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A New DoomWorld Community Project - Anyone to Join?

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Hello DoomWorld!

In these crazy times, what the world needs most is unity.

What better to unify people than obliterating monsters!




So, I propose a community project, but this time you can express yourself.

Map one level, any theme, and we'll throw them together.

We can go from Sci-fi, to Western, to Fantasy etc.

-Doom 2


-Map one level, any theme, and we'll throw them together.

We can go from Sci-fi, to Western, to Fantasy etc. 

It can contain non-hostile entities, custom weapons, monsters etc.

-There is no deadline... yet


I have a few maps in the making, I'll contribute too... but what I really need is you!


Tell me if you'd like to get involved.








Edited by HellGhost

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In addition to the advice Biodegradable gave. Keep in mind the assets that could pile up from this, if its a continuous set of maps then multiple custom weapons or a mishmash of features can very quickly turn into something unmanageable. Better to have something with a tighter focus, though its not my project and I'm just giving advice.

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I agree with the friend [@Snaxalotl] and I have a test map that I'm finishing, but it has in its source some new items, modified vanilla monsters, custom weapons, new monsters, sounds, textures, brightmaps, all customized. It would really be a mess to combine with other projects so different. Tell me where I can send the wad when you're done.

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Personally, I'm less likely to join a community map if it doesn't offer something to breed creativity.


Something like:

- A strong theme or setting

- Mapping restrictions

- A unique gimmick

- a specific format



Additionally, your announcement post also shows a lack of experience in running these things. Running and compiling a community project is hard, and the more styles of mapping and resources you allow, the more difficult it will become to do compiling and bug-fixing.


Having had some bad experience with a community project recently, I wouldn't want to invest that amount of time again unless I trust in the project lead and the project really appeals to me. 



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I'm agreeing with the other guys here by saying that this project needs more organization and some sort of stronger gimmick, at least a universal texture pack like OTEX will be strongly accepted both from mappers and project leader by not having a million of sources to compile.


Btw your idea is a interesting concept, even if there's already a pair of "free for all" theme projects around there, just needs a unique gimmick to accompany your project and it will be cool!


Some idea I've got about this:

  • Project based upon the "Pacifist run" gameplay (Exit as fast as possible on skill 4, without hurting monsters either directly or indirectly (no barrels)).
  • Project based upon exploration of various places?

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May I also add I'd probably wait a little later in the month, maybe even mid April before getting a new comm project rolling? Off the top of my head I can think already of 3-4 projects with a deadline of April 1st, lots of community-inclined mappers are probably in the crunching stage (I sure am) and unlikely to embark in something new at the moment. 

Edited by Thelokk
what is grammar

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4 hours ago, HellGhost said:

Hello DoomWorld!

In these crazy times, what the world needs most is unity.

What better to unify people than obliterating monsters!



Your enthusiasm is admirable. Please do not take anything anyone has said here as being intentionally negative and trying to shut you down. You have to remember that a lot of us here have been in the community a long time, and we have seen many projects come and fail due to a lot of enthusiasm being mixed with not enough grasping of the practical realities of managing a large project. You are new to the community, and on the whole we like to foster and encourage new people and talent. Take the advice people have given here, and do not try to sprint before you can crawl. Good things take time, patience and practice. Make some maps, release them, get feedback, learn and adapt, and maybe then people will like the idea of getting involved in a project run by you.

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Playtester and occasional musician will suffice here, if you need. But I would recommend waiting a bit later as Thelokk said and improving the premise to be more inclusive and descriptive as several others have said.

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39 minutes ago, Doomkid said:

You guys mind if old man Doomkid rants for a moment?


Seeing enthusiastic but inexperienced community project threads pop up always reminds me of what a gigachad @Tango is.


Way back in about ‘03 or ‘04 I tried making a project called “Community Co-op” on the long-dead Skulltag forums (or maybe it was the Doom Connector forums.. it’s been a while). I knew a thing or two about about making maps.. but that was all I knew. I could bust out a barren 1995ish map, and that was about all I could do. (edit: shit, that’s STILL all I can do.. well, anyway..)


