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John Romero releases first new Doom II map to support UN/Red Cross relief in Ukraine

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As expected, an excellent map, full of twists and surprises. Zero Revenants = proof they are a crap enemy which should be ignored by the modding community for the rest of time. Maybe we can all agree on one source port which hard-codes them out of the game.


I desperately need to learn from Romero how to make tight levels where you always know where you are, and every location fits with the theme, but is unique and memorable. I also appreciate how well the ammo is balanced. It was not a map dominated by the SSG. I was just about down to fists by the end, further solidifying how well crafted the map is. Lighting is also one of Romero's great strengths. Nothing feels like DOOM the way a Romero map feels like DOOM.

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This is a great cause and I applaud Romero for doing this.
But let´s face the truth, if some no name mapper would do this, like 95% of would not give a crap.
In fact, even without the donation attachted to it, the map would not get such insane reception.

That being said, it is a fine map with interesting elements and Romero is a great person and an amazing mapper.
His maps are one of the main reason why Doom1 and 2 are as good as they are, but the amount of praise is bit biased.

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6 minutes ago, Shawny said:

This is a great cause and I applaud Romero for doing this.
But let´s face the truth, if some no name mapper would do this, like 95% of would not give a crap.
In fact, even without the donation attachted to it, the map would not get such insane reception.


But same could be said about every famous Person or Group ;)


If Metallica releases a medicore Track they have done while bored, it will get more Attention as a Master Piece of a upcoming Band.


The Attempt of this Map wasn't to make the best you have ever played.

It was to give you some Fun for spending Money to help People while using his Fame to accomplish that.


Thats totally ok and a good Act.

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I think this is a wonderful thing - everybody should be able to afford the minimum of five bucks for this good cause and for a fun map to play everybody wins. Except me I got my ass kicked lol! But I had fun playing and want to play it some more. Also I find it inspiring from a mappers perspective some of the things I saw in here. This is all together a wonderful thing everybody


Here's my blind run anywho 



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Just now, Rudolph said:

What map does One Humanity replace?




And as for everyone else, can we just stop arguing.

Buy the wad, support Ukraine or don't. It's up to you, but we don't need a running commentary of why you're not buying it.

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1 minute ago, Kinsie said:

MAP01, for convenience sake.

remember to use IDMUS## to change the music! D_RUNNIN does NOT suit this map

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This map is a lot of fun, and despite it kicking my ass 4 times, I still can't wait to get back into it because none of the deaths felt excessively cheap (although I always feel a bit annoyed by Arch-Viles, I'm sure there's a good technique for that encounter I haven't figured out yet). I love that Romero's style feels straight out of 1994 (in a good way) and is distinctively his own. Can't wait for SIGIL 2!

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5 minutes ago, Pistoolkip said:

remember to use IDMUS## to change the music! D_RUNNIN does NOT suit this map

What track would you suggest instead?


In fact, has anyone asked Romero about this yet?

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Just now, Rudolph said:

What track would you suggest instead?


In fact, has anyone asked Romero about this yet?

I just did IDMUS07 or IDMUS08

But I didn't really look around to see what would be a better fit. I guess he didn't want to reuse one of Sigils tracks?


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Too bad, vanilla Doom II does not allow you to revive your fallen comrades and bring them medikits: it would have been thematically perfect! :)

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Bless Romero's soul for doing this. Just bought the wad, looking forward to playing it.

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4 hours ago, NaturalTvventy said:

As expected, an excellent map, full of twists and surprises. Zero Revenants = proof they are a crap enemy which should be ignored by the modding community for the rest of time. Maybe we can all agree on one source port which hard-codes them out of the game.


And replaces all Revenants in any map with Arch-viles?



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Just bought and played. Really fun! If this is part of Sigil 2, I can see this being a mid-game map difficulty-wise. The part after the red door killed me more times than I would like to admit, but that may have been due to the lack of health I had. The Archvile trap is pretty nasty there. The start is pretty hot too, and having 2 cybs show up later would be very, very mean if there wasn't a BFG. Visually, it looks pretty good too. Hopefully Sigil 2 is well on its way to being released, cause this was really fun! Insane to think nearly 30 years later Romero can still make incredibly solid Doom levels. And the money spent on buying this went to a great cause.

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16 minutes ago, TJG1289 said:

if there wasn't a BFG

Wait, there was a BFG? Aw man…

Edited by Jaccident

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17 minutes ago, Jaccident said:

Wait, there was a BFG? Aw man…


Unmarked secret within a secret


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Well my blind playthru was a disaster so hopefully this redeems me lol - it was a rush and a half to pull this off let me tell ya - invigorating I think my heart exploded



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23 hours ago, Revenant100 said:

But what's the complevel for the map?


Edit: The readme states it's limit-removing, complevel 2. The WAD has an embedded MAPINFO lump and BEX patch (not plain DeHackEd) that only sets the map name and par time. The given "Map Name" in the readme provides a clear hint as to the origin of the level.


22 hours ago, dew said:

yes it's a Sigil 2 map.


Some interesting insights into Sigil 2, I expected it to be just limit removing, not Boom.


This is a cool idea, I purchased a copy of the map and as corny as it sounds it does feel nice to help in some small way.

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Bought it and played it, and it was very much interesting, and not easy at all! Should be interesting to speedrun this, and I can't wait to see what Romero has in store for us! He really LOVES hitscanners, which are nightmare for those who play, well, nightmare.

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An updated .zip was just released, containing an additional README.txt with documentation and instructions to install/run stuff.

Also, in one-humanity.txt, the SIGIL 2 tell-tale was removed: "MAP01: S2MAP05" -> "MAP01: one-humanity.wad"


Edit: and a second update to add a request to one-humanity.txt: "We ask only that you consider making a donation to the Ukranian Red Cross or the UN Central Emergency Response Fund.  https://redcross.org.ua/en/"

Edited by Xymph

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I will support this! Great that Romero releases his first Doom 2 Map since 1994. And nice that the money goes for a good purpose!

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On 3/3/2022 at 2:42 AM, Biodegradable said:

I bought a copy. I hate how powerless I've felt watching this stuff happening in my newsfeed and unable to make some kind of significant donation to Ukraine. 

Here, I can vouch for it: https://supportukrainenow.org/donate

All trusted funds, both Ukrainian and foreign. Includes accounts of Ukrainian government.


I personally donate 1000 UAH daily (thanks to my company which lets me be a philanthropist).

Edited by Dimon12321

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10 hours ago, Xymph said:

Also, in one-humanity.txt, the SIGIL 2 tell-tale was removed: "MAP01: S2MAP05" -> "MAP01: one-humanity.wad"

This was supposed to be map 5? Wow, I thought it would be mid-game given the difficulty. I could see this as a map 12 or something. If this is map 5, I bet Sigil 2 is going to be much, much harder than Doom 2. 

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