way in hell I can do that in vanilla! :P


However, I am not sure how to get three of the four secrets that can be accessed through secret staircases. The first one was easy: all I had to do was press the chandelier nearby, but I have no clue how to do the same with the other three. 

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Played it on UV and didn't notice much of an uptick in difficulty. I don't know what monster count you increased specifically but it seemed to be mainly more revenants and hell knights. This of course doesn't make it any more difficult because if I circle strafe around - hypothetical numbers incoming - 300 revenants and 300 hell knights on HMP and let them kill each other and then circle strafe around 400 revenants and 400 hell knights on UV and let them kill each other then I have two very similiar scenarios with very similiar difficulties. I noticed that in the beginning there was a bit less space to maneuver which is probably coming from the increased monster count but that was it. I honestly didn't even fire the BFG after killing the early hot start archviles. I think if you wanted to have more of difficulty difference between HMP and UV then you could have put the archviles behind the revenants and hell knights because this way they aren't easily disposed of in the first seconds of the map.


But you don't have to do this of course, not every slaughter map has to be really difficult and I really enjoyed the rather easy casual free flowing monster herding experience. I really liked how the three doorways had differently sandwhiched combinations of Imps, Zombiemen and Mancubi. Your visual style was recognizable as always and I kind of really like it, especially all the linedef/sector patterns that resulted in those charming stars, moons, smilies and - of course - paper-clips! Sorry, if my first paragraph sounds quite negative, that was just me rambling, but I don't want you to have a wrong impression: I had really fun with this map and I think - especially because this seems different from what you normally do - you should try more stuff in this direction. Solid stuff!

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Awesome, Clip. 

Gonna have to play this. Blood, gore and those annoying obituaries that are gonna fill up my console.


Love it!

Edited by HellGhost

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I have rarely cleared slaughter maps before, but have been thinking of trying it more often.  I'll just give you my personal experience, which isn't very objective haha.
I played on Ultra Violence.  The arena looked pretty neat, I liked the little clips as usual and also the smileys and stuff.  As always your maps hardly ever have any wasted space, which is nice, whether it's thing placement, or sector details. 


The start forces you to scramble into place, and seemed to require a bit of luck to get going right, good setup.  The symmetry on the weapons was a little confusing.  I didn't realize there were 2 platforms on each side, since each little teleport room does a u-turn and I ended up doing the initial wave with rockets and plasma.  I only realized the Double Shotgun and Chaingun were there after the Hell Knights and Revenants were down.  After that, the key door waves felt like they could've used a little more variety, maybe some revenants appear on the stimpack islands when you open up the doors, or something.  The ending trigger was slightly confusing, but only for a minute.


All in all, fun way to kill some time, thanks for the map Clippy!

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This was super cool clippy! You made me expect way worse but this was fun even be one of my favorite clippy maps. The only part I liked less was these corridors for each keys it got kinda repetitive. But still good job I hope to see more slaughter maps from you in the future :)



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Alright I will try to reply to as many ppl as I can on my lunch here - I been on a spree with map making and having fun and thank you for all your support - my wife works nights soon for a spell and I may crank one more out


@Mr. Kong - nice to see you as always, I hope your computer can handle it haha - 12000+ linedefs I think, mostly pizzas


@Dannarchy - I can't thank you enough for the time you spent with this map, way more than me - your video was great and kudos on getting better records - you are very chill and calm when playing which is key to a wacky map like this haha - it's very fascinating and helpful beyond words how you take my maps and study them thoroughly


@Thelokk - I am always hungry too, a dangerous combo when mapping haha - I just can't help adding pizzas to maps now


@AdNauseam - I wasn't sure how scary ppl would consider UV, turns out ppl didn't find it too bad - thanks for revisiting and nice comments. Look down I say more to you


@Rudolph - Thank you for assuming it's a coincidence that it compares to another game, I never did hear of this - interesting music haha - if you play it with that music let me know if it works haha -- stay tuned as I will do a secret reveal down the road - although I am sure someone will also post a vid of it before me


@Astro X - I am glad to see you as always and for the interest in my maps, however I wish you didn't just assume I made a clone of something and announce it as fact. TBH this is very disappointing and misleading to other readers because this is not he case at all, and you just stated it as such. I found a Decino vid of him playing No Chance and upon skimming it I see no similarity at all. I just don't want this to look like I simply cloned another thing when my goal was to be unique as always. Sorry but this didn't leave me with a great feeling. Either way I hope you enjoy the map if you play it.


