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Repeating MIDIs in the same WAD - good or not?


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I don't really mind, seems this tradition to include same midi in different level but same at the same mapset is kind of dead. It gives some charm that was lost long time ago... I guess that's why I can remember old school megawad music like Memento Mori, because of several reused tracks through various levels. 

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It can be used for storytelling purposes, like in some RPGs or anime when the title theme starts playing, letting you know shit's about to go down. With DooM the storytelling aspect is weaker, but I reckon it can still be used to great effect, especially in GZDooM wads.

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On 3/8/2022 at 3:22 AM, Zaxxon said:

I don't think of specific anime, because i don't like anime, in fact, i hate anime.


That's a relief.


(I knew of a guy named Zaxxon on another forum who was a creepy pedo who loved to sexualize underage anime characters, so I'm glad you're not him.)

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I don’t mind at all. All unique, a few repeats, a remix here or there, I’m pretty easy going. If it’s a jam I like then it’s good to hear it again.


I might only be disappointed if it’s the stock music for the level it’s replacing, and that honestly sounds petty because I like the vanilla tracks anyways; they might’ve thought the track appropiate for their level and didn’t change it.

Edited by BGrieber

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I prefer each level have a different song, given using OBSIDIAN's music randomizer to use lumps in a music WAD replacing everything and mixing everything around, I'd rather not run into that time a following level uses the same music again. This also applies to user made maps, especially megawads, episodic or multi-map releases.

Variety is the spice of life, after all.

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