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why the doom 3 plasma gun?


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Over all i think the weapon redesigns in doom 2016 are good but im just bothered by the plasma gun. Why whould they pick the doom 3 version. It just looks like a gun from halo not doom. And why couldn't they just create a new design or use the classic doom one. Thankfully they changed it in eternal.

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1 hour ago, Dyshoria software said:

Over all i think the weapon redesigns in doom 2016 are good but im just bothered by the plasma gun. Why whould they pick the doom 3 version. It just looks like a gun from halo not doom. And why couldn't they just create a new design or use the classic doom one. Thankfully they changed it in eternal.

So basically your post is,

"Why did they use a weapon style from doom, it looks like it's not from Doom."


Really confused about your position there.

Edited by Edward850

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Yeah, sounds a bit paradox :D


I personally like the Mixture between the classic Dooms and Doom 3 in Doom 2016.


I often found myself trying to take the Flashlight out to kill a lying Corpse...

The Paranoia that they will stand up is burned into me.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Doom 3 is part of Doom 2016s DNA. There is the plasma rifle, the Hell Knight and other things.


The plasmagun in Doom 3 was an early prototype and the Doom 2016 version looks like a more streamlined and advanced type of that design.

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I have no clue what Halo game you played but the Doom 3 Plasma Rifle looks more like it's from F.E.A.R if anything, it's sci-fi yet very rustic, dark and utilitarian.






The Doom 2016 Plasma Rifle is inspired by Doom 3's yet has its own design, it's a lot more leaning on high sci-fi (which fits Doom 2016's UAC's overall clean white artstyle).


You can talk shit about the 2016 gun all you like but I won't have you outright slander my baby, the Doom 3 plasma gun.

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