@AdNauseam - thank you for setting the record strait about this non relation to No Chance --- also thank you for a further nice lengthy reply. I am not best at setting difficulties - as most of the time I just cull monsters on lower settings. I can see this really takes away from the experience lower down, I should have maybe kept the monsters and gave more resources like @HAK3180 does. I do like the hot start of having the archviles in your face however, I never like to put them at the back of crowds as I personally find that kind of combat super annoying and most times unfair. The ceiling art was random but I think it worked haha - I never took anything as negative and thank you for the honest and real feedback. I am not even keen on slaughter so it's funny I ended up making this, I don't think I will stick with it. I tried to make the challenge be possible by reserving ammo and letting them infight but a lot of ppl didn't play it quite that way haha


@HellGhost - haha yup too many revenants - let's be honest I just wanted to see a bunch of revs and hell knights smash into each other - I love infighting way too much


@Kyukon - nice to see ya and happy you had fun - yes I know there isn't much variety in the key doors - I expected ppl would let them fight more but some killed the groups one at a time. I didn't want to add more revs after the abusive amount at the start. But thanks so much for the feedback and appreciation of my map buddy


@azerty - nice to see ya here - I really didn't expect you to like this nonsense so much haha - you and pistoolkip both took on the key areas one at a time and I thought maybe ppl would NOT kill all the hell knights first. This of course would make things more boring and I should have thought of that. (expected hell nights to fight mancubi) Especially on HMP it's much easier to dispatch of things before needing to open the key doors. oopsie - I suck at difficulty balancing. Fun watch tho and thanks as always you are cool


@Pistoolkip - that's the video alright lol - sometimes I really don't know how to end a vid eh haha. I loved it - super kudos for pulling this off blind. I left more words on your youtube - you are popular now and may make me famous haha - awesome! Like Azerty you dispatched EVERYTHING before opening keyed doors, a safer bet but unexpected for this monster count. (expected hell knights to battle mancubi) But that's my fault because this is maybe more of a strategy you acquire on a revisit rather than a blind run. Totally impressed you did this blind and had some close calls. The best tho was the weird ending, yes I did turn into a tech base to add to confusion - I somehow thought it would be funny to have the final conflicts be low tiers - I'm silly I guess. But the BEST was your reaction to the end - exactly what I hoped for. When you click the button you have 40 seconds or so before the map really ends - once you press it you can even die and still win, and you got very nervous going back out to get BBQ'd by fatties. But when it happened and the map really did end you went silent - the silence spoke volumes to how much I confused the F out of you LOL - seriously made my day hahaha - gold stuff man thanks for choosing my map to showcase today - I know it wasn't overall the most exciting thing in parts but it means a lot buddy



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Totally unexpected material from Clippy. I do like slaughter maps, so the the monster count isnt a problem at all, and for the space given is a solid number.

Perfectly balanced and theres certainly some options to tackle the map, fast and dangerous or slow paced and methodical.

Played it twice on UV without mods, and tried my best to speedrun this little monster.


1st run I left a secret but managed to kill every monster, found the left secret via noclip.

2nd time around found a good strat to reach the secret invul and open any door left, theres some luck involved but I think It can be done

in around 6 min (not counting the secrets). Not sure why I always end speedrunning your maps buddy, its becoming a fun tradition.










Edited by Soulless

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@Soulless always nice to hear from you buddy


That 7 min par time is NUTS - kudos - if you re-download it you will see that is the new par time to beat - oh, and @azerty I forgot to mention when you turned the lights off it hid the button and I see that was confusing, and stupid on my part - it now looks like this:





So far these are the only changes I felt like making post release


@Soulless thanks so much for sharing your experience - totally unexpected material is always my goal! I am very interested you found a use for the invlun, TBH I thought it was kind of in a crummy place where you have to run out a long hallway as it wears off, or get blasted running in to grab it. It's so intriguing to me how you keep finding unique ways to approach my maps - fascinating stuff!

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Just now, HrnekBezucha said:

There should be cacowards for wad titles :D This is amazing. Lighthearted murder haha


I have no idea how this title actually came to me and I couldn't even do it justice with the map I made lol

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2 minutes ago, Clippy said:


I have no idea how this title actually came to me and I couldn't even do it justice with the map I made lol

You kidding? That is no ordinary bleeder. This is ULTRABLEEDER

Also, neat Metalocalypse reference. Best show intro ever




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6 minutes ago, HrnekBezucha said:

You kidding? That is no ordinary bleeder. This is ULTRABLEEDER

Also, neat Metalocalypse reference. Best show intro ever

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I'm actually excited for the movie they better finish the story off already unlike the last movie where they didn't. Those jerks. I want to know what happens with that master selectica guy 

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1 minute ago, Clippy said:


I'm actually excited for the movie they better finish the story off already unlike the last movie where they didn't. Those jerks. I want to know what happens with that master selectica guy 


I thought it was axed by the network, and all future developments of the show's story ceased.. Really curious what's the deal with the g man accountant. Guess some stories are not meant to be told ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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8 minutes ago, HrnekBezucha said:

@Clippy also, how'd you do the secret where you need to bump into the ceiling? That's really neat and I haven't seen it before


The sector is joined with the switch sector. They function as one. Bumping your head makes both lower. With all my maps feel free to explore them in the editor 


Ps metalocapylse , venture Bros & aqua teen all getting movies soon to wrap up each franchise



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2 minutes ago, Clippy said:

The sector is joined with the switch sector. They function as one. Bumping your head makes both lower. With all my maps feel free to explore them in the editor

 Ooooh, neat! Good thinking!


3 minutes ago, Clippy said:

Ps metalocapylse , venture Bros & aqua teen all getting movies soon to wrap up each franchise

Huh, well I'm curious again. Hope we finally get some conclusion

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