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Abyssal Speedmapping Session 63 - something something Maple Story powerleveling

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Friendly reminder that Persephone and her army of Sun Goblins are performing their annual ritual where they steal an hour from several million people between now and ASS day.  Plan accordingly.

Edited by TMD

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Thanks Obsidian, it was quite fun. Something caused my mic to crap out half way through, but the map is done. That's what matters, heh.

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Good stuff, quite fun speedmapping.

1 minute ago, Dusty_Rhodes said:

Something caused my mic to crap out half way through

You're not the only one? ..shit.

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I'm done with my map. Hope it will be accepted.




Title: Small Sea Fort

Author: Walter

Theme: 45 degrees (at least i tried)

New music: Ecco the Dolphin - Title

Build time: 1 hour and 45 minutes, including pee, testing and also a system reboot of my laptop.

Description: An easy map. These textures are wonderful.

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That was fun! Basically flamed out after one hour, I need to get better at this still, but just like make map and I made a map.


Also the map title is not a fiction, I really had that song on a loop before, while and after mapping...

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Took me longer to make something I found satisfying, but only 35-40 minutes extra + a resource I'm new to isn't so bad. Hopefully I have time for the next round! Grief Stroganoff needs a sibling, after all.

Edited by PasokonDeacon

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