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What is your favorite font?

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Fonts. You see them everyday, and lots of text you see is in a font of some kind.


I don't really have a favorite font, I just choose the one that looks nice. But if I had to choose, it would be Arial.

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Verdana, Size 12. Everything else makes my eyes hurt.


These are my settings, for those interested:



Edited by HavoX

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Computer Modern Serif, the default for (older?) versions of LaTeX, and also available as a OTF file these days.  It's just so sexy and readable, especially with good typesetting :9


But for my GUI theme, I prefer Avenir.  It's nice and clean.  Eurostile looks cool as well, but only for window titles/signs/etc IMO.


Mason and Copperplate Gothic are also favorites.  In fact Mason is what I use for my Partition 36 logo and a bunch of titles.

One font I definitely do not like is the overused Helvetica typeface.

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Bahnschrift or Arial are probably my favorites.


When I was little, I liked the 'Jokerman' font - I used it for all of my assignment titles.


Now I think it looks ghastly.

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Verdana 8,10 and 11. And if you can turn off the font antialiasing it's way better (bold is GOAT).


Wish I could use it aliased on my OBS layouts but fonts look like shit when you deactivate antialiasing. For a while I used Verdana on a Stream Elements overlay with font antialiasing turned off on my windows laptop, but i got tired of seeing websites with crooked fonts because almost all of them use non-integer sizes ffs


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3 hours ago, Arrowhead said:


We are best friends now.


3 hours ago, Arrowhead said:


We are no longer best friends.

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Comic Sans MS. And I say that because it annoys people around me and I like that.



...What do you mean I have to be sent to the mental ward?

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Lucida Console, as seen in Dinosaur Comics. It even makes I, l, 1 and | look completely distinct from one another!

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2 hours ago, thiccyosh said:

Comic Sans MS. And I say that because it annoys people around me and I like that.

The amateur troll says "Comic Sans", the professional troll says "Papyrus".



Anyways. For serious printed documents I'm partial to Garamond. For fancy stuff I have no particular preference, I like to have a large collection of varied fonts in a lot of different styles.

Edited by Gez

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I will admit to being quite fond of Calibri. I use it wherever I can.

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Oh man, where do I even start? I get to use a lot of different fonts in my work editing videos for people. Bauhaus is probably one of my top favourites along with the Futurama font. Lemon Milk is another one I've used a lot. I like a lot of bold, sans serif fonts. I used to use Times New Roman a lot back during my writing diploma days at university.

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5 hours ago, thiccyosh said:

Comic Sans MS. And I say that because it annoys people around me and I like that.



...What do you mean I have to be sent to the mental ward?


I actually like Comic Sans, it is easy to read.

People getting mad about it are the same that are mad because People play on HMP.


I like Arial, i am often using Impact at Work, when i am printing something that has to be good and easy readable at first glance.

I am also like Lucida Console ^^




And do not forget.

The Font also using here right now, is more that a thousand Years older than that for Example:






It is somehow crazy, that Stuff from the Year 1 is more readable than Stuff from the 19th and the Middle Ages.



Edited by Azuris

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Gotta hand it to my boy, Ariel Rounded MT Bold.

I used that font ALL the time in High school. It's a nice balance of Comic sans' goofiness and curves and Ariel's more professional look.

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Always been a fan of DejaVu variants, particularly DejaVu Sans Light and DejaVu Sans Mono.

Arial, Bauhaus, Ubuntu.

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I don't have a favourite font, but I do have a dumb font joke.


What do you pay when you import a fancy font? The serif tariff.


It isn't even really a joke.

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