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What is your favorite font?

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A little Rant when we are talking about Fonts:


Who in the name of the Icon of Sin decided to use grey Fonts on grey Backgrounds?



I am using very much Power BI lastly and it is so annoying when i forget to set a "Design" .


Use Black on White.

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Overall, I've always been a fan of the Impact font.

For English, I'm preferential to Calibri; for Japanese, Meiryo.

They're both easy to read and are a delight to look at.

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There will always be a spot in my heart for Westminster. It was my go-to when I was a youngin making silly little games through Klik & Play.

Edited by BGrieber
forgot a “t”, egads! oh no! how can this be, he forgot a “t”

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Cormorant is the prettiest serif font I have seen. I don't know what it is about it, maybe the wide variance in line width, it just has immaculate aesthetics.


The Noto font family is notable for being one of the most expansive font families out there, and it does some things I really like, for example putting lines on the I so that it's easily distinguishable from lowercase L. Good default fonts if nothing else.

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  On 3/6/2022 at 2:06 PM, Azuris said:

And do not forget.

The Font also using here right now, is more that a thousand Years older than that for Example:






It is somehow crazy, that Stuff from the Year 1 is more readable than Stuff from the 19th and the Middle Ages.





You can thank the Humanists for that development. At some point a group of them decided that the more 'gothic' script in common usage was too inelegant and they pushed for what they considered a more 'proper' writing style that they developed based on Roman etchings and scripts (modern upper case letters are very similar to what you'd see carved in stone while lower case letters are more like what a Roman would actually write on paper. These lettering styles weren't commonly mixed until the Humanists started doing it).


I like a lot of the scripts used in the Middle Ages, though, if they weren't so difficult to transcribe quickly I'd probably write like that unironically. That, and I actually want other people to be able to read my handwriting.


As for my favourite font, Times New Roman. Perfectly legible for anyone yet not as bare-bones and boring as whatever passes for a 'user-friendly' font nowadays. It was the default font for a long time for a reason.

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