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HellGhost's Thank You to Doomworld - #1: Rookie

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Hello Doomworld!

Thank you everyone out there for helping me so often in getting started in the Doomworld community.

I haven't done too much in this community but I feel like I owe it to every member here.

But, these people have consistently helped me in getting started.

@Doomkid Eternal thanks to always popping up in the ridiculous things I've said. You always seem to appear in people's posts and always seem to help out, spark ideas or just be friendly. You definitely helped me calm down, stop being overly enthusiastic, and just settle into this incredible community.

- @Murdoch You also seem to appear in plenty of things I've said. You're undyingly helpful and seem to say curious things that get me thinking. You really showed me my way into this community.

- @Biodegradable You have said some great things that have got me thinking. You showed me links and are always helpful. Thank you again.

I just got started in the Doomworld community, although I have doom modded for a long time, I've decided to go public. Social Anxiety is a beast, as one wise gazebo once said. I got really over excited and decided to start a community project: the naivety! I've settled down now, and I'm gonna focus on one fucking thing at a time! This community has really showed me an actual purpose, I've done this as a hobby, but it felt so enclosed. So now I'm opening up. Hello Doomworld! Everyone here is helpful and kind. Infinite thanks to everyone. I'm gonna occasionally do these to commend this incredible community. 


Keep Doomin'


Edited by HellGhost

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Don't take me the wrong way, I want you to be enthusiastic! It's a good thing, after all. Hope you stick around here and am looking forward to seeing some wads and mods from you in time.

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