Tango somehow took my peasant-ass little Map01 for this Ill-fated project and turned it from generic rubbish into goddamn gold, for the time anyway. I think, due to his massive improvement on my map and assistance from him in terms of project guidance, we actually did get a few submissions in time.. but it’s all long lost down the memory hole.


I wonder if Tango remembers that shit. Having a talented and friendly person back me up when I was so clearly in over my head was one of the many examples of an event that made me love the community that much more, and stick around for so many years after.


@Murdoch making sure to toss a positive note in for @HellGhost kinda reminded me of that distant old memory.. We want to give newbies advice and set them straight, but it’s good to remember to do so in a way that keeps that passion and energy they clearly have alive and burning :)



(rocks back and forth in creaky rocking chair, smokes a comically large wooden pipe, gazes off into the distance...)


Fascinating story to hear about the good ol'days, though, honestly, I didn't get a particularly negative or dismissive vibe from the replies so far. Mine, at least, surely wasn't meant to!

Edited by Thelokk

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Whoops, I didn’t mean to imply the responses were negative, hehe - Something about Joel’s post just triggered that old memory.

There are (thankfully very rare) times where I’ve thought a newbie was being piled on, but this definitely wasn’t one of them!

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Thanks everyone!

I didn't actually think that any of your posts were negative... just constructive feedback.

Although I am new to doomworld, I actually have been modding for a long time so there's not too much to worry about with that.

The reason It's not so guided was because I wanted to test the waters of this community. Some communities are guided towards one type of map... it's very specific.

I'll take all your advice into mind.

I'm still gonna try and see if anyone wants to get involved but I doubt it.

Heh, It's amazing how a date can change someone's attitude towards you...

Thanks guys!


Keep doomin'


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Do you have a map, or even just anything (a custom sprite or etc) lying around that you could add to the OP to demonstrate to people that you have a little experience?


It's not that I doubt you, rather, people are more willing to toss in a map when they know the project will "go somewhere" and a snippet of your modding resume will help give people that assurance! It doesn't even have to be anything more than a C grade map really, but that little "proof of experience" just goes such a long way in rallying people for a community project! Even a half-decent lone screenshot will usually suffice.

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2 hours ago, Doomkid said:

You guys mind if old man Doomkid rants for a moment?


Seeing enthusiastic but inexperienced community project threads pop up always reminds me of what a gigachad @Tango is.


Way back in about ‘03 or ‘04 I tried making a project called “Community Co-op” on the long-dead Skulltag forums (or maybe it was the Doom Connector forums.. it’s been a while). I knew a thing or two about about making maps.. but that was all I knew. I could bust out a barren 1995ish map, and that was about all I could do. (edit: shit, that’s STILL all I can do.. well, anyway..)


Tango somehow took my peasant-ass little Map01 for this Ill-fated project and turned it from generic rubbish into goddamn gold, for the time anyway. I think, due to his massive improvement on my map and assistance from him in terms of project guidance, we actually did get a few submissions in time.. but it’s all long lost down the memory hole.


I wonder if Tango remembers that shit. Having a talented and friendly person back me up when I was so clearly in over my head was one of the many examples of an event that made me love the community that much more, and stick around for so many years after.


@Murdoch making sure to toss a positive note in for @HellGhost kinda reminded me of that distant old memory.. We want to give newbies advice and set them straight, but it’s good to remember to do so in a way that keeps that passion and energy they clearly have alive and burning :)



(rocks back and forth in creaky rocking chair, smokes a comically large wooden pipe, gazes off into the distance...)

Hey, I remember that project. I think I even submitted my very first public map to it as well. I might even still have it somewhere on my hard drive!


Anyway, to back other people's posts up, when hosting a community project please provide at least some sort of texture pack, and some of your own work.

Screenshots of a general idea will do wonders to lead people into what your project's aim is going to be, and helps them get inspired by the general theme.


Welcome to Doomworld :)

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Yeah, I have a map.

I'll put it up in just a sec.

Well, at least no one can say I didn't try...

Anyways I'll throw it up here, just a mo.

The reason I can put it up now is because I'm on my mac.... need to get onto windows hah.

Well, thanks you guys in being relatively friendly, but really helpful.

Edited by HellGhost

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27 minutes ago, Terminus said:

Hey, I remember that project. I think I even submitted my very first public map to it as well. I might even still have it somewhere on my hard drive!


I totally agree with @Doomkid, That would be nice to see / have a try :)

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11 hours ago, Walter confetti said:

Project based upon exploration of various places?

That was actually what I was going for. I was gonna have the protagonist as an explorer, and have them travel through groups of themed maps

e.g. start in the sci-fi section, move to fantasy etc.

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11 minutes ago, HellGhost said:

That was actually what I was going for. I was gonna have the protagonist as an explorer, and have them travel through groups of themed maps

e.g. start in the sci-fi section, move to fantasy etc.


Only caveat I'd have with this theme is that it def needs a single, unified resource pack provided. With such a variety of genres, if everyone pulls in their own textures and such... well, let's say I'm glad I wouldn't be the one who has to compile the megawad XD 

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Well, I'd compile the megawad.

This community isn't very enthusiastic to get involved so I guess I should wait until I've finished my other TC.

Well, sorry guys. 

Eh, I doubt it was something anyone was interested in from the beginning. Y'know, I had a gut feeling I shouldn't have done it.

Thanks for all the helpful advice though. 

I actually really wanted to do this, to prove to the community that we really can do it, despite our doomworld age.

Edited by HellGhost

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3 minutes ago, HellGhost said:

prove to the community that I really can do it, despite my doomworld age.


No offense meant  but... kind of a rickety motivation to get a comm project going. Would make me feel a bit... you know, 'used' for someone else's ends? Community projects should be about the community, not the individual hosting them. 

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Ok, rephrase. 

Being Russian, and a "newbie" is a means for a lot of hate in doom community.

I wanted people to know that being new, or being Russian shouldn't make a difference.

I was aiming this at "newbies" so hopefully they wouldn't be looked down on like I often get looked down on.

Not explicitly talking about this community. It seems very welcoming and very nice.

Edited by HellGhost

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I think a CP that was specific to newbies would be awesome.

Most projects either have a quality standard, or don't... so as a newbie you can join a "welcome to all" project, but your maps might stand out in a negative way when placed next to experts.


On the other hand, a project that denies entry to people who are too experienced might be nice. That way the participants can focus on learning together, instead of feeling overshadowed (which easily happens without anyone being mean about it - it's hard not to compare yourself to the screenshots in the thread!). Also, the megawad itself would have a more consistent level of "quality." I put that in quotes because I have a fondness for beginner maps, with all their quirks. 

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Nobody here with half a brain is going to hate you because you're new, or Russian. Nobody even knew you were Russian until you just made that post, unless I'm missing something. Not that there's anything wrong with sharing who you are, especially if the purpose is to unite people.


In fact, nobody hates you at all. The problem is that your thread pretty much consists of telling people "I want to lead a project, now make me a map". We get a lot of threads like that here, and they all get the same response. So it's nothing personal.


I'd recommend putting together a map of your own and sharing it, and revising your goal in terms of themes/textures. Asset pile up isn't something a new mapper should have to worry about.

Edited by TheMagicMushroomMan

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Hah, having people know that your Russian, with the war in Ukraine sparks issues amongst the misinformed. 

I have a few maps going. 

I'm gonna keep this thread open, go back to my TC, and I'll keep the maps, and anyone who wants to give me a chance I'll be grateful.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/3/2022 at 9:50 AM, Doomkid said:

I wonder if Tango remembers that shit.


I do in fact :D


I'm actually quite sad I lost that map - it ended up being something that really propelled my mapping skills forward as I gave it that overhaul. the post-overhaul version is so etched in my mind that I honestly can't really remember what it looked like before, but I do remember thinking it was a kickass map. and that Super Mario RPG midi is really excellent too hah, that track is so nostalgic to me entirely because of that map.


I regret that we don't have more record of that project, even at least in the form of forum backups. I am quite certain I did a garbage job with the project, and iirc it also stressed me out a lot which is why I ended up trying to hand it off to someone. we definitely had a very cool map from @Mechadon that absolutely blew me away, and another from Th0r, but that might have been it before the project petered out. very fond memories in any case, thanks for reminding me Doomkid :D


(sorry for continuing this unrelated topic HellGhost D:)

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